A.N.: Final chapter is up!!! Thanx to all of you people who reviewed. You'd been so helpful,
friendly and encouraging. I really appreciated it! Thanx to all the
other people who assured me to do this and who helped me translating.


It had been four weeks since the attack. Danny had been released from hospital two weeks earlier and was cleared for duty on Monday.

Andrea, who hadn't been forced to give her evidence in front of the jury - now Brooks was dead - had returned to the clinic in Vermont.

They were still observing Laurence Bellet to get a hold on Brook's accomplice, but there hadn't been any progress so far. Still there was no danger emerging from him either. He'd been assigned to help Brooks to stay out of prison and now that Brooks was dead, his task was over.

At the moment Danny was sitting at Jack's private office, awaiting whatever was next to happen. Jack had informed him he wanted to talk to him and had asked him to come in today, before he was supposed to start work again.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm still a little short of breath from time to time, but that'll be okay..."

Jack had wanted to keep their conversation constructive, but it wouldn't work. He barely had a hold on his temper since Danny entered the room and he wasn't willing to make him believe he tolerated his behavior. He'd put them all into concern, had endangered his life and the life of his sister and had broken almost every rule the department had. And,..., he'd scared the hell out of all of them. So finally Jack just let loose.

"Goddamn it Danny! You could have gotten killed out there!"

"I know Jack, I know! But I had to, I had to protect her. It was..."

"It was bloody stupid!"

Danny knew Jack was right. There was nothing he could say to make it any better and he didn't want to defend himself. He had been wrong, no question about that. It had been a mistake, but being trapped in the situation it had seemed right. He could only try to explain it.

"It has been a mistake, yes. I see that now, too. But when I was forced to decide what to do, it seemed to be the best thing I could do to protect her. I was afraid, taking her into custody and trying to protect her with the help of the department, would endanger her more than trying to do it myself. I needed to take her somewhere where she wouldn't be found – a place nobody would ever find any connection to. At least not, if he didn't know the family.They'd found her in that hospital, they definitely would have found her here."

"You couldn't be sure of that. It's even worse: you were completely wrong. Your decision endangered your sister's life and made you end up in hospital!"

"I was sure at the moment! And apart from that, like you already said: she's my sister. You know she's a special kind of person. There's not many people she trusts in. It was my task, my responsibility, my family, my blood! So from my point of view there was no other option than protecting her by myself."

Jack gave him a slight smile and a nod. He had known this before, had even explained it like this before, although he really didn't like the motivation his agent had. He understood.

Danny knew he had mistaken in the decision he made, but it was too late to change that now. All Jack wanted was to make him see, that it was wrong and to make sure he'd never act that tempered, emotionally, quick and stupid once again.

"I just thought you'd have a little more faith, a little more trust into all of us."

There was no sign of reproach in his voice, it was just a simple question. Jack didn't mean to attack him, he simply wished to find out, if there would be a second time for this to happen. But from the deep effection on the younger agent's face, he could tell, there wouldn't.

"Well I do and I just hope you believe me. I know I didn't do much to prove that lately, but as I already said: I was wrong. And the only thing I clearly state is: I'm sorry, I really am."

He paused shortly and a smirk appeared on his face.

"So, you throw me out?"

"As much as you got on my nerves and I wished to do it in first place; there's no way, I can effort to lose you. So you'll be back on Monday and I'll keep an eye on you. Understood?"

"Okay,..., thanks, Jack. I really thank you."

He smiled again, then turned to leave the room. He was just about to open the door and step outside, when he was held back by Jack once again.



"Good to have you back here."

The end