(I do not own the X-men, or AT&T. Forgot to put this disclaimer on the other stories... oops.)

Magneto was walking through the main room, when he heard a phone ring. Pyro walked by, looked at Magneto, and cringed.

"Did you hook up a phone?" Magneto yelled.

"Well mate, I needed internet access to order fluffy bunnies."

"What the crap does that have to do with anything?!!!!!!"

The phone continued to ring. An exasperated Magneto picked it up. "Hello!"

"Good morning sir. We're calling from AT&T, your local telephone company. May I speak to Mr. Or Mrs. Tinhead?"

Magneto glared at Pyro, who turned an interesting shade of pale and ran out the front door. "Nobody by the name Tinhead is here. As a matter of fact, there's never been anyone by that name here. If I receive a bill from you, so help me I'm going to personally rip your arm off and throw you through a window.!"

"Sir, would you like to speak to my supervisor?"

"You think?!"

"Let me put you on hold, and I'll get him for you."

Erik glared at the phone. Mastermind chose to come in at that point. He saw his leader's glare, and tried to leave. However, a chair had glued itself to his rear and was pushing across the floor towards Magneto.

"Find out where they're calling from. I'd prefer not to leave. But one way or another I want to know their location so we can rip it apart."

"Yes sir."

"This is Frank, how can I be of service"

"You can start by explaining why a Mr. Tinhead has never lived here, and why a phone was activated in his name. Then we'll go from there!"

-- - - - - - - - - -

Xavier was using Cerebro, when he picked up Magneto's irate behavior. Laughing, while drinking his martini, he called Pyro and told him to talk to Erik

Magneto glared at John again. "Why does he want to help?"

"He said he's had trouble with telemarketers twice before. Forge has come up with unique ways to deal with them. Charles seems to think Sabretooth would be perfect for the job."

- - - - - - - - -

Creed glared at the contraption. "What the &*.," is a giant flying skunk supposed to do?"

Forge looked up. "Ah, there you are. Here's your gas mask and costume." Sabretooth roared when he saw the Little Bo Peep attire. He stalked forward. Next thing he knew, he was flying on a skunk at a high rate of speed, wearing a gas mask and costume. The propulsion being used was temporarily knocking birds out by the thousands as they sped along. "CRAP!!!!!!"

- - - - - - - - - -

Frank drove back from his lunch, to find chaos. Every person in the building was either staggering out or being taken out in a stretcher. He walked up to a firefighter and asked "What happened?"

"Some guy in a dress and bonnet, wearing a gas mask, crashed through the roof on a giant skunk. It proceeded to act like a scared animal, and started biting people. It also expelled noxious fumes out of it's rear, and destroyed valuable equipment. Then one of the ones not yet unconscious, noticed wings sprout from its sides, and it flew out the way it came in. It could be a case of mass hysteria, but with the other reports we've heard lately.... I doubt it."

Xavier burst out laughing again, as the X-men looked at him in shock. Little did any of them know, Mastermind and Magneto were cackling away as well. Sabretooth meanwhile, was taking his sorrows out on 50 bikers who dared to make fun of his dress.