Aharah Musici: ***Spoiler warning***Though I'd rather it have been Yuki, I'm glad that Tohru ended up with one of them!  Thanks for letting me know.

Hello Kat: Thank you for reading all the stories, hope you like the ending!

Lady Indigo Star: Thanks for your comments! Even though it's sad that Tohru lost her memories, I wanted to write a story like this one, trying to imagine how Yuki would react in such a situation.

Yuki the Rat: Glad you enjoyed the stories, thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and its characters are the property of their respective owners.  This piece is not for profitable purposes.

Chapter 26: To Forever

I stand before the mirror, combing my hair and straightening my clothing.  It has already been six months since that time...

Together during the festival, we sit in a small rowboat watching the fireworks above.   She looks to me and smiles before returning her sights to the flowers in the sky.  I clasp the box in my pocket, waiting for the finale. 

As the fireworks finish, she turns to me and says, "How beautiful, aren't they?  I'm so happy I could share them with you."

I smile kindly and respond, "I'm glad, too, Tohru.  There's something else that I'd like to share with you, too."

I take out the box and open it before her as I continue, "The future, Tohru."

A surprised look crosses her face before she smiles and tears as she says, "Of course, Yuki, it's what I, too, would like most of all."

I remove the ring from the box and place it upon her finger before I kiss her.  We embrace as one final firework bursts in the sky.

Satisfied, I am about to turn when I notice another figure in the mirror.  I move and look in that direction.

He stands before me, smiling broadly as he says, "Congratulations, Yuki."

I answer, "Thank you, Momiji."

"I know that you and Toh-ru will always be happy together."

"I believe so, too."

I step closer before I continue, "I want to thank you, Momiji.  You have been so supportive and generous this whole time."

He laughs as he answers, "You're more than making up for it, I was really excited when you asked me to be your best man."

"It's the least I can do, really.  Thank you."

He grins as he responds, "Enough of this serious stuff, we're going to have a party!"

I laugh as I say, "Well, not quite, we'll have to make it through the ceremony first."

He nods his head yes in response.  I follow him towards the door of our apartment, where Haru is waiting.

"Yuki, are you ready?" Haru asks.

"Yes, I'm all set.  We're meeting the other ones there, correct?"

"Yes," he answers.

"Let's go then!" Momiji shouts before the three of us exit.

We arrive at the location of the ceremony and step outside, to see the other groom's men waiting near the entrance.

I look to them and say, "Shall we get this underway?"

"Of course, my little brother!" Onii-san shouts.

Haru and Hatori respond with slight nods, while Momiji raises one arm and points as he says, "Here we go!"

Kyo turns to me and smiles silently.

I in the lead, Momiji and the others following close behind, we walk into the place in the building where the ceremony will take place.

Before he moves into his position in the line, Onii-san approaches me and says, "You'll be thrilled when you see the dress that I designed and made myself for Tohru!"

Surprisingly, I find myself amused by his comment and smile as I say, "I'm sure that Tohru will look even more beautiful today."

He shakes his head yes before moving to stand in line with the others.

After a few quiet and nervous moments, the music begins to play, and I expectantly look towards the procession.  Hanajima-san and Uotoni-san, both of whom are Tohru's maids of honor, walk down together first, followed by Kagura, Rin, and Kisa.  At last, escorted by her grandfather, Tohru slowly walks towards me, looking radiant in her flowing gown.  They approach and her grandfather smiles as he places Tohru's hand in mine before he moves away and seats himself.  Tohru and I look to each other and smile as the ceremony proceeds.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

As the audience claps, we lean in and kiss before turning and walking down the aisle together. 

After our guests take pictures, we enter the limousine and make our way to the reception. 

Once we and the guests have arrived, Momiji shouts, "Let's celebrate Toh-ru and Yuki!"

He is answered by cheers and roaring applause. 

Tohru and I sit with our wedding party members at the head table.  In turn, each makes toasts and speeches before the food is served.  In the midst of dinner, Tohru takes hold of my hand and looks to me as she says, "This is the most wonderful day of my life, knowing that now I will be spending every day with you."

I lift her hand and kiss it before I say, "Together as we shall be is what I have wanted most."

She smiles at me and I say, "Shall we dance?"

She nods her head yes and I help her stand and we walk together to the dance floor.  I hold her close as a song begins to play and we slowly dance.  She rests her head on my shoulder as we continue, lost in this moment.  Too soon, the song ends and we kiss before a new song begins, and our guests join us. 

The evening of dancing and music continues, and we enjoy spending time with the Sohmas and friends.  We sample cake and Tohru throws her bouquet, which is caught by an unsuspecting Rin, who had accidentally been passing by the area.  Embarrassed, she blushes, but smiles in Haru's direction.

The reception ended, Tohru and I say goodbye to all our guests before walking towards the limousine.  I help her inside before entering myself.  Exhausted from the day, Tohru leans so that her head rests against me and falls asleep. 

I look towards her and am reminded of her words that have let us be as we are now, "It is better to try to believe, rather than to doubt."