This story encompasses four pieces that I have written previously and a new bonus chapter.  Enjoy!

This story is from Yuki's point-of-view.

Sentences in regular font and with quotes are dialogue, sentences without quotes and in regular font are thoughts and observations, and italicized sentences (either in quotes or not) are memories.

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and its characters are the property of their respective owners.  This piece is not for profitable purposes.

To Believe

Chapter 1: The Passing of Time

During my life, I have never been one who constantly checks the time, but now I find myself watching as the seconds, minutes, and hours slip away. For most of my classmates, graduation will be a day of joy and celebration, but, for the three of us, it hangs over our heads, an impending doom.

All along, she has been strong, and, even now, with so little time remaining, she refuses to relent. Ashamed, I find myself falling into an old pattern, unable to find such courage within myself. I stare at the open textbook before me, disgusted by the seeming futility of my efforts. Frustrated, I push it off the desk and ignore it as it hits the ground. Fighting the gnawing desire to look at the clock once more, I faintly hear Tohru-san's and Rin's voices coming from Tohru-san's room.

"You should leave now. There's nothing here for you anymore."


"You've been a fool all along, thinking that you could break the curse."

"But – but there's still time, Rin-san, we've been working together so hard, we could still find a way."

"A person – a person like you should have never gotten involved in this. I knew, I've always known that it was wrong for you to be with us, you don't belong here."

"Rin-san, my Kaa-san would say that it's better to try to believe rather than doubt."

"Enough with that crap! How can I believe, there's no hope! We'll all be prisoners for the rest of our lives, and you'll be thrown away, like a worthless piece of trash!"

Angered by Rin's words, I stand up from my desk and walk over to Tohru-san's room. Too upset to knock, I open the door and see the two sitting on the floor.

"Rin, don't say such things to Tohru-san! Can't you tell she's trying her best – just like always."

Rin looks up at me with an angered expression but says nothing.

Tohru-san, her face downcast, says, "Yuki-kun, it's all right, after all – Rin-san is probably right, if I haven't found a solution by now, it means I likely never will."

Before I can respond, Rin stands up suddenly and points at me as she shouts, "You, you've never understood! You made her that ridiculous offer, and look what's it caused!"

I am about to argue back when I realize that she is correct. I'm the reason that Tohru-san will suffer again. The loss of both parents, and now this. I didn't mean for it to end this way, I'd thought it was possible for all of us to live together. But, all I've done is allow my selfish desires to destroy any hope for her happiness…

Tohru-san stands, and Rin and I look at her in surprise.

Her expression resolute, she says, "Please don't think that way, Rin-san. Being with all of you, I've found such wonderful joy. After Kaa-san passed away, I thought that all my chances for being part of a family had disappeared. I wanted to be brave, living in the tent, trying to succeed on my own. But, Yuki-kun and Shigure-san opened their hearts to me, and all of you welcomed me – like I was part of your family. It has truly been the greatest gift."

Appearing embarrassed, Rin looks to Tohru-san and says, "Do as you please!" before rushing out of the room.

In a concerned tone, Tohru-san looks after her and says, "Rin-san."

She begins to walk quickly towards the door, so I interject, "Rin realized that she had been wrong – she was afraid that you regretted being with us. She'll be all right, Tohru-san, she's just relieved – and glad."

She stops and turns to look at me as she says, "Yuki-kun."

I smile and say, "You've always been so strong, Tohru-san, I wish I could be more like that. I believe, no - I know - that you haven't fully given up hope. Until the last moment, Tohru-san will always do everything she can."

As she smiles in response, I make a decision. Next week is our graduation – and the last day that I may see her. I don't want to keep watching the clock, wallowing in despair, letting this precious time elude me.


An inquisitive look upon her face, she answers, "Yes, Yuki-kun?"

"We should celebrate."


"Of course. Tohru-san has fulfilled her goal to graduate from high school. I'm sure Tohru-san's mother is so proud."

Her voice brighter, she replies, "I think that would be nice."

"We can even bring along the baka neko."

She giggles and smiles slightly as she says, "Thank you, Yuki-kun."

"This Sunday, Tohru-san, the three of us will be together."

Her smile broadens and she answers, "I'm looking forward to it."

I grin and say, "So am I."