Wow, I guess I've taken quite the break but after the year I've had its understandable. Here is your long awaited conclusion.

The Third Option

Hermione and Ginny were rushing down an old country road when Hermione grabbed Ginny's arm. "Gin, I can't do this, I just can't." The hedges on the either side of the road rustled ominously in the strong wind. It would be raining soon.

Ginny was not having it, "Shush, you've been through worse in worse condition, now get a move on."

"I'm not doing any all out fighting then." Hermione was being cautious, clearly, she had her unborn child to protect.

Ginny, who had began moving again stopped. "I wouldn't ask you to. Just stand and watch the door like a good girl. Oh, and if you could put on a pot of tea when we're done, that would be really spiffy."

Hermione knew what Ginny was doing, and it worked. "Fine have it your way, but if anything happens to me-"

"Why would it prissy-pants?" George interrupted.

Hermione's head swung around so fast that she bumped it into the other twin, Fred, who was close behind her, slightly out of breath.

Ginny was shocked, "What in the name of God do you both think you're doing here?"

Fred smirked, "Please, we've been bored since the war ended, so we're been keeping our ears perked for any sort of 'fun', looks like we've found some."

George put on a aristocratic voice, "However, please do not be angry with us, but it is our duties as brothers and uncles to accompany you lot of this outing. Hermione, you will be in the best of care. You have our word."

Hermione snorted, "Well in that case I should just go home, I'll be more useful there."

"Nonsense, get moving! We're marching to this house the rest of the way there." Fred said as he put his arms around the two girls in a brotherly fashion, and George ran out ahead of them, trimming the hedges into rather "unusual" shapes, which would makes any decent nun blush.


Ron looked at Harry, "Ok mate, which one should we deal with?"

He was referring to the options they had: One, stay and watch/try to become involved in helping Malfoy exact his revenge upon his own father. Or, two, go and finish Wormtail off. In Harry's mind, there really wasn't any big question. "Let's get him."

Ron smiled, "Excellent choice."

The two tore off, following the portly bald man as he sped into the heart of the manor.

Crashes could be heard downstairs, but the boys could pay no mind to it now, there was no reason to, they already had their mission and minds made up.

It was once said, revenge is like biting the dog, because the dog bit you. The dog bit you, hurt you, it could even have taken something away from you. Now, most people would leave it as, what a stupid dog and be scared the rest of their lives. Clearly these people were not Harry Potter. Ron was there two, but mostly out of loyalty to Harry, which doesn't make Ron's fight any less noble. But Harry was there to right wrongs committed before he could talk, before he was born. He was there to right a childhood of loss, of pain, of suffering. He was there to have his revenge of a man whose actions had sealed a child's fate. Something no once but God had a right to do. So, from the outside, people may say, you shouldn't bite a dog simply because it bit you, but they, the viewer, the outsider, do not and could not know the whole story. Harry was there to bit the dog, and show it exactly how much it hurts.

Harry and Ron chased Wormtail through rooms, galleries, halls, baths, up turrets, down turrets, they even took a jaunt through a strange zoo, which they hoped had been completely artificially made for it had a odd assortment of feathered elephants with extremely appalling intestinal problems. The room stank.

Finally, on the highest floor, Harry and Ron cornered Wormtail. The man was old now. The years of hiding had not been kind to him; Harry was pleased to see it.

Ron knew his job was to watch, this, no matter how much he wanted to be involved, was Harry's fight; Ron was here to make sure things ended right.

"How", pant, "have you been Harry, you look more like you father now than ever before."

Harry was livid, "How dare you talk about him. Don't mention any names of your victims; I am not here to grant you forgiveness. That job is no longer up to me."

"What are you going to do, kill me?"

Harry laughed.

Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny barged into the main hall, where Malfoy and his Father were dueling.

George was shocked at what he was seeing, "What?"

"Shut up and watch," Fred said. The two magicked popcorn and lawn chairs as only they would do and get away with.

Hermione laughed, and then was shaken as a curse narrowly missed her. "Gin, do you think they've even noticed us?"

"No, who cares if they have? We have to find Harry and Ron."

"That's ridiculous; they could be anywhere in here!" Hermione said, with a slight hysterical tone.

There was a tremendous crashing noise, it sounded like a demolition team was at work. "Ok, well…at least we know what direction to go in." Ginny said in a cheerful tone.

Harry wasn't a cruel man by nature. The years of emotional turmoil had made him have a slight mean streak, which he had always worked hard to avoid, to control and for years he had been successful. A man who loses control of his magic to his emotions is a dangerous man indeed. Harry was throwing every curse he could think of at Wormtail, who was dodging some, being nicked by the rest. Don't feel sorry for Wormtail though, he had picked up some nasty curses of his own in his years since the war officially ended.

