* I love Rin and I love Sesshomaru so this is a little fic just for them! Fyi, Rin is about, uummm, 17 to 18 years old. Though you might have guessed judging by the fact that this is indeed a romance fic and I am not a prevrit! *hope I spelt that right* Anyway you came to read the fic not my thoughts... so ENJOY!!!*

The fargile human was sitting by the river banks as she finished slipping on her kemono. Though it became slightly damp because her skin was not all the way dry. But she felt the need to rush. Rin had felt another person close by. It could have been just nothing but Rin still wanted to get back to her lord who sat several yards away. She had just tied the last sash and went to see her reflection in the river. Looking herself over she smiled, her lord Sesshomaru had just got her this kemono, and she loved it. It was pure slik and had a maroon color to it, not to mention it had her favorite flowers all over the front, cherry blossems.

She ran her palms over it, smoothing out all the creases and rinkels in it. She took at deep breath and pulled her hair back into a pony. With the tie she had made the other day, Rin had been making little accsesories for herself ever since her lord found her. She didn't want to bother him with petty things like that. Tuckking the other strands of hair behind her ear she began walking back to her lord.

Rin's fears surfaced again when a group of men stood before her. They were theives, humans like her. Though she still feared them, Rin felt the need to scream or run, run to her lord Sesshomaru. But she couldn't, she couldn't move. The human stood frozen as if they might cut her throat any given moment. Most of them had sick grins on their slimy lips.

"She looks good enough to eat" One of them chuckled. There only a few but still enough to bring her down. Rin quived, she was frightend and she wasn't sure if her lord knew or cared about her at this moment. The man who just spoke moved forward, he must have been the leader. He had but black armor, with black harsh eyes to go with it. Not like the golden ones she was used to seeing. He had the worst smile of them all, and the worst smell. The faul stench she ever inhealed. He smelled like a rotting corps, almost like spoiled meat.

It made her sick, even as she fell to the ground her body only grew weaker. She looked up at them as they all just laughed. Rin had the shameness of being a woman flow over her.


Sesshomaru was stroaking the two headed dragon's scales, he looked deeper into their copper gleam as they shined off the sun's light. He shot a glance over at the imp who was sitting against a tree.

"Oh what's takking her so long?" The short creature asked

"Patient Jaken, good things come to those who wait, or should I say great things in our case" he said with a grin.

"Oh Mi lord! You can't possibly be refering to that stupid human, can you?"

"Of course"

"I have no idea what you see in a stupid human like that"

"Why must you insist on saying she is stupid?"

"Well, your younger brother is at least half demon and you always say he is worthless"

Sesshomaru moved over to the large oak that the green imp was resting at. Jaken looked up with the utmost fear of his pathadic life. "Sire?" he croaked out out of his short and ugly mouth. Sesshomaru had manged to slam Jaken aganst the solid tree with his foot and yelled,

"Don't you EVER compare that half brother of mine to her, do you understand?"

Jaken slowly noded with his eyes still out cold. It didn't happen very offten but when Sesshomaru yelled it was enough to make the earth shake and cower just as Jaken was doing.

The hot sent of Rin's blood came to the demon lord's nose, as did her muffled cries to his sharp ears. "Jaken come with me, quickly!" The lord said already running. The dizzy imp leaped to his feet, if he wasn't going to help Rin, he had to help his lord.

Rin's mouth was being covered as many hands slammed her to the ground, and atempting to slicence her. The leader loomed over her, locking an ever horrible gaze with his black eyes. Along with his black hearted intentions.

"Somebody shut this girl up!" he demanded "She's annyoing the hell out of me!"

Though Rin's pain only got worse as she felt the hardness of his body stab into her. His weight didn't help either, he was thrusting into her defesless form. She wanted to scream for her lord, but hands sealed her salvation. The hot tears ran down her cheeks as the thought of her death came to mind. And the thought of her lord finding her, only scoffing at her weakness of not being able to fend for herself.

Sesshomaru was sprinting as fast as he could toward the sent of his human vassle. He cared deeply for her safety and he wanted her unharmed and untouched. And to his confusion fear for her rushed over body, he was truly afraid of what he might find when he reached her. The demon came upon a group of human theives, and nearing Rin's whails of pain.

With no thought of anything but her safety, the demon lord quickly released his glowing whip from his finger tips. He lashed it around wildly, sliceing up every advirsary in his path. His anger clouded his mind as pushed the man off of Rin. Jaken soon came with shock in his face. The human's body fell against a tree as the demon lord pinned him to it.

The human's face changed, as his death came flashing in the lord's ruby eye's in front of him. Sesshomaru's growl's came to a bark as he slit his grimmy throat. Sesshomaru truned to see Rin, layig on the dirt floor with her kemono ripped to shreads. His eye's converted back to their golden self. She was shaking, scared to death, her hands still up by her head. Her legs were spread and buised.

It took a while but the demon soon learned where he had smelt her blood. She had no wounds, except by her legs, where her organs where. He, that man had riped through her pure and harmless virgenity. He felt nothing but sympthy at the moment, the lord looked down at her broken body.

"Miiiiiii, llooorrrdddd" Jaken said quite shakkey himself. Sesshomaru pulled her into his arms, and removed her tattered kemono. With nothing more, the demon wrapped her in his soft white tail that rested on his right shoulder. He held her close to his chest, trying to keep her consiled.

"Lord Sesshomaru..." Rin slured out

"Shhh, Rin you are not to wonder off by yourself again"

"But I was just.."

"I don't care! I almost lost you! And I don't think I could live with myself if I couldn't protect you. I don't think I could bare it" Jaken, in all the years he had served his lord, never witnessed Sesshomaru shed tears, more or less for a human.

"We shall leave Jaken. We are to find the demon Naraku" Sesshomaru still holding the human began to leave for Ah and Un.

"But sire, why Naraku? What can he do?"

"Not him, that woman he created"

"Do yo speak of Kagrua?"

"Yes, maybe she can help Rin recover"

Jaken,hated Naraku and Kagrua, he feared them almost as much as Sesshomaru, so going there would be almost walking into the lions den.

"But sire, prehaps we can find someone eles"

"Can you think of no other?"

"Well there's always that woman that your brother hangs around with, she knows of medicen I believe"

"I'll concider it, that is if Kagrua cannot help us"

*Ah first chapter.... so how'd ya like it??? Please tell me! I wish to know!*