AN: This story came about as something of a musing, something I wrote while trying to get out of a writer's slump.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. This chapter is a bit of a rewrite. Most of it is still as the same as when I wrote it years ago, but I went through and tried to correct some awkward sentencing and grammar. I numbered the sections a bit differently as well. I'm really sorry if there's still any mistakes. I hope you enjoy.


It was like a train wreck, Usagi recalled later. Like a car crash. It was gruesome and horrifying, but somehow she couldn't quite bring herself to tear her eyes away. It was like watching her entire afternoon go up in smoke because she was sure her mother would find out somehow and would punish her.

It was like watching her impending doom.

Eyes wide, Usagi cursed to herself as her aim fell far off the marker. Not the best athlete in school, not the smartest, and certainly not a person with good aim, she watched in morbid fascination as her shoe sailed over its intended target and smacked (with a rather loud thud) onto the head of a complete stranger.

Usagi couldn't remember the last time she had been that mortified.

Limping forward, careful not to let her shoeless foot touch the dirty granite, she bowed and apologized profusely as she listened to Mamoru gaffing behind her.

"Now what did I tell you about accosting strangers, Odango?" he teased.

Usagi gave a slight whine and gave her mortal enemy a dirty glare. Opening her mouth to retort, she felt the tall tell sign of stress pulsing on the side of her head as Mamoru offered her a wide smirk. He saluted her and made himself scarce before she could utter another word.

"He always has to have the last word," she groused. "That jerk!" Turning, she gave another bout of apologies and hoped that the pedestrian wasn't too furious with her.

Keeping her eyes on the ground, Usagi flinched when she sense the person take a step towards her. She expected a reprimanding or a scolding. When none came, Usagi cautiously lifted her eyes and blinked.

She stared hypnotically into a pair of cold Prussian eyes.

She waited for a moment, giving him the chance to speak. The boy said nothing. He studied her and Usagi searched his eyes for any sign of irritation or anger.

What she found was an emptiness so chilling; it made her shudder violently in spite of how warm the sun shone.

Taking a step back, Usagi eyed him warily. She gave a meek squeak when the boy thrust her shoe at her.

"T-Thank you."

Swiftly putting her shoe back on, Usagi bowed again. She turn and prepared to make a run for it.


She was halted when the boy placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"I'm looking for Juubangai Junior High," he said.

'Even his voice is cold,' she thought.

Masking her uneasiness, she gave the boy what she hoped was a bright smile.

"Are you a new student? What a coincidence, I go to the same school. I'll show you the way…" she continued to babble nervously.

After ten minutes, which seemed like ten years to Usagi, they arrived at the school gate. She hastily said her good byes and ran towards her class. She hoped that she wouldn't see that boy again.

"Usagi-chan!" Naru waved at her from down the hall.

By lunchtime, the strange boy was forgotten.


There was three minutes left until lunch was over. Instead of getting prepared like the other students, Usagi chose that time to break away from her group, to laid on the grassy slope a short distance away from her friends. She was content to stare at the clouds, to let her worries float away, to allow the tension of being Sailor Moon to dissipate from her mind. Briefly, she wondered how Ami did it. How was it that the blue haired senshi managed to balance her regular life with her secret one and managed to stay relatively sane and calm? Ami even managed to stay at the top of the class and attend all her club duties. Ami didn't seem the least bit tired or worn out. She didn't seem to feel burned out like Usagi had been feeling for the last few days.

'Does that mean something is wrong with me?' Usagi wondered.

She was startled when someone sat next to her. Turning her head lazily, Usagi noticed a familiar boy tilting his head to glance up at the sky.

"That cloud looks like a ship," he intoned.

Usagi angled her head. "Yeah, I guess it does." Her finger pointed to another cloud. "That one looks like a meat bun."


They spent the last two minutes in silence.

When the bell rung, Usagi sat up. She was surprised when a hand was held out to her. She hesitated for a moment before she took his hand.

He gently helped her up.

"I'll be here tomorrow," she said. "In the same place."

The boy nodded at her invitation and quietly left. Once he was a distant away, Usagi smacked herself on the head.

"What was I thinking?" she grumbled. She watched his lone track back into the school and noticed that his shoulders were slightly hunched as if he was deep in thought. Somehow, she couldn't shake the thought that the boy looked strangely lonely as he walked away.


