Personal Hell
By Sharron Ibbitson
Disclaimer: No the characters don't belong to me although I would happily keep Johnny Depp forever and forever and ever in any shape form or character I could get him.
This story is set before the events of the film 'From Hell' Please read and review.
My Johnny Depp fascination had been going on for some time, but it hit a whole new level when I saw him in 'From Hell' in fact it took me some times to even realise that it was him in that film. Even though it didn't even really go down phenomenally here in the UK, I still thought that it was a brilliant film, and the actors were very strong in it. So here is my first and probably only attempt at a 'From Hell' fiction, after all it is limiting what you can write about when the lead character dies in the final scene!
Personal Hell
The lone figure stood in the winter drizzle of the London cemetery. The man clad entirely in black, his gaze lost to the World as he stared intently at a newly dug grave. His face pale in stark contrast to the black of his clothes, and the darkness of the sky above. He stood like that for some time, deeply entranced by whatever memories held him. He did not surface from his reverie until a firm hand clasped down on his slender shoulder.
"Frederick how long are you going to stand here?" the soft Scottish lilt if the man's possibly only remaining friend asked. Abberline sighed deeply, comforted by his friend's presence yet at the same time wishing to be alone with only his thoughts for company.
"I don' know" he replied after a moment, his gaze still not leaving the sight of the grave.
"She's gone red, and you catching pneumonia isn't going to bring her back" the police sergeant continued, determined to get through to his young friend.
"I know" Abberline replied, his voice belaying his deep rooted sadness, and then he eventually turned his sorrowful gaze to his friend. Godley sighed; he had never seen such pain so openly etched on someone's face. He hated to see the younger man so lost in sorrow, yet he knew it would take the police inspector a long time to get over the death of his wife and newborn son, if he ever would at all. It was all that the man had ever wanted, to have a loving family of his own, someone to love and care for and hold him when he was down, and a child to continue his name. Yet fate had stepped in, and just as everything was coming together for the man, the gods had cruelly stolen away every scrap of happiness the man had.
"Come on Fred, let me take you home" Godley prompted, wanting to help his friend in any way he could, even if it was just making sure that he changed into dry clothes and ate a little.
"Home isn't home without Victoria" Abberline whispered, more to himself than to his friend, yet Peter heard the utterance and felt what was left of his heart shatter into a million pieces.
"Then my friend it is decided that you shall come home with me and stay with me and Elizabeth" Peter told the slight man, in a tone that clearly allowed no room for argument.
"I can't impose on you and your family it's not right. Besides I have got to get used to being alone sooner or later" the young man protested, just as Godley had known that he would. Frederick tiredly rubbed his hand across his face, he truly was exhausted he had barely slept a wink since the news of the loss of his wife and child, and the strain was clearly showing on his face.
"Aye you do, but that's not to say that it is today" Peter replied, then half lead and half dragged the smaller man towards the awaiting coach, pushing hi up gently, leaving him no choice but to comply. Peter Godley was determined not to let his friend out of his sight, Abberline was emotionally spent, and was quickly heading for a spiral of self destruction, and Peter wanted to avoid that at all costs. The ride in the coach passed in silence, both men lost in their thoughts. Abberline's mingled with despair, at the thought of never seeing his wife's joyful smile again. The thought that he never knew his son, never got to hold the baby in his arms. Never got to teach him to read or write and now he never would. When the carriage came to a stop, both men alighted wordlessly, and Godley took the lead as he headed to the door of his family's home. Elizabeth Godley had always thought very highly of her husband superior officer. He was a very intelligent man, yet he used his gifts to help others rather than for personal gain. So many of the men in the police service fought justice with their fists rather than with their brain, yet Frederick proved himself to be the exception. Elizabeth had been amongst the first to offer her congratulations when Victoria had agreed to become Fred's wife, and the first to show condolence when she was taken from their World, it was because of this that Godley had no doubt in his mind that his friend would be a welcome guest in their house, in fact it would probably be more of a battle convincing the woman to allow Abberline to leave when the time came. With that thought Godley chuckled lightly to himself, yet soon sobered as the reason why they had a guest sprung to his mind.
Just as Godley had predicted, the police inspector was welcomed with open arms, in every sense of the word. Elizabeth had pulled the younger man into a fierce embrace as soon as he had stepped over the threshold into their home. She held him so tight that he could barely breathe, but what shocked Godley further was that after only the briefest hesitation Abberline returned the embrace just as fully, clinging onto the older woman as if his life depended on it, which in some ways it possibly did.
End Chapter One
I may continue this story, if I think that anyone is actually reading it. So if you have read this please let me know by reviewing!!!!