Chapter Thirteen: The Finale at Last: Revenge and Love Reunited!   

April 1st. Is this the day I will regret for all of my life?

Here I am, standing I front of a mirror, looking at myself. I didn't seem to be happy, but everyone thinks-- except my closest friends--- that today is the day I really waited for so long. My face can't show happiness either. I agree that I should not force myself to marry him--- but everyone's expecting me…

"Oh my God! You look so pretty!"


"Thanks guys, I hope one of you two catch the bouquet," Sakura giggled forcedly, not to upset her best friends. She's now wearing this fancy white off-shoulder gown with lots of accent on it--- making it like a fairytale princess's gown. She is also with white flowers in her pink hair. She looked as though she was taken out of a painting, the ideal bride. Anko and Hinata were standing by her, also all dressed up, and they were the maids of honor.

"Sakura hime-sama," Anko said, suddenly looking serious. "You're sure this is what you want to do right?"

"Anko-san!" Hinata said a little louder than she usually said things. "What are you saying right before the wedding?"

"Oh, you know, just making sure the princess wouldn't regret anything for the rest of her life. Well, I guess she won't then, that's good." Anko picked up her hand bag and headed for the door. "We'll be waiting for the ceremony then. Ta taa!"

The door slammed behind the two, and Sakura was left alone in the preparation room. She turned her head to see herself in the mirror. A bride out of a storybook, she had to admit, but this wasn't the way she dreamed her wedding to be as a child. She wanted to wear a white kimono, not a grand dress like that. But here she was, standing in an exquisite gown because Lee's parents insisted that she would be much more beautiful.

She had ignored Sasuke's words that night. She had a tiny urge to go and forget about the wedding all together, but then what? Sasuke would always be gone on missions and she'd be alone. No, this was the right thing.

Ain't it? Inner Sakura made her really nervous.

"Hime-sama…" Hinata began "I hope you'll be happy then, if it's your decision…"

"Hinata-chan--- I've been tired of running form everything…!" she was to cry, but Hinata prevented her.

"Your make-up, hime…" she said "you won't want it to be spoiled, ain't it?"

"I guess, this will be a dramatic… Goodbye Sasuke-kun…" she whispered and forced a smile.

"Sasuke!!!!!!!!!" Naruto and Kakashi shouted out loud, as they are on their way to the wedding. They had thought of a good plan for Sakura and Sasuke, but he wouldn't simply appear before them. They've almost spent ¼ of the ceremony in finding him, making their formal looks quite casual now.

"Why does he need to take it that bad? Can he be suiciding now?" Naruto thought…

"Baka! He's not that type of man!" Kakashi said in an explicating manner. "We just need to find him! I know he's gone for nowhere… we need to go to the wedding ceremony with him!"

I'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all of my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave
because your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me...

"Sakura hime-sama the ceremony is about to begin…" a maid told her and then bowed down.

"Hai…" she answered. "Get ready for this Sakura…" she even told herself.

"Come out from there!" Sasuke exclaimed, looking at every direction and making his Sharingan active.

"You've changed more than I expected… a poor seven-year old who once saw his parents die… should I say… you've carried vengeance all your life, Hokage-sama?" a voice mocked him.

"Otouto…" a man in a cloak replied and then grinned evilly…

"Niisan!" Sasuke cried. "No! I won't consider you my brother… you killed them! You killed them!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

His face seethed in anger for his older brother.

"That's it… now we can see what you've learned, my Otouto…" Itachi replied as he become serious… "I won't joke anymore…!"

"Yeah, stop playing games…" Sasuke replied as his face become devilish and grave. "This time--- I'll make sure you'll suffer…"

Itachi laughed. "Oh yeah…!"

He attacked first, leaving Sasuke helplessly beaten on the ground… but he still has energy to continue… he's now blinded by revenge--- and nobody can stop him…

"I feel a chakra that is intense--- a mad chakra!" Kakashi stopped for a moment. "No! It can't be! It's Sasuke and another chakra from an Uchiha… could it be--- he's returned?!"

"Who, Sensei?"

"His brother… his older brother Itachi--- the one who killed his family…"

Naruto can't help but gasp…

Itachi began to attack, but Sasuke jumped out of the way seconds before its claw tore the space he was standing at awhile ago. He then used his Chidori to attack him.

"What are you doing?" asked Itachi, grinning. "Only that?" He effortlessly slapped the thunder being formed away.

"Really now, otouto. You're making your defeat too easy."

Sasuke smirked and suddenly moved his arm downward. Itachi frowned, then suddenly sensed a force from behind. Seconds before Shurikens came tossing to him, for he has used the Kage Shuriken no Jutsu [Shadow Shuriken Skill]

He was able to do the technique without me sensing it? Itachi looked on at Sasuke. He certainly has come a long way.

