Series: The Voyager Chronicles

Title: Flight Of The Phoenix

Author: Halo Son

Subject: Star Trek ~ Voyager

Rating: R

Genre: Action/Adventure/Angst/Fluff-ness here and then

Pairing(s): J/C, B/T, H/L

Timeline: After the TV series and after the books Homecoming and The Farther Shore

Spoilers: Major spoilers for end of the Voyager series and for the two books that take place after the series. Dun read if you don't yet know what happens at the end of Voyager and if you've yet to read Homecoming and The Farther Shore, but then again if you LIKE spoilers then go ahead and read ^- ^

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek or any official ST characters, however I do own all Original Characters.

Summary: The years have rolled by since Voyager's successful return to Earth. But something is stirring and an alarming chain of events is set in motion. The crew of the U.S.S. Voyager, old and new, must come together to solve an ancient puzzle and save a captured Starfleet Admiral and her daughter....

A/N: My first Voyager fic so pretty please be nice with reviews and comments?


Tired was she of this horrid prison.

Bright, so very bright.

It hurt the shinning golden orbs that were her eyes and once more did she scream for release, but space wouldn't let her voice be heard.

'Soon' A soft voice spoke inside her head, though she knew not what it meant 'Soon you shall be free little one'

Flames danced all around her, passing over her feathered form like currents that wrapped around that most precious to them, kissing and embracing.

It was then a faint rumble thrummed through her entire being and then she knew.

Freedom was about to become her's.

Too long had she been trapped, too long had she been denied her birthright of flight, too long had she rested and slept and waited.

But now it was all over.

An explosion, nothing like anything she had ever experience nor known before, boomed all around her and in that moment she was gone.

Left behind did she the sun that had been her tomb since the beginning of her life and cloaked in the void of black and endless stars she would now forever roam.

Free at last
