A/N~ Hey, folks. What ya' doin'? I'm doing absolutely nothing, which is why I decided to start a new story. It's the story of a couple of people who live their lives (most literally) in games. In fact they are so caught up in games that they think their lives are merely extensions of them. Yes, it's a sad, sad existence, but one that makes for some pretty damned funny stuff! So, here you have it, "L33T Is A Way of Life".

~*~L33T !5 4 \/\/4`/ 0|= 1!|=3 !!!~*~

73|-| /\/\4|\| 100|| 0|_|7 47 |-|!5 |=0|235 45 7|-|3`/ /\/\4|2| 70\/\/4|2| 7|-|3!|2 |00/\/\ stop |-|3 ||\|3\/\/ !7 \/\/45 7|-|3!|2 |00/\/\ insert—comma 3\/3|\| 7|-|3`/ 7|-|3/\/\531\/35 | |\|07 stop |-|3 547 4|\|| |0|\|| 73|- | 3\/3|\|75 7|-|47 |-|4| |3|20|_|6|-|7 |-|!5 1!|=3 70 5|_||-| 4 10\/\/ stop end

"So," asked Danny "The King of the Net, five time champion of Internet StarCraft, and Controller of the Month, five months in a row" McCallibr, "how is it?"

"It's nice, man, but really, not everybody understands L33T," answered his friend Bob Treand.

"L33T is a way of life," answered Danny. "If they do not wish to embrace it, that is their own affair, but I will continue to write in it."

Danny and Bob had been together for their entire lives. They had grown up together, hosting LAN parties, working at Internet Cafés. They had done everything together. In fact their entire lives revolved around games. At times it was hard to tell when they were in a game, and when they weren't.

"Uh, Danny, I have to go. Behave yourself."

"Understood, I will hold down the fort," answered Danny. "But, try to avoid the mines in sector eleven. They have been tough lately."

"Will do."

Very hard, indeed.