"You used your chakra to conceal the aura of your attacking techniques," he said, looking at his little brother. "Aren't you worried that you might use up all of them even before you make your third attack?"

"I'm not worried," said Sasuke calmly. "I have a lot of chakra."

Itachi was starting to dislike his brother's demeanor. He was too calm. He followed his determined gaze and couldn't understand his blazing determination's source. He turned to Sasuke again.

"So do I." He went back into his fighting stance. "Let's see if you can do that again to me, Sasuke-"

A blow nearly sent him falling down. Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu [Grand Fireball Skill] had sneaked up behind him again!

He wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth. He didn't like what was happening. Why couldn't he sense what Sasuke was about to do? Why couldn't he anticipate?

The wedding ceremony stared in a pavilion with many people watching and attended. Sakura was really nervous, for she knew what she would probably do: she won't answer the priest, and run. But she's got no option left. Marry or die… the pavilion is just loaded with people she can't help but to pity herself. If only… these words bug hr concentration. She can't back up now. Too late, too late…

Hinata stared at her as she took her seat after the march. She is really pretty today but her loneliness was shown all over her beautiful face…

"We are now about to start the wedding of Rock Lee and Princess Sakura Haruno…" the presider began, and everyone kept silent. Lee can't help but to smile at himself.

At last, you'll have her…

"You're still alive?!" Itachi was torn between anger and disbelief.

Sasuke smiled weakly as he touched the flaming Kunai with his bare hands.

"Something's telling me that I must live…my heart still beats. It means I still have to fight for my life." With that, he pulled the kunai out of his chest. The flame from the Kunai of Itachi died down.

"You insect!" Itachi cried, aghast. His gloved hand punched the wound he caused awhile ago with the Kunai even before Sasuke could react. All the lad knew was he felt as if something very, very heavy fell on his chest.

Itachi's eyes glinted evilly.

"Your heart beats strongly, in fact my Chakra cannot even touch it. Very well, if I can't crush you physically, I'll just have to kill you in another way." He licked his lips.

His gloved hand began to pull something out within him, just as he felt his chest constrict. It was cutting his breath, his senses, even the flow of thoughts in his mind. Everything was starting to turn into a big dark blank space.

"Sasuke-bastard!" Naruto's yell sounded so far away.

Was he dying? Must be…he was starting to feel floaty…

But within him, a tiny burst of light was emanating. Something that was reminding him of a red, red rose. The one with thorns that he wanted to pluck one by one, never mind if he would get hurt in the process. All he wanted was to protect that one red rose without her having to grow thorns to defend herself.

The pink-haired Sakura billowing in the wind, the long hair, the warm emerald eyes.

Sakura. He wanted to see her, for one last time before he closes his eyes permanently. A tear streaked down from his shut eyes.

I love you, Sakura. I love you so, and I want to be with you under the stars above the ground, together like the old times. I love you with all the emotions in my command. I love you, and I want to remain doing so for all my life.

In his mind flashed so quickly the many mental images he captured of her: when she was mad, when she was sleeping, when she was smiling absent-mindedly, when she was pensive, when she was quietly happy, when she was sweet…

It warmed him all over, and his heart gave a strong beat. Enough to jolt him awake from giving in to the overwhelming calmness threatening to take him in.

I won't die just yet. I want to be with Sakura. I want to tell it to the world that I fell in love with the most wonderful girl in the world.

"Sasuke I hate it… I will be married to the one I tell you not my type… Doushite…" she thought as her dad lead her to Lee's side, and she's pretty sure that they will be married in any moment from now.

Afterwards… she felt like her heart stopped: something's happening with Sasuke--- she can feel him though they are apart…

"You are not needed here anymore, Sasuke Uchiha!" yelled Itachi. "Insignificant people must die!"

Sasuke calmly walked towards him. "We shall have to let the outcome of the battle judge that."

Itachi nodded, then he swiftly vanished. Sasuke stepped back and made some hand movements and used his technique. It hit Itachi straight in the abdomen.

"H-How did Sasuke do that?" asked Kakashi, shocked. He had personally seen how fast Itachi was in his battle moves.

Sasuke aimed the Kunai to his left, and it struck his brother once more.

"Can he read his brother's moves?" asked Naruto, astounded.

"Yeah, through Sharingan" said Kakashi. "He knows them. Itachi said it himself. He is still his brother, and Sasuke only learned only now how to make use of that fact to his advantage."

Naruto nodded. "Perhaps Sasuke's brief experience of being one with him helped."

Itachi stepped back, eyes burning in pure hatred. "I should have finished you off before."

Sasuke didn't reply. He is also burning in revenge.

