Hi y'all! Beyond the Horizon should be updated within a week! But the Easter bunny left off one of his offspring, well two actually, one was the Killer White Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but the other one was a plot bunny. It's so cute, and would just hop around the room and look at me so sweetly, that I couldn't just ignore it… that and its brother TKWR would have attacked me if I made the plot bunny cry. So, here's the new story, hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I own it all!!! Muhahahahahahaha

Lawyer: *Pokes with a stick* Ehm.

*Glares while rubbing backside* I do.

Lawyer: *Pokes rapidly*

All right, all right, I own nothing, but Ringareona, her Dad, Manu, Todd, and Julie. The rest belong to Professor J.R.R. Tolkien.

Title: Sunrise into Eternity

Rating: PG, at least for now.

Summer: Not your typical Mary-sue, girl falls into Middle Earth. A tragic event in a young New Mexico girl's life triggers a series of events, which leads to her fall into Middle-Earth. With no idea how to get back, she must learn to live among the race of Elves. She finds out it's not all it's cracked up to be. But with a little help, she might just make it after all.


She had a happy life, a loving mother, a funny outgoing older brother, a father that loved her with all of his heart and she him, and her best friend, a wolf hybrid named Manu* or Spirit. She was obsessed with all things pertaining to older times when chivalry could be found around every corner, so it came as no surprise she was infatuate with J.R.R. Tolkiens 'The Lord of the Rings'. She fell in love with the race of elves, and would have given anything to meet a being as beautiful and graceful as the setting sun on the mesas of her home in New Mexico. Which she was currently watching from her favorite old oak tree in the yard of the old dude ranch her family owned. She loved the peace and serenity that nature provided, it was something her father had installed in her when she was younger, that, and her love of reading.

Her father was obsessed with 'The Lord of the Rings', he had even taught himself Elvish when he was younger, then proceed to teach his only daughter. They would have conversations in Elvish in public when they didn't want anyone to know what was being said. That's how he met Julie, she was standing in line behind him and his daughter when they were talking in Elvish, and then she proceeded to talk to them in the same language. He had fallen in love with her, and she him. They were married and she adopted his girl and he her older son. They had lived a long and happy life, until one day.

"Ringareona*!" The tall man with black hair called to the 20-year-old.

Ringareona sighed, she hated her name, she was teased at school for it constantly and it hadn't let up much once she started college either. But with a father like hers what was she to do? "What's up?" She called back.

"Want to come with me to the store?"

"Awwww, do I have to? I just got to the best part," she whined holding up her book to prove her point.

"That's, what, the four-hundredth time you've read 'Fellowship of the Ring'?" He laughed.

"Yeah well I still have a way to go before I am able to recite every book word for word, unlike some people who will remain anonymous." She replied, rolling her eyes.

"Alright, Reona, I get it, no you don't have to go." He said using her nickname and putting his hands up in mock surrender, then grabbed the girl off the branch, spun her around, and gave her a huge hug. "Be back in a bit tinu*." He dropped the girl flat on her butt, and then ran when she gave chase. Laughing he jumped into the truck and closed the door.

"Hasta Luego*!" The girl called out as her father drove off in a cloud of dust; he shot out his hand and waved.

Hours later the sun began to set, and Reona's father still hadn't come back. Her, Julie, and her step brother Todd were getting worried, then they heard a car drive up, and Reona ran to the door, eager to greet her father, but it wasn't her father she met at the door.

"Officer Sanchez." She greeted as Julie and Todd came up behind her. "What can we do for you tonight?"

"I'm sorry Reona, I'm so sorry." Officer Sanchez, a long time family friend said, tears pulling at his pale blue eyes.

"Wha… what's wrong? What is it?" She said with a hint of panic in her voice. "Where's dad? Where's my dad? It… It isn't him is it? Please, please don't let it be him! God, please don't let it be him!" She said on the brink of hysterics.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The man began to break down. Julie screamed, a blood curdling scream as she leaned against Todd for support. Reona stared at Sanchez, her face pale and her eyes blank. Ricardo Sanchez put his hand on Reona's should, but she pushed it off, and bolted, her ever faithful Manu* in close pursuit. She ran, long and hard, not even glancing back when they called out to her. She ran like there were wild coyotes nipping at her heels. How long she ran, she was not sure but when she stopped, the sky was an inky shade of dark blue and she had made it to the base of the mesa. She climbed until she reached the flat surface, careful not to stick her hand in Rattler hole. Manu preferring to take the trail arrived shortly afterward. She sat on a rock, knees to her chest and stared off into the vast 'Land of Enchantment'*, tears silently leaking from her dark brown eyes.

Sensing his owner's distress, Manu nuzzled her shoulder, and then laid down beside her, nearly on top of her, to show her he was there for her, and always would be. It was well past dawn when Reona finally regained her senses. She knew she should had to wait until she was fully alert to try and make her way back to the ranch, it was early morning, and the Rattle snakes would be out in full force before the air turned from warm to the scorching hot heat New Mexico summers were famous for.  Maybe if she hadn't been so stressed, she might have heard the gentle, "sktishhhhh" of the tiny rattle, maybe even have seen the small diamond shaped head staring out from under the rock… but she didn't. With lightning quick reflexes the baby rattled struck out and sunk his dripping, venom filled fangs into her hand as she gripped the rock. Reona cried out as she landed on her back some twenty feet down from where she had been only seconds ago. The last thing she heard was Manu's frantic barking before all faded into darkness.


Manu*- Elvish for spirit.

Ringareona*- Elvish meaning December Gift. Ringare- December ona-Girft Elvish

tinu*- Daughter

Hasta Luego*- Spanish for 'see you later'

New Mexico is known as the 'Land Of Enchantment'*.

Well I guess you could call that chapter one. ^_^ I hope you like it! Next chapter up soon!

Amanda *aka Sweet A.K*