Heero, that was his name. He became a regular companion for her during lunch. He didn't say much, but Usagi's excessive chattering more than made up for his lack of speech. At times, his seemingly cold eyes would show a little amusement at her antics. She sometimes even managed to cohort him into helping her with a prank or two and she often roped him into tutoring her with what ever lesson she had trouble with. The only problem she had with him was with his stubbornness on meeting other people. When she tried to bring him to meet her other friends, he wouldn't budge. When she tried to bring her friends to him, he always vanished.

She never made a big deal out of it, but it seemed strange to her. As far as she knew, beside the teachers, she was the only other person Heero would speak to. Truthfully, she felt as if she really didn't know Heero, despite all the time they've spent together.

Just who was Heero Yuy?


Heero had been absent that day. Usagi had volunteered to bring him his missed assignments. In all the time they have been friends, Usagi hadn't realized that he lived only a street or two from her.

Hefting the heavy loads of books onto the other arm, Usagi quietly walked up to Heero's front porch and paused. Heero was a very private person. Would he be angry that she showed up at his home?

Taking a breath and working up her courage, Usagi grabbing the brass knocker. She winced as the loud thud resonated inside the home. It took a moment, but the door opened slightly, allowing her to catch a glimpse of a Chinese boy scowling at her. When he caught sight of her face, he faltered a bit before his expression became cool and detached.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I brought Heero his assignments," Usagi flushed. She held out the books as proof.

Reluctantly, the boy opened the door for her.

"Is he ok? He didn't show up for school today," she placed the books into the boy's hand.

"He came down with a cold," the boy said.

"Oh." Usagi shifted on the balls of her feet. "Then please tell him, Usagi hopes he get better."

The boy nodded and then closed the door in her face.


Heero missed a week of school.

Usagi was worried. She knew something was wrong. Heero wasn't the type to let a cold bring him down. So what could be keeping him? The many possibilities of what could be wrong with Heero ran through her mind until she worked herself into a nervous wreck. Everyday, she went to his home to deliver his assignments. She'd hoped to catch a glimpse of Heero, but she never made it passed the front door. The Chinese boy made sure of that. Frustrated, Usagi was pushed to the extreme.

On Friday, precisely at ten p.m. She climbed a tree just outside of Heero's home. She knew what she was doing was technically a crime, but when it comes to her friends, the law didn't matter. She did whatever it took to make sure her friends were safe.

She just feverously hoped, though, that she wouldn't get arrested. Closing her eyes in prayer, Usagi made it to a window just as a voice carried down to her.

"What are you doing?"

Looking up on the roof, Usagi sweatdrop when she noticed a blond boy staring at her in curiosity.

"I'm not a thief," she said hastily. "I just wanted to check up on Heero and-and-"

She stopped in the middle of her speech when the boy broke out into laughter.

"Why don't you come up?" The boy crouched over the edge of the roof and held out his hand. "I promise I won't call the police."

Usagi hesitated before she grabbed his hand. For someone so frail looking, he was strong. He pulled Usagi easily onto the roof. Now that she was sitting in front of him, Usagi was at a loss on what to say. The blond boy took a moment to study her face.

"You really do look like him," he said, almost in awe. Reaching out, he touched her cheek and withdrew his hand as she flinched.

"Forgive me," he apologized.

Usagi gave him a weak smile. "Is Heero alright?"

The blond boy paused. "Heero is fine."

"It's just…" Usagi nervously touched her brooch. "He hasn't been in school…"

The blond boy smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad Heero has such a good friend." Then almost as an afterthought he added. "Heero doesn't make very many friends."

"Why is that?" Usagi wondered.

"Heero…he hasn't had a very easy life. I don't know how much he has told you…" The blond boy trailed off.

"He doesn't really talk about his past," Usagi ruefully admitted. She plucked a piece of lint off of her skirt as she thought. She glanced at the boy, a question burning on the tip of her tongue.

"You said that Heero doesn't make many friends…" she started. Her eyes grew serious. "Then why did he pick me as a friend?"

"I think…" The blond boy smiled wanly at her. " That is something Heero should tell you himself."


Usagi couldn't stop the whirling thoughts as she laid in bed. The hour before, Quatre had escorted her home.

"It wasn't safe for a girl to be traveling this late," he said. "It was nice meeting you, Usagi-san." Then, he vanished out of her window, leaving her frustrated because she didn't see Heero.

As she drifted off to sleep, Usagi couldn't help the nagging worry and the all the questions.

"Tomorrow," she mumbled to herself as her eyes closed.

Tomorrow, she was finally going to get some answer from Heero. No matter what it took.