Remember By: Littlewolflover
Dedication: Naruto-chan!!!! Simply 'cuz I love him.... and I hate the fact that the are starting to make Sasuke the main character!!! DAMN!!! If Sasuke was the main character then the show would be called Sasuke DAMMIT!!!! Sorry but it's true..
Oh and some of my very bestest friends Carrie-chan and Winters-chan and Lene-chan ect...
Disclaimer: Whoa! Naruto is sooo awesome I wish I made him up. Sorry Sasuke fans, Naruto is the very, very best ::Sticks out tongue:: pheeeeeeeeee!!!!! Sasuke can rot for betraying Konoha!!!! GRRRRR - But he is hot though..... DAMMIT Me and Naruto are mad at him!!!!! I DON' T OWN IT!!!!! Sasuke is in a barrel!
Summary: When Sasuke and Naruto are given a babysitting mission, they realize that their relationship goes beyond teammates or even friends. Sasuke invites Naruto over his home. Sasuke reveals his past.... citrus and fluff warnings!!! NaruSasu and SasuNaru
Warning: Rated R for good reason... YAOI!!!!!!! Hard R!!! Citrus-lined!!!! And we all love citrus. Also Angsty, a weeeeee bit depressing and YAOI!!!!! SPOILERS FOR THE ANIME AND MANGA!!!!!! SASUKE'S PAST SPOILERS. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THEN DON'T READ DUDE. ::blush:: ano... ano..... It is lemony.... um.... ahhhhhhhhh!!! ::blush:: To all you idiots out there.. yaoi is guy-guy relationships. As in GAY MEN!! SO STOP FLAMING ME!!!!!!! Lemon = sex... !!! NO FLAMES!!!!!
**** Okay then this is the wonderful revised edition of Remember. w00t!!! Okay well it is clearer and spell checked. Please enjoy. ****
Now {In case you're stupid or just dumb to the ff world} I will give you the wordings.....
"............" Talking
'.............' Thinking
{............} Author's note
(.............) Crazy people standing in the corner's note or a translation.... I think the crazy people retired.
~............~ Flashback
........ POV Whoever's Point of View
Chapter one: Talk with me
Our favorite ramen-loving blonde opened his eyes slowly. He yawned loudly and slipped up and out of bed. He pulled off his doggy nightcap and walked to the kitchen, following his every day morning routine.
'What for breakfast?' He grinned widely as he grabbed a cup of instant pork flavored ramen. After eating he slipped over to his mirror and got dressed and prepared for his "exciting" missions for today. After he had adjusted his Hitai Ate he was ready to go. He showed up at the bridge, like any other day. Sasuke was already there, Sakura was missing. It wasn't like her to be late.
"Yo Sasuke! Where's Sakura-chan?" The black haired Uchiha turned his head slowly to glare at the blonde.
"How the hell should I know, dobe?" So much for being nice... The two boys glared at each other until Kakashi popped up in front of them.
"A pretty girl stopped me on the way and I danced....." Sasuke sweatdropped.
"Lies!!" Kakashi gave a nervous type laugh and they went on their way to the administration building. The three of them walked up to Iruka to get their new -most likely- stupid mission. Damn the people that came up with D ranked missions!
"Well, Well?!!! What is it today? Ne, Ne!!!?" Naruto's hope was shattered quite bluntly by Iruka's response.
"Babysitting" Naruto's jaw dropped. Sasuke glared hard, he couldn't believe it.
'This is what ninjas are reduced to?' Iruka cleared his throat to catch their attention.
"Five children." This time Sasuke's jaw dropped. Naruto flailed his arms around wildly.
"No way, nuh uh... Nope, no way I'm doing that.. I'm a ninja, not a babysitter!" Sasuke was compelled to nod, but stopped himself. Iruka handed them each a sheet of paper. Naruto began to read. "Dinner at five bed by nine... Dammit..." He growled.
"Fine!!" Naruto threw his hands up in defeat. After Sasuke did some serious glaring and Naruto was done yelling they headed towards the address written on the paper. It said that the parents were going out for a long time and if needed they could sleep over.
"Where the hell are they going?" Sasuke glared at the paper, he was not having a good day. Naruto shrugged his shoulders.
"Ne! Ne! Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll be perfect angels and we wouldn't have to do anything!" Naruto's voice wasn't as sure as his words.
