Disclaimer: The Harry Potter series isn't mine and never will be mine. All I own of HP is this plot, the five books, two movies, and a poster.

Author's Note: This is my first fic. Constructive criticism is greatly welcome. Reviews would also be very helpful. And now, without further ado..the story.

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Hello, the name's Draco Malfoy. I'm surprised you needed telling. I'm one of the most known guys in the Hogwarts Castle....because of my looks of course. Possibly my smarts, my Quidditch talent, my father, or the fact that I absolutely detest Harry Potter and his goody-good friends. That Weasel and Mudblood. Ugh, they all disgust me.

Why do they disgust me? Because they think they're so important and heroic. Potter always saving the day, Weasly tagging along behind him. And that damn Mudblood always bossing them around, thinking she's better than everyone just because she never sticks her head out of a book. She never gets a chance to really get to know people either.

Not that anyone knows the real me. No one really cares or ever even bothers. They just fear me or follow me. It's quite annoying actually. Always having two big goons threatening anyone who gets near you. And then when they finally leave to go scarf down half their body weight in food (which is quite a big number mind you) this stupid girl, who can easily be mistaken for a dog, starts slobbering all over you. And drives away any girl who gets within a 10 foot radius of me.

And then there are the people who fear me because my father is a Death Eater. Even though he's in Azkaban, they still think I'm going to end up like him. And they think I'll hex them if they insult me so of course they praise my every move. Not that I didn't like it at first, it just gets old very fast. It's like having a fan club out of terror. Who'd want that?

There's some good things about being a Malfoy though. One of them being these stunning good looks. No need to brag or anything, but really...who could resist it? The Malfoy charm is a great gift too. If people didn't fear me so much, I could easily get any girl I wanted. Hogwarts doesn't have a bad selection either.

Hogwarts...I'm going back tomorrow actually. I'm gonna start my 6th year. Hell yes. I can't wait. After that, there's only one more term then "it's so long bastards." I won't need to see Pansy, Potter, Weasel, or Mudblood ever again. Unless of course fate decides to be cruel to me and makes me bump into one of them. Or work with them. Ugh, I don't think I could stand working with Pansy...or Granger. The thought shudders me.

Well, I best be packing for school tomorrow. I need to shine my Nimbus 2001...it's getting quite dirty. And nothing of mine can ever stay dirty.

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