Okay, third chappy. Sorry I haven't updated this one in a while, been kinda busy with my other fics.

First Kiss

"I know Rain, I know."

"No, I really don't think you do."

"What?! Are you mad? I was down there as well you know!"

"Yeah! Were you the one who lost all her team one by one, get bitten so many times it would of killed them, saw their superior officer gets chopped up into cubes and loose their best friend down there to those fucking things that they want to release up here!!"

"Guys! Shut up!" Matt hissed, a second to late. The two umbrella scientists came out of the room and saw them crouched by the door. Alice and Rain looked up at them and one opened his mouth to shout for help but before he could even get the first letter out, Matt had pinned them to the wall and covered their mouths. Rain and Alice just crouched there, stunned.

"A bit of help might be useful here." Matt said, glaring at them, while trying to restrain the struggling scientists.

"Oh right." Alice replied, shaking her head slightly and standing up with Rain and restraining the scientists. Rain walked into the room and found some tubing and brought it over so they could tie them up. They tied the scientists to two chairs and took their guns and pointed them at the heads, just to make it clear that if they tried anything they would end up with a bullet in their skulls.

"Okay, so now what do we do?" Rain asked, looking down at the men who probably ordered for her to be experimented on. She began to tense, clenching and unclenching her fists.

"First you need to calm down." Alice said, placing her hand over Rain's. Rain looked up into her eyes for a second and then looked down again and nodded.

"Right." Alice walked up to one of the scientists, the one they had seen earlier talking about re-opening the Hive. "Why do you want to re-open the Hive?"

Rain sank down to sit by the wall. Alice placed a hand on Matt's shoulder and he nodded. She walked away from him and crouched in front of Rain.

"Rain?" she asked quietly. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm..." she looked up. "Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Really? Cause you don't look like it to me."

"I...I just..." She looked down at the floor.

"You just what?" Alice asked, reaching her hand down and cupping it under Rain's face and bringing it up to look at her.

"It doesn't matter." Rain said trying to look away.

"Well it matters to me." Rain looked up into the green-blue of her eyes. She stared there for a second. Alice leant in and slowly captured Rain's bruised lips in her own.

"Rain. Alice. A little help here." Matt said still facing the scientists. Rain broke away and looked once more at Alice before getting up and going over to Matt.

"Shit." Alice muttered. She was sure she'd ruined everything now.

Okay people so what do you think? You finally got some Alice/Rain in there due to popular demand. I'm not sure if I'll continue this fic, it depends on the reviews, so this one is in your hands.