Hey! Here's chapter 6! Haha, I promised I'd update soon, didn't l? Enjoy!!!


Chapter 6

For a moment that seemed like an eternity, Georg and Maria stood waiting in front of the door. Maria's eyes wandered up and down the 2-storey house, noticing how run-down it was, how the woodwork was in need of painting and one of the windows cracked.

Finally, they heard movement in the hallway, and the rattle of the door being unlocked. It opened slightly, just enough to reveal a lock of gray hair and a pair of eyes that fluttered nervously from Georg to Maria and back. Surprised at this unexpected sight, Georg hesitated. He looked at Maria, who nodded encouragingly.

"Eh..." Georg began, "Excuse me, we are looking for Lola Schwindler."

"There is nobody here by that name," the woman replied, and shut the door.

Georg and Maria looked at the closed door in utter surprise. Not wanting to give up so soon, Georg rang the bell again, and when no reaction followed, he knocked on the door violently.

"Go away," yelled a voice from inside the house. "Lola does not exist anymore! Only Leonora!"

Georg and Maria exchanged surprised glances, and immediately, Georg hammered on the door even more vehemently.

"Lola! I will not go away before you let me in! Lola! Don't you remember me? I am Georg von Trapp! Please, Lola, I need to speak with you!" He put as much persuasion in his voice as he could, being genuinely terrified at the thought of never meeting the mother of his son again. But, to his great disappointment, there was nothing but silence from the house.

He leaned against the door, almost desperate in his attempts to get her to open it. Then, he felt Maria's hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see her beautiful blue eyes looking down at him, filling up with tears of compassion. "Tell her, Georg," she whispered. "Tell her why you're here." She nodded at him in encouragement, rubbing her hand across his arm and shoulder as she did so. The unfathomable love and trust he saw reflected in her eyes gave him the strength to say what he had been longing to say since finding out that he had another child. Softer, he knocked again.

"Lola? You remember me, Lola. I am the father of your son." As he spoke these words, Georg's voice trembled with emotion. He leaned against the door, wondering if she heard, if she would listen.

When nothing happened for what seemed like an eternity, he turned toward Maria. She paled to see the infinite sadness in his face, and immediately took a step toward him to give him comfort. But just as she gently took his hand in hers, they heard a sound, almost to soft to notice. Georg turned immediately. There, in the doorway, was Lola. The mother of his son.


"Georg... "

They spoke simultaneously, both in a voice hardly above a whisper. Then, not knowing who stepped forward first, they fell into a deep embrace.

Maria watched as she saw Georg hold her, the woman who he had not seen in 24 years, and who had played such an important part in his life. Suddenly, she felt a flash of jealousy creep over her like an ice cold rain. This woman was the first he had given his soul and his body to. And she had given him a son. After that, Agathe came, and she had given him 7 more precious children. How could Georg ever love her the way he had loved them? She felt the blood drain from her face as she felt the realisation that Georg could never love her as he had loved the women that were in his life before her. Silently, not wanting to be noticed, she began to edge away from the couple.

But she had not yet taken two steps backward, when Georg untangled himself from Lola's arms and called after her.

"Maria! Where are you going? You must come in and meet Lola!" As she saw him standing near Lola, but calling her, Maria let out a soft whimper in relief. He wanted her to be part of this special moment! As quickly as the wave of jealousy had washed over her, she felt it melting away, and quickly joined Georg and Lola as they went inside the house.

Lola quickly made tea, and quickly, they were seated in her living room, and Georg and Lola talked and talked about his early days in the Navy. Maria did not talk much, not knowing what to say as the two old friends were taking their walk down memory lane. Instead, she listened, and looked around.

The house Lola lived in was tiny, and though it was clean and neat, it was obvious that it was in desperate need of repair. The walls were thin and the chilly afternoon air could freely enter the room through the many cracks in the wall. All the woodwork was stripped of paint, the furniture was old and the carpets threadbare. Thinking of the beauty of splendour of the villa, Maria felt guilty of the luxury she lived in when compared to this humble little house.

She looked up suddenly, as she picked up some words from the conversation between Georg and Lola that caught her attention.

"How old is Heinrich exactly?" Georg asked Lola.

"He will be 22 in November," his mother replied. "He's such a fine boy, he worked so hard to get through medical school. I put aside every single Schilling I had to help him. He would love to go on and become a surgeon, and all his teachers want him to – they say he is the best student they have had in years and had the potential to become a brilliant surgeon."

She looked proud as she spoke, as only a mother can. Her face saddened as she continued.

"We can't afford for him to study further, though. I am in debt and the house is falling down around us. He needs to start working to pay off our loans."

Georg looked up at her when she confessed this. "Oh, but I can help! He must finish his education!"

Lola looked up at him with a face so full of gratitude, she seemed to have become ten years younger in an instant.

"Oh, Georg, would you? We would be so grateful! For 22 years, I have raised my boy alone, not daring to look for you and ask you for help. And here you appear at my door, like an angel sent to help me."

Georg already began a sentence to assure her of her help, when a thought occurred to him.

"You say he is nearly 22?" He asked, his face suddenly more serious. Maria looked at him sharply, immediately noticing the change in his demeanour.

"Oh, yes," Lola answered proudly. "You had no idea you had such a grown son, did you, Georg?" But as she looked at him with a look meant to share the pride of two parents, she met an icy stare from Georg's piercing blue eyes.

