All right this story just hit me in the middle of class...all right so senioritis has fully kicked in and I'll use any excuse not to pay attention in class...anyway it's just an idea but let me know what you think...This is not a Xander/Willow romance.

Willow's heartbreaking cries can be heard the instant Xander sets foot in the small flat that Giles and Andrew share. Giles and Andrew can immediately tell he's different, he stands straight like only a person with confidence in themselves can and the Africa sun has tanned his skin and his face looks determined, an expression that melts the instant Willow's tears reach his ears. "How is she?" Xander asks Giles and Andrew.

"She's been in tears since we brought her back from Brazil," Andrew glances nervously at Willow's door.

"What happened?" Xander asks. "All Buffy said when she called me was that Kennedy was killed and that she couldn't leave Rome."

"It was truly unexpected," Giles sighs, "it was a random vampire the other slayers down there took her down without much problem."


"Five days ago," Willow's sobs give way to gasps for breath before more sobs continue, "we sent her body to her parents and the funereal was today." Andrew informs.

"Why isn't Willow there?"

"Her parents blame her for everything, for her being lesbian, for her death," Andrew stops to think for a minute and then nods, "I guess just about everything."

Xander nods and without another word he walks toward Willow's door and without knocking enters, the room is cast in semi-darkness resulting from the blinds being drawn against the sunlight outside and Willow's body is a curled form on top of the covers. "Go away." Willow doesn't even move with her words, uncaring as to who came into the room. When Willow senses that whoever is in the room she adds, "I don't want damn tea, and I don't want anything to eat I just wanna be left alone." With her words Willow falls into fits of gasping sobs.


Saying her name is all Willow needs she's out of bed in an instant and in Xander's arms only moments later, "Xander..."

Xander holds his best and oldest friend tightly, "it'll be all right Wil."

"Xander, Xander, I can't," Willow takes a long gasp of air, "I can't do this. Not again."

Xander smooths Willow's hair, knowing that Willow doesn't want to talk at this moment she just needs to be held and that's all Xander does, holds her until her tears subside and she falls into an exhausted sleep.

Two weeks later was the first time Willow was actually able to form sentences involving Kennedy. Willow and Xander lay on Willow's bed, Willow's back leaning against Xander's chest as Xander draws gentle, comforting, circles on Willow's upper arm. "Things were perfect you know," Willow's words are only above a whisper and have been for the duration of their conversation.

"Yeah, I know." Xander responds.

"This is going to sound crazy," Willow informs tentatively.

"I'm sure it won't be that crazy, this is still me after all."

"We were going to adopt a baby." Willow states.

"That's..." Xander trails not exactly sure if he thinks it sounds crazy or not.

"I know, but we watched so many people die last year that we wanted." Willow sniffs back tears, "we wanted to take advantage of the time we had."

Xander can't see Willow's face but he knows that she's crying again, "she knew you loved her." Xander assures, knowing that that was what he needed to hear after Anya had died.

"Sometimes I think I ruined her life." Willow confesses.


"If she wasn't with me she would have been somewhere else, probably here in England, and she wouldn't have been in Brazil and she wouldn't have been killed."

"You can't know that."


"You can't know that."


Xander turns Willow so that he faces his, his eyes staring into hers, "you made Kennedy happy you have to remember that, no matter what her parents say Kennedy loved you and chose to be with you. Blaming yourself for her death isn't anything she would have wanted you to do."

"I feel so empty." Willow admits looking away from Xander.

Xander closes his eyes, lost in thought, and when he's struck with an idea his eyes fly open "we'll have a baby."

Willow stares hard at Xander then, she had never ever expected this, "what?"

Xander's heart drops, 'stupid Harris, that was stupid' he mentally chides himself, 'she just lost the woman she loves, that was stupid.' Aloud he responds, "I shouldn't have said that Wil...I just...I want to make you feel better. I never should have said that though, it was stupid."

Willow's expression is masked until she speaks, "I don't think it's stupid."

"Wil, you don't have to make me feel better."

"I'm not." Willow responds, "you are my best friend Alexander LaVelle Harris and I think I want to have a baby with you."

Xander licks his lips, he'd gotten himself into a situation he never should have even brought up. Willow was his best friend, yes, she had been for a long time and he should have known that he had the habit of saying just about anything to get her to smile and that tended to get him into trouble. "Wil..."

Willow lowers her eyes, "Xander if you were just saying that to say it then that's fine, and I appreciate the thought but you should know..." Willow trails off.

"What?" Xander urges.

"I don't hate the idea."

Xander props himself up on his elbows, "you want to do this."

Willow copies Xander's position, "I think we've covered that part of this conversation." A small smile, the first Xander's seen in days, plays at Willow's mouth.

Xander's eyes search every inch of Willow's face, looking for a sign that she's wavering on this idea and when he can find none he asks, "are we really going to do this?"

Willow's eyes catch Xander's and she holds the gaze for a long time before responding, "I think so."