The story begins during the scene where Quentin and his men have just come along and ripped out David's piercings, right after he says he helped Frank because he's like family.

Frank lifted David out of the chair that he sat so helplessly in, held him tightly by the shoulders and gazed into the face of the young man who had just risked his life for him.

Outside, he was fuming that this social reject had just referred to him as 'family' but on the inside... He was glad to be needed again.

Scoffing, Frank moved his face closer to David's, who moaned quietly in pain and struggled, but he was too weak to try to fight, and Frank held him fast.

"Shh," Frank whispered, and David's face inched towards his own as another soft cry escaped from between his injured lips. "I'm sorry."

"No, you didn't- didn't- I wanted to-"

"No, that's not what I mean," Frank caught David's gaze in his own and the young man started to shake with fear.

David moaned loudly as Frank pushed his lips suddenly against the torn, bleeding lips; David jerked back.

But Frank didn't let go of him just yet. He ran his tongue over the ripped flesh, tasting the fresh blood; David screamed and writhed in pain, wrapping his arms around Frank's shoulders, clawing desperately at his muscular neck and shoulders, as if begging for him to stop.

He thought he would pass out any moment now - although now it was numbing, and he almost started to enjoy it, this blissfully painful kiss of theirs.

Satisfied, Frank slowly pulled away, licking David's warm blood off his own lips, the copper-flavour burning into his tongue.

He leaned over to whisper in David's ear; "You were moaning so hopelessly... I wanted to try and make you scream with pleasure."

David looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, carefully trying to lick his swollen lower lip. "...You did," David admitted, his lips trembling.

There was a delighted spark that danced instantanously in Frank's eyes before he went cold again. He pushed David into Bumpo's arms; "Get him to a hospital," he ordered, and left the ruined apartment.