Summary: Bug's thoughts on his life and the people in it. Disclaimer: No one belongs to me.

I Don't Belong
by Armonia

Another day is over and another body safely put away. That's how everything in my life is going. Nigel told me today that I'm very predictable and I hate to admit that he's right. I have been doing the same thing ever since I started working here and nothing changed expect that time I went to find who that John Doe was. I think about that case sometimes.
Before I can leave, I have to finish some paper work for Lily to look over. Lily. I don't even know why I bother trying to impress her. I know she's still in love with Garret. I have a feeling she always will be. Aside from knowing all this, I guess I'll still try to win her heart. God, I sound like Nigel.
I'm not very good at finding women anyway. Most of them thinks I'm boring and have an unhealthy obsession with insects. I never really thought that I had an unhealthy obsession. I can never find anyone who shares my interest. Maybe I don't want to find anyone who shares my interest or maybe I hold Lily up on a stand and no one can match up to her.
I don't think it's that either. Ever since I came to America, I never fitted in with any particular group. Come to think about it, I never fitted in with anyone back home. To be completely honest, I don't know where I belong. I don't think people here at the office are really my friends. Nigel, Jordan, Lily. Maybe it's all in my head or maybe they're just tolerating me.
I'm done with my paper work and left it on Lily's desk. I look over it one last time before I leave to make sure I didn't leave anything out. It seems fine. Lily just came in and grabs her jacket. I thought she left.
"Oh, Bug, I didn't know you were still here." She says happily.
"I had to finish paper work for Kyle Carni." I said pointing to the paper I placed on her desk.
"Okay. I'll look at it tomorrow. Hey, I'm going down to the bar to meet Jordan. You want to come?" She offered. I thought for a moment.
"Um, no, not tonight. I have things to fix at home." I lied. I know she picked it up.
"Right. Care to walk me out?" She asked. I nodded and we left.
Another Saturday night alone. That's the story of my life. I don't think it'll get better.