Disclaimer-I do not I reapeat do not own any of the harry potter characters unfortunately so please please don't sue me!! This is my first HP fanfic so please please go easy on me!

Harry waited for his two best friends in the great hall. Hermione appeared first and then Ron on the oppisite side. They were fighting once again. You would think at 17 they would be more mature than this. Harry got fed up of this. It was always because Ron would open his big mouth or Hermione being to stubborn for her own good.

"Hey Harry" Hermione said as she flipped her brown hair behind her.

"Hey Hermione" Harry repiled

"umm hermione when are you going to stop fighting with Ron? I mean its not your fault or anything but ya know we are supposed to be really good friends and I cant stand to see you two like this anymore." Harry tried to make it sound like it wasn't her fault otherwise she would start to fight with him and saying that he always sided with Ron.

"I think we have sorted it out but I don't really care anymore What ever he says im going to ignore." Hermione was playing with her robes.

Ron started to run towards them. Harry and Hermione watched him almost knowing something was going to happen. Then almost in slow motion they saw him trip and fall face down on the ground. Harry and Hermione tried to keep their laughter in as they ran to help him up.

"Ummm... (laugh) Are.. you ...ok!?" Hermione managed through her laughter.

"Yeh yeh im fine" Ron said brushing himself down.

"So why were you running towards us anyway?" Harry asked still trying to hold back a smile.

"I have something to tell you!!" Ron was about to tell them when Malfoy came up behind them.

"Have a nice trip Weasley?! And you didn't even send me a post card! Ya clumsy clown!" Malfoy, Crab and Goyle started to laugh. Ron's face was getting redder and redder.

"Oh Malfoy how offensive! And original! You......." Hermione always was the first to defend Harry or Ron but Malfoy cut her off.

"Keep ya Mouth shut ya useless mudblood!" Malfoy almost spitting in hermione face. Hermione stood therewith anger and went for him. Harry stepped in front of her, As Ron grabbed her arms

"Harry Get out of the way!" Hermione struggled to get free of "I am so sick of you calling her that you bastard!" Harry didn't think of what he was doin and punched Malfoy in the hard in the face.

"That's it Potter! I dunno why you defended her its not like you or Ron actually like the mudblood!" Malfoy put his hand to his eye.

"What do you mean by that?? Of course Ron and I like hermione! And don't call her mudblood anymore!" Harry was getting really angry.

"I mean she has no other friends and is just a tag along also of course she is goin to help you guys get what you want like good grades and stuff. And to Defend your asses"

Hermione was still struggling to get free of rons firm grasp. "Ron LET GO OF ME!" Hermione shouted.

"That is so not true!" Harry shouted.

"Oh yeh prove it!" Malfoy stood in Harry's face.

"Fine!" Harry said. He turned around to hermione and kissed her.

The kiss was only supposed to go for a second but hermione and Harry go caught in the moment and it went for a while. Harry stopped and turned around to Malfoys shocked face. Hermione was stunned. She could feel an electric feeling buzzing through her.

"Ohhh!!! HARRY LOVES THE MUDBLOOD!!!" Malfoy shouted

"Yeh and you got a problem with that! If you mess with her again you will wish you would never been born!" Harry stood straight over Malfoy.

Malfoy stood there not knowing what to say. Harry turned back to hermione Who had tears forming.

Malfoy then pulled out his wand, Muttered something and pointed it at Hermione. They saw a blue flash of light and Malfoy walked off.

"Hermione you ok? What was that? Do you feel any different?" Harry asked all at once.

"No I feel fine! It mustn't have been said properly whatever he said. Look I have to go." Hermione ran off.

Harry watched her ran towards the girls bathrooms. He didn't want to go after her just at that moment. He thought she might need some time alone. So he turned to Ron.

"Umm Harry" Ron started as they walked back to the Common room.

"Yeh" Harry replied not really there. He was still thinking of the kiss he had shared with Hermione. He always knew he liked her but after that kiss he realised he loved her.

"Do you really like Hermione in that way? That kiss seemed really well real!" Ron was being serious,

They got to the common room door.

"Flibergygibert" Harry said realising how stupid that word was.

"So?? About Hermione?!!" Ron said as he and Harry slumped on the chairs.

"I dunno?! I never really realised how much I did like her!" Harry was a little embarrassed.

"So you do?" Ron questioned with excitement.

"Yeh I do! I mean look at her. She isn't like many other girls I know. She is beautiful, intelligent and no other girl understands me like she does ya know!? So anyway what did you want to tell us?" Harry asked.

"Well first I think that is so great that you and Hermione well ya know and secondly my family and I have been offered to go to Romania and stay with my brother."

"What?? That's so great how long you going for? You are coming back right!?" Harry asked.

"Yeh it will only be for a couple of months but I will get to do so much over there....." Ron started to go through all the things he would be doing while he was there.

Ron looked so happy. Harry was also glade that Ron liked the idea of Hermione and Harry being together. But Harry still wasn't sure how Hermione felt.