Lily sat down, her face the same shade of red as her Gryffindor badge. Kate gave her an apologetic grin from across the table, but it hadn't really been her fault Lily conceded, after all she was the one who had written the oh-so-stupid last comment.

"Quite down" The professor addressed the laughing students, "And if Miss Evans can control herself we can carry on with the lesson." This was met with more sniggering.

The lesson couldn't end quickly enough for Lily, and when the bell rang, she jumped up and ran off before the rest of the class had even packed their bags. She was followed by Kate and James who chased her all the way to the head students common room.

"Lil's I am so sorry." Kate shouted as she burst through the door.

"No worries K, its my fault. I don't know what I was thinking writing that. Look can you leave us for a bit?"

"Sure hun. See you after lunch yeah?"

Lily nodded to Kate as she turned and walked out the door. Great, she thought, now she was going to have to face James, something she really wasn't looking forward to doing.

Turning back into the common room she went and sat on the sofa opposite where James lay sprawled across the three seater.

James noticed Lily sit down but was at a loss of what to say to her. He knew she was very embarrassed and he did not want to make it any worse. Suddenly a voice cut into his thoughts.

"J" Lily began tentatively not really knowing what to say, but desperately wanting to break the silence.

James looked round at her, she seemed so confused, and upset. All he wanted to do was hold her. Swinging his legs of the sofa, he walked round to where she sat and put his arm around her shoulders. He felt her stiffen slightly, it was hardly noticeable, evidently she was trying very hard to keep herself under control, nevertheless it was enough for James to notice.

"Talk to me Lils" James pushed, not really knowing what else to say.

"I'm so sorry James." Came the quiet reply.

"What are you sorry for. Everyone writes notes, you just got caught. You didn't mean anything by it." His voice caught slightly with the last bit, praying she did mean it, hoping her feelings matched his own.

She stayed silent for a moment, " What if I did mean something by it?" the voice was so soft James almost thought he had imagined it.

"You did?" He shrieked. Lily couldn't help but grin a little at the way His voice had just risen several octaves. "Ahh," His voice soft again, "there's that smile"

"God that was corny James." Lily smirked, "How about next time you go for something a little less predictable, like 'did it hurt when you fell from heaven.'"

"I dunno." James said pretending to mull it over. "That's a little understated for me."

"That it is." Lily agreed with him. "How is it you make me forget problems so easily?"

"I spent long enough causing problems, I should know something about solving them."

Lily rolled her eyes. "So anyway, can we forget the note?"

"We can, I don't know if the rest of the class will though." James said thinking over the faces of some of the other girls in the class.

"Oh God, I'm never gonna live that down" Lily groaned.

"You do know you can just call me James yeah?" he quipped grinning.

"Have you been reading the 'Sirius book of subtle' again?" Lily asked in a scolding tone.

"No, Mother." James replied turning the most innocent looking pair of eyes on Lily she had ever seen.

"You look so cute like that." She remarked, "But back to the issue, what am I going to say to the rest of the class?"

"I'd prefer to stay on the fact I look cute." James leant down and kissed her gently.

"So would I." Lily pulled away. "However, that will not help the fact that by now half the school will know that" She stopped not knowing exactly how to finish that sentence.

"How you wanted to have rampant sex with me in the Defence class room, with an audience?" James questioned slyly. "Have to say Lils I hadn't put you down as an exhibitionist."

"Ahhhh James, there is so much you don't know about me." She joked back.

"In which case, I believe the school should be halfway through lunch now, so do you want to go and give a little performance in the Great Hall?"

"Right Joke has gone far enough now. Bad mental pictures." Lily grimaced.

"It doesn't have anything to do with being sprawled on the teachers table with Dumbledore…

"James!" she cut him off, "Have your parents ever thought of getting you some serious therapy? That's just disturbed. No, quit getting you therapy, I think I need it now."

"Have I cured your exhibitionist streak?"

"Cured? I think I want to remain a virgin for life."

"You're a virgin?" James said, all joking gone.

"Yes." She began cautiously, "I assumed you knew."

"No. I thought you and that prick"

"Which prick?"

"Dunno his name, the Hufflepuff."

"Ohhh, him. You're right, he's a prick."

"What happened?" James asked suddenly protective.

"Nothing much, he just wouldn't take no for an answer. You know when he ended up in the hospital wing, and everyone thought it was Snape?" James nodded, wanting her to carry on, " Well, it was me who put him there, he just didn't want people to think he couldn't handle his girlfriend so he encouraged the rumors."

"You mean you, wait what am I saying you turned Snape into a grease factory of course you could." James grinned, "Just promise you will never hex me."

"Shan't" Lily said with the air of a three year old.

"Is that you shan't ever hex me? Goodo" James grinned standing up. "Can we go and get some lunch now?" He carried on pulling her up.

They walked down to the Hall in comfortable silence, making their way over to the Gryffindor table. Sitting opposite Kate and Sirius, Lily grinned at them both.

"Sorted?" Kate asked.

"Yep." Lily smiled up at James as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Whoa, stop it there mate. Who knows where it might lead with Lils here." Sirius grinned across at them.

"We were both talking about how much you have both changed since last year." Kate explained to Lily.

"I guess we have. " Lily agreed.

"But the changes have only just begun." James finished. "May these changes only be the beginning!" He said raising his glass.

The four clicked glasses, shouting "To changes"

A/N: well folks there's the final chapter. I've been wanting to wrap this story up for a while, and I thought with Lily and James finally together that was a good point to do it. There might be a sequel coming at some point, but right now I just want to finish 'Why Us?' and 'Is time on her side'

Feel free to review this fic, they're always appreciated, and I would urge you to look at Is time on her side as this is a fic I am particularly proud of.