He got up from his seat and walked toward Lola, pointing a finger at her and trembling in anger. "You are lying!" He nearly yelled, barely able to control his rage. "If he is not yet 22, he was born in the middle of the war, and I had not been near you or Genua for nearly two years!!" He was now turning red with rage, and Lola tried to back away from him, cowering under his glare.

"Georg, you are mistaken! I swear that Heinrich is your son!" She pleaded, looking at him with eyes opened wide to convince him of her truthfulness. But Georg did not believe her. As Maria saw how angry he still was, she stood up and moved to his side, taking his hand in hers.

"Georg, please, calm down!" she cried, fear crossing her face as she tried to pull him away from Lola.

"Do you think I am crazy, woman?" Georg went on, positively roaring with anger. "I remember ever detail of my visits to you! I have not been with you since two months after the war started! Heinrich can not possibly be my son if he was born a good two years into the war!!!" He grabbed Lola's arm and pulled her upright, close to his face. Ignoring her cries of pain as he held her arm, he brought his face inches from hers and demanded: "Tell me the truth!!"

"You're hurting me!" Lola cried, and Maria pulled Georg's arm. "Georg, let her go!" she, too, pleaded with him.

With a sudden movement, Georg pushed Lola back into her seat, letting go of her arm. "Very well then. You won't tell me." And he turned around, starting to rush away. But this time, Lola sat up and grabbed his arm to stop him.

He snapped his head around, wanting to yell at her to let go, but she spoke quickly.

"All right. It is true. Heinrich is not your son. I don't know who his father is!! But we need money for his education so desperately and I remembered you... and I know how rich you are now... I told Heinrich to observe you from a distance when you came to Dr. Busch's office, to learn to walk and move like you... I hoped you would feel guilty and offer money to help us!"

She had spoken in a rush, trying to explain to Georg her motifs for acting as she had done. But he kept staring at her with a look full of hatred. He pulled himself from her grip and turned around, walking out of the room as fast as he could, holding Maria's hand and dragging her with him. When he reached the door, he turned around.

"I should have known I could never believe a whore!" he hissed, and giving Lola one last look of contempt, he practically ran out of the house.

He hardly realized he was still holding Maria's hand, but Maria had trouble keeping up as Georg rushed her back to the car.

"Georg! Calm down!!" she pleaded, pulling his arm in trying to get him to slow down. But he did not respond to her pleas. He let go of her hand when they got to the car, and Maria had no idea what to do to get him to calm down. Wringing her hands together in despair, she got into the car next to him. They sat in silence all the way back to the villa.

Later that afternoon, Maria was still worried about Georg. He had not spoken a word to her since they'd left Lola's house, and as soon as they had arrived back at the villa, he had disappeared. Unable to control her worry for him any longer, she set out to look for him.

She lapped the house, scanning the grounds, as she believed he would have gone outside for some fresh air. But as she heard the children playing outside, she knew Georg would not be out – he would not want to face the children, upset as he was. Suddenly knowing where to find him, Maria went upstairs and headed for his study.

She knocked softly on the heavy wooden door. "Georg, it's me. Won't you talk to me, darling?" she asked gently.

When she did not hear a response, she opened the door and looked inside. The curtains were drawn and the room looked dark and gloomy. Georg was sitting on the sofa in the room's darkest corner. He did not look up as Maria walked in.

Gently, she sat down beside him. She reached up to touch his face, and breathed in sharply as she felt his wet cheeks. He had been crying!

"Georg..." she whispered, softly wiping the wetness away from his cheeks.

Only now did he acknowledge her presence, slowly turning his face in her direction. She saw the tears in his blue eyes and felt an ache in her heart that he was suffering so. She scooted closer to him and put an arm around him. "Darling, I understand your confusion," she whispered.

Upon feeling her warm breath on his face, he turned closer to her, and suddenly grabbed her in a fierce embrace. He buried his head against her shoulder.

"Maria, I thought I had another child! I embraced my sordid past to accept him, and within a day, he was taken from me again! I came so close to losing Louisa, and this feels like nearly losing a child again..." His agony was clear in his muffled voice, and Maria felt the wetness of more tears against her cheek.

"Oh, darling, darling, don't cry..." she whispered, caressing his back with her hand. "You have such a beautiful family... And hopefully we will be adding more children. We are so blessed!"

Georg pulled back from their embrace a little to look in her eyes. He traced her jaw line as he stared at her through still teary eyes, realising how right she was in her observations.

"Oh, Maria... what would I do without you?" he whispered. They bent toward each other, their lips touching in a soft kiss. The touch of her lips made Georg realise how blessed he was indeed. Soon, their kiss grew deeper, and he pulled Maria to him as he felt the fire ignite inside of him. How was it possible that she could remove all his pain with a single kiss?

Maria moaned into his embrace, pushing her body closer to his and running her fingers through his hair. Her other hand travelled down to his shirt and started fumbling with the buttons.

"Georg," she moaned, and he parted for air, looking at her questioningly. "I was so jealous for a second this afternoon, when I saw you with Lola... "

"Oh darling, you don't have to – "he began, but she put a finger on his lips to silence him. "I know. But I need you to prove to me right now how much you love me." And with that, she set out to undo the buttons of his shirt. Georg quickly undid the back of Maria's dress, and within moments, they were lost in passion, ready to prove to each other the depth of their love.

A/N Ok, so this COULD be the end... or do you want to know what happens to Georg and Maria, and of course to Heinrich and Lola?? Leave a review and tell me if you want this story to continue!!!