Disclaimer: I don't own anything, really, so don't sue me ^.^

Warnings: Yes, it's rather slashy. ^.^ I'm quite aware of that, you need not tell me in reviews. I'm not making you read it for God's sake!

Flamers: Yes, 'tis true I really don't mind flames. They amuse me. ^.^

A noticeably drunk Freddy stumbled onto the familiar porch of his best friend. Freddy swayed as a tight-faced Mr. Mooneyham answered the door.

"Is Zack home?" Freddy asked and exploded with laughter. 'Zack,' he thought, 'What a funny name!'

"Kid, you're loaded. Get the hell of my property before I call the police." Zack's dad said, his breathe freezing in the air.

"Dad, it's ok. Let him come in." Zack said quietly from the top of the stairs, dressed in his white school shirt and loose pants.

"Fine. But you best be gone by 10, kid. And don't bother me." Mr. Mooneyham growled at the blond boy and stomped off to the living room.

Freddy hobbled upstairs into Zack's room and shut the door. "Hey, man, what is up?"

"Freddy, man, you're totally loaded." Zack said, he didn't think Freddy had ever consumed alcohol before.

"Nah, I'm not. I just had a few beers." He wobbled and fell onto Zack. "Whoa, don't feel good, dude."

"Zack, Freddy, my name is Zack." Zach said as he helped Freddy out of his shoes and into his bed. Freddy lay there quietly while Zach went into his bathroom to get him a glass of water.

"Just, I don't know, try and sleep it off or something." Zack muttered to the useless lump in his bed as he picked up the phone to call Freddy's parents.

"Hi, Mrs. Jones, can Freddy spend the night? Yes I know there's school tomorrow but we're doing a project together for science and we might be late. Ok, yes, I'll be sure to tell him. Bye."

"Man, I mean.....Zack," Freddy again found Zack's name to be hilarious and started to laugh again. After he had gotten control of himself, he continued. "You called my mom?"

"Freddy, please, be quiet, my dad'll come in if you don't shut up." Zack winced as he remembered the previous night when his father has lost gone off on him after he got home a few minutes late from band practice.

[flashback] "Zachary Joseph Mooneyham, where the hell have you been? The dinner's gone cold and my patience with you is wearing thin. Ever since that ass of a teacher came to your school you've been acting like a hooligan. I don't know if I want you to be playing in that silly band ever again."

"I'm sorry, Dad." Zack whispered, his face hidden by his hair.

"No, I don't think you are sorry at all, Zack." Mr. Mooneyham shouted and threw the plate of dinner at the wall. It shattered, leaving small trace of blue ceramics everywhere, and giving Zach a few cuts. [end]

His dad had been much more violent than usual last night, and Zack he the scars to prove it. Suddenly Freddy's voice brought the boy back from his memories of his father.

"Zack, come here."

"What is it, Freddy?" Zack asked half-heartedly. He vowed to himself never to get wasted and crash on someone else's bed.

"Get in." Freddy said and scooted over to the other side of Zack's double bed.

"What? Freddy, you're drunk."

"I love you, Zack. I've loved you since the sixth grade, the year after Dewey came......Please, Zach."

"Freddy, you're drunk." Zach repeated. 'Now what am I going to do?' He thought to himself. 'My best friend wants me to get in bed with him. Not the best idea considering he's drunk. And he's a guy.'

"No." Freddy whispered, grabbing Zack's hand and pulled him onto the bed.

"Come on, man, you're loaded and you'd regret it in the morning."

"Zack, we don't have to do anything, just please, lay with me?"

One look at Freddy's innocent face and Zack gave in. It was less than 30 degrees outside and Zach's house never seemed to warm up right, so it was always a bit cold. The warm fluffy covers were inviting as he slipped of his shoes and jeans and crawled in.

"Freddy, man, take off your jeans, you can't sleep in them." Innocently enough, the boy helped his friend out of his jeans, sweatshirt and socks.

They lay huddled together like that for more than an hour before Freddy wrapped his arms around Zack's waist. 'This feels incredibly nice.' Zack thought as he laid his head on Freddy's chest. 'No, bad, Zack, bad.'

A million thoughts were running through the guitarist's head. 'What is Freddy wakes up in the morning and is mad? Is he asleep right now? What will happen to our friendship after this? God, just look at his lips..... No, no I did not just think that. Is it weird that I'm this comfortable here? In his arms? I mean, I'm straight.....But......oh God, what will my dad think? Maybe Freddy will let me live with him.....Maybe he'll run away with me and we can sleep like this every night....God, what am I thinking?!'

Just then Freddy pulled Zack closer, if it was possible, and pressed his lips to the other boy's. It took Zack a minute to react but after he did one of his hands traveled up to Freddy's hair while the other rested lightly on his back. Meanwhile, Freddy was unbuttoning Zack's school shirt, which he had surprising neglected to change out of.

At that moment, Freddy bolted out of the bed and to the bathroom and closed the door as he felt a wave of sickness come over him. Zack lay there, glancing at the digital clack (12:03) and shivering without the heat of Freddy's body, in his boxers, thinking about what had just happened.

About five minutes later Freddy emerged from the bathroom looking slightly unwell and shirtless.

A/N: Dun dun duuuuuuun! Yes, well. That's it for now but I promise more really soon. Wo0t for slash! Review.....And I really don't mind flames, because they tend to amuse me, given the fact that most reviews only leave anonymous reviews, and they can't spell ^.^ Well, I'm out-tay, tell me what you think! WE NEED MORE FREDDY/ZACK SLASH!! yay!