Disclaimer: See chapter one.

Notes: Weaklings. Don't read this.

Warnings: You might take some of this as shounen ai. (Well, the story was originally written for a Yaoi contest.) You don't really have to take it that way if you don't want to.


Broken Rules… A happier ending

For the faint of heart, an alternate ending...

Rule four... keep no emotional attachments.

"Is this seat taken?"

Barely registering the question, Kenshin opened his eyes. The nap had been brief, and he was surprised he had not woken until after the train stopped. He was usually more aware of his surroundings.

Nodding somberly, he glanced up to tell the person disturbing him that the seat was taken. The ticket should have given the newcomer a designated seat anyway.

He was met with raised eyebrows and skeptical brown eyes beneath a fall of unruly brown hair. It startled him, but he could not bring himself to return the man's slow smile. Eyebrows lowering anxiously, he turned back to the window. Sano took the seat next to him, a noisy, intrusive presence.

"You like living alone?" Sano asked, his voice low, mindful of the other passengers.

Shaking his head wearily, Kenshin twisted in his seat to consider the young man who had followed him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, forthright. Sano grinned, rubbing the back of neck sheepishly.

"Well... I was thinking about things," he murmured. "And I thought about some of the things you said last week-about homes. That's what you're looking for, isn't it?"

Kenshin stared at him dumbly, mouth opening to respond though no sound reached his throat. Shrugging, Sano leaned back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head comfortably.

"I'm just the outcast anyway," he said. "And damned if I don't find you interesting... so here I am. I'm following you. Consider me your own personal sidekick-or stalker, if you like."

Chuckling softly, Kenshin shook his head.

"You're a strange man, Sanosuke," he decided.

"If we're going to hang out, you might as well call me Sano," came the easy reply.

"Very well... Sano..." Kenshin smiled faintly. "Just one thing, before you start following me like a loyal puppy."

"You calling me a dog?" Sano snorted.

"When you... kissed me the other night-"

"I said I was sorry about that," Sano scowled.

"Don't be," Kenshin waved off his apology. "Just don't think I'm easy prey."

Sano's scowl gave way to a bold smirk.

"Is that an invitation?"

"Let's take things one day at a time," Kenshin smiled, the bright, cheerful grin of their first encounter. Sano blinked, then returned the smile.

"So I agree not to push you," he countered. "And you won't shoot anyone else."

"Actually, I rarely used a gun," Kenshin sighed. "If it's all the same to you, let's not discuss that."

"If I can travel with you, I can live with that," Sano flung his arm out, startling the smaller man as he leaned against him in poor imitation of an embrace. Kenshin sighed.

"Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into, Sano?" he wondered.


"Good. You'd surely go running if you did."

"Now you're calling me a chicken."

"With that hair..."

Notes: Gag. What a cheesy ending. Must everything end happily ever after? Granted, I prefer those happy endings, but this story needed a more melancholy feeling end. Don't know why, but it did. Whatever.