I revised this a little. In the old one it was after Apocalypse but in the new one it is after! I am sooooooooo SORRY! i have not updated sooner. I propmise i try to updated once each two days okay!

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men: Evolution blah blah blah...........................(If I did own you would see this on t.v. but I don't)

Note: Tafes place before Appocalypse. The Brotherhood and Acolytes have joined the X-Men and Magneto is there too. It's mostly going to be based on Rouge because she is my favorite but I'll try to include others in here too.

Summary: After a battle that Rouge relizes that her powers aren't going to help against this new Enemy she starts training by herself and eventually leaves the institue. What happens when she comes back with someone else? How is Remy gonna take this? remy/rouge/warren




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Chapter 1: The Battle

A girl punched and kicked the punching bag furiously. She had a pale complection and aurburn hair except two snow white strips of hair in front of her face. She had emarld green eyes and wore gothic make-up. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail with the white strips hair framing her face. She wore black sweat pants and a balck T-shirt with a red dragon design in the front. 'Ah can't beleive Ah let this happen!' thought Rouge as she made another roundhouse kick to the punching bag. She was furious with her self bacause of the last battle.' Mah powers were worthless against it! Ah counldn't even help mah friends.'

It was 4:30 in the morning, the day after the battle. Rouge had woken up at 4 in the morning to get some of her anger out. She kept punching the punching bag as remebered what happend.

: : : : : : : : : : FLASHBACK : : : : : : : : :

"The X-Men were up against a machine that looked like a senitel but had no metal in it. Professor Xaiver said it was built by some anti-mutant group to destroy the X-Men. They were called the Freinds of Humanity.

"Okay team attack it with all you got!" yelled Scott in his leader tone.

They all split up to try and hit the senitel at different angles.

"Hey I, like, need a little help here." Kitty shouted.

/ Don't worry Kitty I'm coming / projected Jean telepathakly while making her way to Kitty.

/ Okay but, like, hurry. / She replied in her mind.

Remy was throwing charged cards at it and Lance was making earthquakes trying to knock it off its feet. Peitro kept zipping around looking for an off switch. Piotr was punching its leg with fred helping him.

Rouge couldn't do anything but watch as her teammates went down. She didn't want to absorb them because they only had a little enegy left and she didn't want to take t and then have them, be in a coma for a month.

They finally took it out by Pyro melting it to the ground. When they got home Rouge didn't want to talk to anyone because she felt angry with herselfwent to be. Th so she immediatly at night she did something that she had not done in many years. She cryed herself to sleep.

: : : : : : : : : END FLASHBACK : : : : : : : : : : :

Rouge kept kicking the punching bag harder trying to block off the tears that were threatening to fall. She punched the bag the hardest she could after jst remebering what happend. After the punch sand started to fall out of the punching bag. (I think that's what's inside of a punching bag. If not in this fic it is.)

Rouge stopped punching as she saw the sand fall. She looked a little closer and saw three slits in the bag. They looked like Logan's claws. The she looked at her hands and saw three claws coming out of her knuckles on each hand. She slowly began to back up.

With all her strength she pulled the claws back in. ' Whoah! What the hell was that?! ' She thought as she kept starring at her hands.

After a couple of minutes she finally convinced herself that she imagined it and with that she started to head back to her room. To get ready for the Hell people called school.

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So how was it? I know it's a little short but next chapter is going to be longer I promise.

I know the title sucks and if you have any suggestions please review or have any ideas for couples please review. 'Cause I'm only sure about one love traingle and that's Remy Rouge Warren (or Angel). Tell me what you think!


Flamming Fire Goddess