A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to get done, but it seems writing an epilouge is harder than it looks. I was torn between getting Inuyasha and Kagome together, at the expense of a well-written chapter—or to leave as all was, and keep them apart for an angsty ending. I finally went over the options, pondered deeply, and then latched onto one ending, which I'm sticking with. Hopefully you'll all see my reasoning. TTFN.

Epilouge: Letters.


It was mid-afternoon, there were few clouds dotting the blue-cast sky, and there was only a faint, soft breeze. Starry blue eyes gazed up at the almost twin sky, and finally Kagome let herself sigh softly. For almost five years she had mourned, for the last, mulling over a descision to send one letter, to determine her and anothers fate. In the end, she had decided to send it.

Not yet knowing the fate of herself and the unnamed, she sat, awaiting a simple reply—if any—that was to the point.


A dark point in his life had passed, he had matured, he had hardened, lost many things, and gained many also. You could say his gaze was steely, almost like his brothers. When he spoke it was gruff, annoyed, and most always monotonous. Some might say Inuyasha was a changed man. But if you saw him then—teary-eyed, lost-looking, and unable to speak without whispering—you'd change your whole opinion of him tenfold.

The matured man was holding a piece of paper, his grip crumpling and tearing parts of it, tears staining inked in words. His dark lips formed a solitary whisper: "I thought you'd forgotten, too..."



I hope, with all these pains in the past five years, you haven't totally forgotten me. Ha, I actually haven't forgotten you. It's a hard thing to do that, ironically. I've started a new life, I have a wonderful, devoted husband, two adoring children, and two doses of doting grandfather and grandmother. I should be happy, exstatic, even—but somehow the only one I see in my dreams is...you.

I don't want to, and I certainly don't choose to do so. Kami-sama knows, I've been through enough in my life. But...only your eyes make flowers spring up after winter. They are the sun. Only your lips make fireworks dance beyond my vision. They are the fire, passion. Only your hands can brush away my tears softly enough to make me cry all over again. They are the silk of my cradle. Only you can make me what I always was, even now my husband wonders where the real Kagome has gone.

You gave me everything, dear, dear Inuyasha. And I love you for it—love you like I love my children.

I won't ever forget you, even if you have forgotten me.



It was a simple reply, no long speech of golden days and a cute button nose. It made Kagome cry, for this simply meant they would never be together. Of course, she had known that from the beginning. Somehow, it was all too complicated, all too delusional. The only kiss was for goodbye, and the only love she shared ended up being with her husband.

She never knew that she would be so sad.


I'll never forget, never love again as fully. Goodnight, my Kagome.


A/N: Well...this is it. It's over. Done with. Away. Sad, ne? –sniffles– I really don't want it to end, but...it has to. I hope you'll all read my stories. Bye...

Last Ever Skit:

Tia: Well, it was nice working with all of you.

Inu: Likewise...

Sess: I would say ditto—but that's just childish. It was nice to work with yo—

Kag: HI! Am I late?

Tia: It's...the end of the story, Kagome.

Kag: Oh...um... –looks to Sess all bashfully– Sorry.

Sess: –looks away–

Tia: Did I miss something?