~~~~~~ (Three hours later)
"Dammit! Sit down and eat it!" Naruto was screaming at his two. One was throwing up for no apparent reason. Naruto could swear he was doing it on purpose. Sasuke had his two tied to the table and was force-feeding them. "Jeez, Sasuke. You're gonna kill them." Sasuke shrugged.
"It's five... they are going to eat." Sasuke glared at the poor kid until he started to cry. Eventually they got them all to eat, without throwing it up, and sat them in front of the TV set. Sasuke growled, but at least they were glued to the TV.
~~~~~~ (Two hours later)
"Dammit Naruto! Why did you give them cookies?! DOBE!!!!" Naruto jumped on one of them and pinned him to the ground.
"They wouldn't shut up!" They both had to shout over the kid's screams. All of a sudden pudding flew through the air and hit Sasuke in the face. Naruto burst out laughing so hard the kid underneath him got loose. With tears in his eyes from laughing, he went to get Sasuke a towel. More pudding flew through the air. It was from the kid that Naruto had pinned down. Naruto wiped pudding off his face and screamed a battle cry. He went after the kids, they ran screaming.
~~~~~~~ (Another two hours later)
All five demons from the bowels of hell, as Naruto liked to call them, had passed out. Naruto sighed deeply in relief. He carried them all upstairs and put them in their respective beds.
"Oi! Sasuke! Sasuke where'd you go?" He called with no avail. "Oi!! Sasu-" Sasuke was lying on the couch, fast asleep. Naruto quieted down as he cleaned up the mess they had all made. After finishing he went upstairs to get a blanket for Sasuke.
When he came back instead of lying the blanket over him and leaving as he had originally intended, he kneeled by the sleeping figure. He couldn't take his eyes off Sasuke.
Naruto POV
I was so afraid I would awaken him, I think. No, I know. If he was to wake up he would just glare at me and say, "What the hell are you doing, dobe?" He wouldn't understand. Though I think I wanted him too. It hurt a little.... He was absolutely gorgeous lying there on the couch. I stared at him for what seemed like hours. His hitai ate had slid off his forehead and onto the couch. His black hair had fallen softly over his facial features. His lips were parted ever so gently as he breathed in and out. His shirt had risen up just enough so that I could see his belly button and muscular stomach. His skin was pale and beautiful, it almost seemed to glow like the pale light of the moon. His hands were strewn gently across his chest as it rose up and down slowly. Even his toes were entangled in a beautiful manner. Any other time, he was so alert, so sharp, but now as Sasuke lie before me, he looked.... helpless. He looked a little..... a little like a small child separated from his mother. I would definitely have to add this to my sexy Sasuke things list. Yes I had a list, not written down but a mental one. Everything Sasuke did that I thought was sexy was on that list. From the way he ate his favorite Onigiri to, more recently, this very moment. It was by far the best thing on the list yet. Before I could stop myself my fingers were running through that silky black hair. I was so scared he would awaken, but my fingers didn't move. I stared at his peacefully sleeping face, his softly closed eyelids, his pinkened cheeks, his soft lips... My hand moved from his hair and stopped. I swear I wasn't doing this, seriously, my body just moved. I didn't even know what was going on. Before I knew it, being engulfed in my thoughts, my lips had descended upon his. It was a soft, light kiss but still a kiss. My cheeks were so hot. It was..... indescribable. I never wanted to let go, but I knew I needed to. I, very reluctantly, pulled away from his soft, gentle lips. I rested my head gently on his chest as not to wake him. My eyes fixated on his bare stomach. I wanted to touch it. Before I could even think my fingers slowly crept towards the surprisingly soft skin, I stroked it gently. Sasuke stirred. I sat there frozen. Lucky! He didn't wake up. Against my better judgment my fingers continued to caress the soft skin. Sasuke moaned softly. From the touch, I don't know. My fingers finally stopped and I pulled my legs up on to the couch with him. I lied there with my everything touching his everything, save for my face, damn my short genes. When he was awake he may not be, but while he was asleep, Sasuke was the most inviting person on the face of the planet. Then, without any sign or warning, Sasuke gripped his arms around me like a child would a teddy bear. My eyes widened. Now what was I going to do? Damn I can't move. I decided to wait it out. Eventually he was sure to let go, right? Right? I waited forever...
