Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi, PowerPoint, or the concept of taboo. I just find it really fascinating, and was bored. A slight AU, takes place after Whisper to a Scream, as thought Paige never told Ms. Suave about Ellie.

Chapter One

Ellie tapped her fingernails impatiently on the desk. She really wanted to leave. She wasn't sure where she wanted to go, where she wanted to be, but she knew it wasn't here. Media Immersions class. With Mr. Simpson doling out a(nother) new assignment for a PowerPoint presentation. Wonders of wonders, miracles of miracles. It seemed that all they did in that class was learn about motherboards and make PowerPoint presentations.

Ellie took the assignment sheet handed to her by Hazel. She perused the introductory paragraph, getting a basic grasp on the assignment before Simpson started explaining it for those too stupid to read the instructions printed neatly at the top of the sheet.

"In order to broaden your guys' horizons while perfecting your PowerPoint skills, this next project will be a slide show about a topic that is 'taboo'," Simpson said, glancing from the paper in his hand to the class around him.

Spinner looked more confused then usual. "Ta-what?" he asked, not bothering to raise his hand.

Simpson paused for a moment. "Taboo means something that is socially unacceptable. Kept under-wraps... Thought to be vulgar, or... not to be talked about." He explained lamely, having assumed that 11th graders would know about taboo.

"Like farting?" A look of recognition passed over Spinner's face. Obviously Simpson's expectations were higher then they should have been.

"Yes, Gavin," Simpson said with a bit of annoyance, "like farting."

Ashley raised her hand. Mr. Simpson quickly called on her, eager to end the farting conversation before it went any further.

"Do we choose the topic we want to cover, or is there a list to choose from, or what?"

Simpson glanced back at the assignment paper. "There's a list of suggested topics on here, but you're welcome to choose a topic not on the list, so long as you clear it with me first." He shot a look towards Spinner. "Farting is not an acceptable topic."

"But Mr. Simpson," Spinner protested, "You said that farting was taboo!"

"Yes, but the point of this project is to broaden your horizons. I daresay that you've have ample experience with farting, Spinner."

A/N: Sorry it's so short, but I'm just pulling this out of my ass as I go, and this seemed like a good place to stop tonight. I'll hopefully update again tomorrow, but any later updates will depend on reader responses and when I have time... I'm on as autumnlaborra... you're welcome to friend me, if you like.