Behind Itachi appeared his gigantic fire attack. Sasuke calmly looked up at the burning fire, then grinned.

"Wow, that sure is big, Niisan!" he exclaimed mockingly

Everyone else gaped, then sweat dropped. Even Itachi himself paused, and for a second, a smile of fondness crept on his face.

"Big, huh? Now show me your power, little brother."

Sasuke nodded, and then looked at Naruto. Itachi didn't waste time; the minute Sasuke had his defense stance ready, he attacked him.

Naruto's eyes widened. "Wow, how did he get there so fast?"

Kakashi noticed the same thing with his student, and he already had a slight idea why.

Sasuke stepped back to gather his momentum, then pushed his brother back. Itachi nearly lost his balance if Sasuke was not quick enough to hold him steady.

"What the hell is that bastard doing?" cried Naruto. "He's supposed to be in battle, not in a Boy Scout activity! Why is he helping his enemy out?"

"Simple," said Kakashi, eyes still on them. "He wants him to die in the battle not by a simple accident."

"What?!" Naruto was stunned.

Itachi pushed Sasuke's hand away and jumped back to his position.

"You cannot put me to shame twice. This time, I'll make sure you die."

Sasuke didn't even looked worried. "Go, then." He said coldly

The Fire's blaze nearly pounded him, but Sasuke was still quick enough to protect himself.

"You insect!" cursed Itachi when he felt that their powers were just equal, and that he would just put into waste his Chakra by trying to break through Sasuke's defense.

To this, Sasuke smiled at him insultingly.

The Niisan was determined to crush him. He dropped his rational thinking by forcing to attack him. All he wanted to do was to prove that he was stronger than his little brother.

"Fool! How do you think can a frail human body protect you from my Fire?" asked his brother insultingly.

Sasuke grinned. "You'll see."

Naruto still looked reluctant. "Sasuke-bastard…"

"Trust me on this," said the lad.

His sensei and friend nodded grimly, then stepped away. The shield broke, and Itachi seized the chance to use all his powers as he aimed his punch at Sasuke, who was standing there, doing nothing.

"Die!!!" he yelled.

"Sasuke!!!" yelled Kakashi and Naruto.

Just as the dust cleared, everyone saw the blazing fist of the Fire just inches away from Sasuke, who was standing there, unharmed. Itachi's face was twisted in disbelief and even grudging admiration.

"Why didn't you step back?" asked Itachi slowly. "You know very well that I can kill you."

"Because when I felt your hand in my soul, I realized that it was dumb to even try to kill your only relative," he explained "I realized that you are still human, no matter how you try to run away from your identity."

"Grrr…" he exclaimed

"One wrong move…" Sasuke threatened. Itachi was too stunned, and then his otouto finished him up with a Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu and then the two bystanders watched and applauded in approval… afterwards, Sasuke fell down on his knees, as Itachi closes his eyes and murmurs something…

"You've really beaten me, otouto… that's it… banzai…"

His soul seemed to flew away his corpse…

"Sasuke-bastard!" Naruto shouted and then went to him. He's really exhausted and lost large chakra amount. "Wake up! Wake up!"

"Naruto, I'll call ANBU people to go here, just wait…" he said and disappeared.


Sasuke's eyes were flapped open. "Sakura---" he blurted. "My Sakura! Even though I got revenge--- my life will be incomplete without her!"

"Good! Now let's hit the wedding!" Naruto said excitedly "Let the thick Eyebrows knew your love for Sakura hime-sama!"

"Oh yeah!" Sasuke exclaimed as he paced up his speed. Naruto couldn't even catch up. "Hold on Sakura-chan…"

As they flipped up and down to the roofs of houses, Rock Lee already answers the question:

"Would you accept her as your wife and love her through sickness and health, for poorer or for richer… till death make you part?"

"Hai…" he answered confidently. "I do…"

Sakura gulped. It's her time to answer the stupidity question, she thinks… Hinata kept on looking at the door. Where are the boys? She thought they'll be doing something…

"Now princess Sakura… Would you accept him as your husband and love him through sickness and health, for poorer or for richer… till death make you part?" she was asked

"I--- I---" Sakura began, keeping her eyes closed. Before she can dare to say the next words and open her mouth, a loud banging of the door was heard… she opened her eyes and seek for the source of the disturbance that saved her…

"MATTE!!!!!" a loud shout stopped everybody…

…And it was the Hokage, Sasuke Uchiha…

"YAMERU! Stop this DAMN ceremony!" he shouted. Everyone was stunned at the way he's taking things. They all looked at him--- torn clothes, wounded and seem to be exhausted, as if he came form a deadly war…

Sakura looked at him. She was filled with happiness in seeing him once more…


She ran towards him and tears are flowing in her cheeks. Hinata smiled and looked at them. Rock Lee can't believe of what's happening, how she actually ran to him and everything.