Ron wasn't sure whether to laugh or be scared. So he settled on leaning against the wall, then it crumbled from a stray curse, "Ok, take it easy over there cowboy."

Hermione and Ginny burst in moments later. Harry turned in shock, just as he was hit with the killing curse. Wormtail even dropped his wand in shock.

"George, do you reckon we should be taping this?" Fred asked his twin brother.

"Two steps ahead of you man," as he motioned to the cameras floating around the blindingly bright battle, taping it from all directions. "Fred, we're going to be rich!"

"-er, you have to add the suffix, -er, as in we are going to be richer!" Fred stated as he and George magicked large Margaritas and they clinked their glasses, "Cheers".

A burst of Green light erupted in the hall; it crashed down from the ceiling. The beams from the two dueling Malfoy's wand connected and ricocheted off of each other, hitting each and turning them into towering birch trees. Wormtail came next, down and landed with a crash between the two. His crumpled body lay, unmoving. A blinding white light, and a familiar song bounced eerily off the walls of the marble room. A tall, thin old man stepped forward and turned to face the body, in a tired, old bothered voice he said, "You deserve this you know." And with that Dumbledore turned Peter Pettigrew into a marble statue.

The Weasley twins turned to each other with identical grins as they said in unison, "We are definitely going to be rolling in dough after this!"

Dumbledore silenced them with a wave of his arm, "Where is Harry?"

George chuckled, "I would expect right at the top of that hole this one came from," as he motioned to the now immobilized statue of Wormtail.

Dumbledore apparated to where his phoenix, Fawkes, was already.

Ginny sat, crossed legged in front of Harry's body, unsure of what to think. Hermione and Ron sat arms over one another leaning back to the remaining wall. Both thinking what they didn't dare say, Harry may really be dead this time.

Fawkes moved slightly, crying tears all over Harry, as Dumbledore stooped over to see to Harry. After a few moments Dumbledore let out a booming laugh.

Ron looked up, "What's so funny about this?"

"I laugh because, for whatever reason, this man has survived Aveda Kadavra once again."

Hermione coughed, and Ginny looked up into the clear pale blue eyes that belonged to Dumbledore. "Then why isn't he moving?"

"You wouldn't be moving either if you survived." Dumbledore said in his dead-pan style. "He needs rest; we'll take him to the school."

George interrupted, "He's not a student anymore. We should just take him to our hospital, the nurses all know him quite well…"

"No," Dumbledore said firmly, "He'll have no privacy there; we shall take him to the school."

Dumbledore created a portkey and magicked Harry and himself to Hogwarts, leaving the rest so apparate to the village and walk to the school in the dark.

Ron spoke first, "So, is this finally the end?"

Hermione smiled, "I should hope so, how much more of this can any of us survive?"

"Clearly the Malfoy's couldn't take it anymore, they made like a tree and leaf-ed" George tried.

Fred sputtered, "That was insulting to hear, as your brother and partner in crime, I must ban you from using tree jokes for a time, no less than one month."

Ginny cracked a smile she was too worried to handle anything else.

"OY! Hermione, hurry up!" George said.

Ron screamed back, she's pregnant, leave her be!"

Fred and George's faces cracked into identical grins, and Ron regretted telling them. They sprang into action, "been busy eh bro?" Ginny turned and laughed as she passed the iron gates into Hogwarts, Harry was safe, they had finally defeated Lord Voldemort and all his followers, but…she was now sure of it. Nothing about her and her life with Harry, and within her family would ever be safe. So this chapter may close, but the insanity that surrounded her would never be over. She smiled as she climbed the steps to Hogwarts, she had that warm fuzzy feeling from her childhood. The feeling, of security, of happiness, of love. She knew things were not perfect, yet, but else could she expect?

And as for Malfoy Manor, Harry saw to it immediately once he awoke that it was turned into a museum, into a memorial, to those dark days that he was born to end, that he lived to tell about. The tape Fred and George had made had disappeared for the while, but if you're willing to pay you can find it in the back of their shop. Lucius and Draco, stand tall and eerie. They have become a legend in their own right. They stand as a reminder of those terrible days, in the great hall, as living reminders.

Ginny and Harry have been married 2 years and are expecting there first child soon. Harry took the position of Headmaster after Dumbledore's much deserved retirement.

Sorry this took FOREVER. I am done with this story, there is not AMAZING way to end it other than they end up happy and it love… I am considering a spin off… Where Harry is Headmaster. Well.. I suppose you'll have to wait and see.

Review if you like, but only if it's nice! lol.. Do what you want…