Disclaimer: I do not in any way own, neither did I invent Harry Potter or any familiar material/information in this story. J.K. Rowling and her publishers have all of my credit.

Author's note: my very first fan fic…reviews requested! Serious subject matter, but not too unrealistic (considering it IS fantasy) or "angsty".

Four weeks into the start of Sixth Year, Hermione Granger awoke in her four-poster bed to find two other Gryffindor girls still asleep in the beds beside her. The morning had the cool, crisp feel of Autumn, it could not be past seven.

Hermione, unusually refreshed, jumped out of bed to begin a seemingly relaxing day of study and spending time with her best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Quietly, in fear of disturbing Parvati and Lavender (who had spent most of the night giggling loudly over a romantic horoscope), she dressed in her usual robes and tie. Of average height and stature, she felt her oxford shirt stretch over her stomach and waist. Apparently she had grown larger and would need some new uniforms. Dismayed, she grabbed her bag and left the room, bounding down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room.

The cozy room was empty, but the fire was going. She reached in her bag and pulled out a new title, Cosmetic Charms for the Teenage Witch. This selection was out of the ordinary for the studious and serious girl who was the cleverest of her year. However, Hermione had a purpose: after the careful counsel of Ginny Weasley, she would go for her guy. After all, how hard could it be? Hermione, while she loved spending time with Ron and Harry, wanted to spend more time with the girls in her house; she often felt left out of the "boy" conversations about Quidditch and snagging girls. In her heart, she was attracted to Ron, but she kept that locked inside of her. She could never snag a guy's attention: she was a bookish braniac, not a glamour girl. That is why she combed the library for cosmetic help.

An hour passed as Hermione studied simple hair styling spells in Chapter One of the guide. She tried the relaxing charm on her own bushy hair. The results were magnificent. Her hair was transformed from frizzy to silky and straight with a simple wave of her wand. She read that the charm would stay in effect for four hours.

As Hermione checked out another page on highlights, she heard a rumbling from the boys' staircase. Two extremely sleepy boys shuffled down the stairs, hair uncombed and shirts untucked. Hermione smiled to herself with exasperation from the disturbance.

"Nice to see you two are up," she said in her coined exasperation to Harry and Ron.

"(with a yawn) Er-mi-knee…it is only eight…aaaand you do not have quidditch practice to worry about. Katie is killing us…" Ron sleepily drawled.

Harry nodded and added, "I'm starving, though, breakfast?"

The three proceeded out of the common room towards the great hall.


Read and Review! Short and not much to it, so far…it will get there…to Hermione's deep issues…I will update ASAP.