"I'll answer the question anyway…" she told everybody loudly and clearly while she stayed in his arms.

"My answer will be this: I CAN'T MARRY SOMEONE I DON'T LOVE!!!"

"Whom I love and truly love is the man I am with now,"

Everyone's gazes look at them. Then suddenly, Lee began to clap, and looked down. He cared to say a few words through the microphone:

"Okay, I quit. I guess--- you'd be happy with the Hokage. Good luck…"

Everyone followed with a thundering applause, as it was before in the party. Sakura hugged him tightly. Her parents came to them and they were stunned.

"I can explain, Emperor… you see---I love your daughter so much and---" Sasuke paused when the emperor reacted.

He smiled at them.

"I fully understand it. Now I think we should continue this wedding, right?"

"HAI!" Everyone chorused.

And so, Sasuke and Sakura marched happily at the red carpet, ignoring their looks--- Sasuke's torn clothing and wounds, Sakura's messed hair and make-up… everything. All they knew is that they love each other and they wished to be married.

And when the same questions were asked, they'd certainly answered this very answer:

"I DO!!!!!"

Love did find a way between them..

"Ano… you may kiss the bride…" it was finally announced.

Sasuke bent down and grazed through her lips, ignoring everyone around them, they had this perfect kiss that is so, caught everyone's attention:

"BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all shouted…

"Sasuke-kun, what happened to you?" Sakura asked, worried about his look.

"A very long story--- you should've seen it! I had my revenge and everything went back to normal. This just gives me a happy life…"

She chuckled, and then hugged him once more. "I think you should change your clothes--- your handsomeness isn't seen right now!"

"I'm glad you still married me though," he joked.

"Of course! I will and only will!" Sakura replied confidently. They kissed once more…

Sasuke wore an extravagant tux his butler bought immediately. His wounds were dressed too… but his face still remained aglow, and his wide smile is plastered. This just gives a new Sasuke--- full of life and energy, and away from the darkness of the past.

And our ever energetic princess is still by his side--- now that they aren't just lovers. They are now a TRUE couple. Back into the reception, it's now time for the throwing of her bouquet…

"Okay, ready?" she asked happily… "One, two… THREE!"

Every lady who was aspiring almost leaped to catch it, but accidentally, Anko who was merely standing got it in her hands, and even asked:

"Why is this thrown to me?"

Kakashi who arrived said it is the right time for his proposal… and so, everyone were happy and otherwise surprised… with new hope and everything.

Who knows what will happen next? Like example, Sakura and Sasuke having a cute son in the next year. Kakashi and Anko being married afterwards… Naruto saying his proposal out loud… and everything.


And so, this ends the fanfiction-fairytale in the lives of Mr.  & Mrs. Sasuke Uchiha.

[Ain't it boring?]



I would like to say my utmost thanks to the reviewers and critics… snff I appreciate it. Well the last song I placed is "My Immortal" by: Evanescence which really struck my heart with its heart warming message. Then that's my MOST fave Evanescence song… am I the one who's SAPPY? I made the fight of the brothers pretty quick--- you see I've gotten so far having 13 chaps- my favorite number! I actually want it this way.

The fight is actually BORING if I'll review it myself. I don't know their good attacks--- especially Itachi. My friend who knows Naruto a lot went off to a migration and I don't have his e-mail add! Oh my gosh! I actually had mistakes because of him!!!! [JOKE!]

And if you'll ask me why I've loaded this chapter so much--- I love the number thirteen--- even it is related with hex and bad luck. I am lucky every 13th of the month! Am I that weird? But take note: I AM NOT DEVILISH OR RELATED TO ANY HEX OR WITCHCRAFT!

So, Ja ne! See you next time if I'll have another fic out of SAPPINESS and if you have good Naruto info [the end of it… etc.] leave it in a review or e-mail me, Okay? So thanks once again--- and may Sasuke and Sakura be together, FOREVER!!!!!!!!

SOWEE for I have no plans for a sequel yet. Hmmm, that plan sounds plausible, if anyone WANTS it, then I'll be asking for your plans for a BETTER sequel than this.

A question: who wants ITACHI alive still?

That's some sorta BORING.]


Just read the other fics! But I tell you that the truth is, I can't do fics with more than 13 chaps? Motivate me!!! GANBATTE, Yuki!!!! cries O-okay the next SasuSaku fic will have a long, long story.

Hope you review it too.

Hahahahahah! REVIEWS I need it badly! The NEXT FIC will be published days after this ending. I have no internet cards and I just rented to publish this one, FOR ALL OF YOU.

-Yuki no Shoujo-

Sasuke AND Sakura!!!!!!!!!
