Never Been Forgiven

I've kind of changed time to suit this story, so Sirius, James and Peter became Animagi in their second year, and found out about Remus being a werewolf in their first, and Sirius told Snape in their third year. K?

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*Hogwarts, the Marauders third year*

That first night Sirius cried himself to sleep, he felt awful. Just plain awful. It had taken him just seconds to realise what he had done. He didn't think his friends would ever forgive him, and he was right. Remus couldn't/ wouldn't even look at him, which in away was acceptable, Sirius had after all been Remus' best friend. Sirius knew all of Remus' secrets, just everything. And now, now Remus couldn't bear to be in the same room as him, let alone sleep in the same dormitory. As for James and Peter, well they just ignored him, pretended Sirius didn't exist. Those were the real reason's Sirius left Hogwarts. He knew he'd made a mistake, he knew he shouldn't have told Snape about Remus, but he did....and nothing would ever make that better.

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Ok, that was brief. And extremely short, I might even get my second chapter up tonight at this rate. Well basically Sirius' friends refuse to talk to him after he tells Snape about Remus, and because he feels like shit, Sirius leaves. TO go to a new school at the opposite end of England to Hogwarts, but......well you'll find out what happens, I hope.