Yes ladies and gentlemen! I HAVE RETURNED!!! I'm sorry it took so bloody long to get this next chapter up, but my com got a virus and my internet simply refuses to work... so I'm typing this at school and I hope my internet starts working soon so I can finish this rotten story. boredgirl92: Wish I could give you more action... but it's not coming in this chapter... SORRY! I'm glad you like it. .

Sage of Darkness: Well, here it is: AN UPDATE! even though you already have an idea as to what's going on... hope this isn't too much of a disappointment.

The Blood Ringed Moon: I'm not sure that Paul could ever be described as nice 0.o... hott, yes. Nice, no... it just doesn't fit.

oi-oi-oi: Whoohoo! Yes, one day, KH fans will rule the entire planet... and beyond! HAHA (albeit it will very likely be when we're all dead and are spirits that are roaming the earth making the rest of earth's mortal inhabitants miserable... insert evil laugh here.

Invader Kit: Congratulations! I do believe that, aside from my friends, you have reviewed the most. YAY! I'm glad you like it... keep reading!

Annie Wilkes1: Still reading? GOOD! Although your review does lead me to think that you've been reading WITHOUT REVIEWING! o well... the fact that I have readers that I'm not aware of allows me to think I'm very very special. (my friends won't disagree with that statement) Okay... no more chatter... ON WITH THE STORY!

About half an hour after she'd been brought into the operating room, Alyssa was left to wait for Stegman to arrive and begin the procedure. Paul stood off to the side, observing and acting as a listener.

Alyssa glanced nervously around the white-walled room. It was brightly lit and full of surgical equipment. She felt like a lost child - she was totally alienated from anything familiar.

Paul saw the discomfort and stepped forward, taking Alyssa's hand reassuringly. She jumped at his touch, then blushed as she realized who it was.

"Sorry - I'm a little edgy I guess."

The edge of Paul's mouth turned up in a slight smile.

"It's okay - I know the feeling."

Just then, the sound of a man's voice came through the closed door.

"What do you mean Steg just got here? He's got a surgery scheduled for
half an hour ago!"

The door opened and a younger doctor stepped in. His eyes darted around the room before coming to rest on the girl in bed.

"Good morning." He smiled distractedly. "I'm Dr. Hook. Doctor Stegman
will be here in a few minutes to begin the operation."

His tone was stressed and he spoke hurriedly as he motioned in a group of nurses and attendants and gave orders to begin preparing for Alyssa's surgery.

Alyssa glanced from one masked face to another, then turned to Hook.

"Excuse me..."

Hook saw the nervous look on the girl's face and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry - You'll be fine. Now just relax."

With that, one of the nurses injected some sort of sedative into Alyssa's arm. Alyssa turned and saw Paul out of the corner of her eye. He waved and then turned and walked out through the wall.

Then Alyssa's world went dark.