Here it is, the epilogue.

I'd like to thank everyone that bothers to read this, no joke. It's been pretty fun for me, figuring out how to mangle these poor characters even further.

And especially I'd like to thank Kt. For listening to all of this, for beta-testing, for reviewing my chapters, even if they sucked, and ESPECIALLY FOR THE TAPE. Ooer.

And Sen-Tay, who I'd like to think of as my own personal fan club. Hah, just kidding. You need to keep writing because of the fact that you're oodles more talented than I am and it would be stupid if you didn't.

And you, because you're reading it. And chances are that if you can read this, you haven't fired a bullet into the monitor in disgust… yet.

So I'd like to thank you for that.

I stole a bunch of ideas from other people… um, One Hit Wonder is sorta a VH1 thing… I kind of allude to Greek Tony's here, and Britney Spears and Prince… ah yes. And the Olsen twins. Sorry if any of this offends anyone or anything. Blah. I wish this ended better. I should go throw myself under a rock.

And I thought I did this ages ago... but apparently, I didn't. The Yolei part of this is fixed. Yay.


Mimi graduated college with a bachelor's in modern art, forged a perfect Vermeer, and sold it for 9.8 million dollars. She married a 93-pound blind Latvian sculptor and ended up being the muse for six of his critically detested pieces. They have one son, Pablo, whose whereabouts are unknown.

Davis's IQ was tested at a number immensely over genius level and upon graduating high school 274th in a class of 350, was abruptly sent away to a psychiatric hospital for further testing. During the five years he spent there, his brilliance being confirmed, he penned a thousand page novel on the meaning of life. Before it could be published, it was confiscated by the Japanese government and Davis was brainwashed, tortured, used as a government assassin for six more years, and left in a desert to crawl back to civilization with two broken legs. Or so he claims.

Shortly after the meeting at the park; nine days to be exact, Yolei ran into a wall and died.

Matt and Kari had an on/off relationship spanning over six years. During this period, Kari cheated on Matt with TK seventeen times, Matt cheated on Kari with random groupies twenty-nine times. Upon catching the twenty-ninth and last girl and Matt together in the car, Kari dumped him on the spot. Devastated, Matt holed up in his apartment and wrote the catchy tune "Flawed Desires" and dedicated it to Kari. But before she could decide to take him back, a big shot American record producer heard the song, which immediately shot to #1 on the American Billboard Charts and sent Matt away on a 34-city World Tour.

Upon Matt's homecoming back to Japan and Kari, he found she was happily married to the very record producer that discovered him. Devestated, Matt failed to write a follow-up hit and became known as a One-Hit Wonder, currently, he is a frugal old millionaire that living alone in a secluded mansion taking regular hyper-baric oxygen chamber treatments.

The degree in Computer Science Izzy got was never really put to use. Soon after graduating college, he opened a pizza parlor on campus, the original name of which was forgotten, as the nickname his friends called it caught on and became more widely accepted than the original. The restaurant flourished; great pizza at cheap prices, but business went out of control when he installed a karaoke stage. 'Geek Izzy's' is now one of the most exclusive clubs in Japan, attracting such celebrities as Britney Spears and Prince regularly. And it still makes a hell of a pizza.

Arriving at the scene of the horrifying accident seconds too late to prevent the grisly end of poor Yolei, Sora decided she should take Ima and raise her on her own. Actually, she had been planning to do this anyway, but Yolei and the wall had made it quite a bit easier. Reacting quickly to the tragedy, Sora picked baby Ima up, carried her away, and never looked back.

They lived on the lam for a while, Sora calling Ima 'Lia' instead because she liked and, plus, it seemed less… stupid. Eventually, when Sora knew Lia would never be recognized, they settled down; Sora got a degree in education, married the head of a local construction company, and they had three children of their own. Upon Lia's high school graduation, Sora told her the truth of her parents and life story. Not surprisingly, Lia was very happy she didn't go through life with a purple-haired mother who called her 'Ima Stupid'. She went on to get a full scholarship to one of Japan's top universities, became a wealthy corporate lawyer, and started a family of her own. Needless to say, she never looked back either.

Cody went on being level-headed and analytical, going on to get a degree in psychology. He did relationship counseling sessions, anger management classes, and private sessions relentlessly for three decades before retiring early and buying his own Grecian island. Because of his mostly antisocial tendencies, he failed to marry or produce children, although he suffered no real regrets because of a lack of any real childhood insecurities to make him feel that he was required to do any of this. And that's what happens when you diagnose yourself.

Another tragedy occurred that day in the hospital. A 32-year-old woman died after forty-six hours of labor. Neither of the babies, twins, survived this somehow. Upon hearing the news, her husband, a spindly little man who looked as if he hadn't moved in quite some time, snapped and threw himself out the door, screaming.

In unrelated news, a spindly little villain has been terrorizing Tokyo, holding up banks, killing innocent bystanders, jetting around in some sort of hovercraft, and donning a tight-fitting green and blue spandex suit. More at 11.

Jun obviously figured out TK wasn't gay. They made their own happily ever after; white picket fence, underground swimming pool and all. Their lives went along pretty normally until one fateful day when their daughters, twins, were two; TK told Jun about his 'past line of work'. Shocked, she screamed her opinion that he was a flaming homosexual, took Heather-Kate, the younger of the two twins, and walked out. Divorce papers were sent to their address three weeks later.

Thirteen years after this, when both girls were aged fifteen, TK, now a successful photographer, sent his daughter Ashleigh to camp in California. 5,500 miles away in England, Jun, a model, did the same with Heather-Kate. At the dining hall, their identical eyes met from across the room and… well, you know what happened then.

Heather-Kate and Ashleigh are currently producing a string of straight-to-video 'Sleepover' movies.

Last, but not least, Tai took up soccer again after his break-up with Sora. Within no time, he was as good as he had been pre-college. And with no social life or regard for his collegiate grades, he soon got good. REALLY good. At age twenty-five, he flew to America to try out for the Men's US National Soccer team, making the cut with no problem, he soon became their star forward. He became an American Citizen, married a Laker Girl, and led the team to winning the World Cup three times before having to retire due to a badly torn ACL. And he never grew his hair back, either.


Okay, I passed my driver's exam, The Day After Tomorrow opens tomorrow, and I finally understand how to do 3-step triangle congruence proofs. So I guess I'm happy.

I may write again and I may not. Depends on if I feel "inspired", although I've got a song fic in partial development despite the fact that I may hate it and not publish it.

Oh well, thanks again for reading. Review me please.