Normal POV
Slowly Naruto's eyes began to close as he fell asleep. The two shinobi lie asleep for hours until Sasuke, feeling hot, opened his eyes slowly. His eyes widened in shock and quite possibly horror, at the sight before him.
Sasuke's POV
Sweet stars in the sky! What the hell?!! Naruto is lying ON TOP of me, asleep. Just as I was about to shake the dobe until his brains came out and ask him what the hell was going on, I noticed the position we were in. Not only was Naruto on top of me I was holding Naruto tightly to my chest. Me! Not only that, Naruto was clinging tightly to my shirt. I mean fucking death grip tight. What the hell happened while I was sleeping?! Again before I was about to tear the boy off of me I looked at Naruto closely. Damn, he was quite cute that way. His soft blonde hair was brushing against my chin and my lips. Of course because I'm taller, his head was buried in my neck. Every part of him was touching me. I actually kinda liked having Naruto this way. But having him on top of me was damn hot. So I gently pulled him off of me. Apparently Naruto is a hard sleeper. Slowly I pulled my shirt off. Upon seeing the sweat dripping down Naruto's face, I decided it was best to take his jacket off too. I unzipped it and gently pulled the jacket off him revealing...... a black shirt.... Seriously how does this boy go about fighting, in the summer even, with this much clothing on?! I think I wanted to see a bare chest... What? I then pulled Naruto back into my arms and held him tightly to my chest. I began to run my fingers through Naruto's soft, fine blonde hair. I wondered if I could ever talk to him.... about.... things. But he and I are "rivals", he would never see someone like me in such a way. I sighed as I continued to play with Naruto's hair. Naruto was so carefree. I really wish I could be like him, but I never could. Right now I hate myself for this stupid infatuation I have for this boy before me. I'm an avenger right? I shouldn't waste my time in such a way. But no matter how many times I tell myself that, my mind always goes back to Naruto, even during my training. I just give up. I sat there with Naruto sleeping sweetly on top of me. I love him. I really do. My hand moved from Naruto's hair to his stomach. Why? Before I had any time to think my hand had slipped under Naruto's shirt. His skin was even softer then I had imagined. Yes I had imagined it... Not only was it soft, but it was slightly tanned, making it even more irresistible. It shined as brightly as the sun itself in the moonlight shining softly from the window. I couldn't help but softly run my fingers over his skin. Stars, he was so tempting. After awhile I felt him bite his lip against my neck. He is.... Is he enjoying this?! He's asleep! I shook my head and stopped. I pulled him up so that his head was on my chest instead of in my neck. I leaned down slowly, and blushing I'm sure, I kissed Naruto's lips sweetly. I took a deep breath and held Naruto tighter. I lied there silently for hours.
Normal POV
Eventually they were both asleep again.
~~~~~~~~ (The parents come home.)
Mr. and Mrs. Akao {I don't know I made it up!} walked through the door quite loudly. They were obviously drunk.... They wandered into the living room and found the two boys lying on the couch.
"Oh. My. Spirits." They both gapped at the scene before them. A blonde haired boy in a tight black shirt lie on top of a dark haired boy. The dark haired boy had no shirt on and his arms were wrapped around the smaller blonde one. One of his hands was in a, to say the least, suggestive place. The blonde one was even drooling a bit.....
"Gay. People. Had. Sex. On. Our. Couch. Rei." The husband smiled brightly.
"At least they're open about their gayness." The woman twitched and went up to check on her children. Rei shook the one on top gently, only to wake him up. Naruto opened his eyes slowly, yawned and rubbed them.
"Eh?" Rei smiled at him and gave a thumbs up. {Picture Gai..} Naruto was confused.
"You guys can go home now. Thanks for taking care of our kids." Naruto nodded. He waited until Rei went upstairs and went to wake Sasuke up but he was already opening his eyes. Sasuke rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned softly.
"Naruto?" Sasuke's eyes widened.
'It wasn't a dream?' They both began to blush furiously. Sasuke swallowed and let Naruto go. A little reluctantly actually.
"Um, they came home and said we could go." Naruto yawned and sighed deeply. "I don't really fell like walking all the way to my house....." They were both silent for a while.
"You can come to my house." Naruto's eyes widened that time. "I mean because it's closer and it is already pretty late. So.. I mean you can go home." Naruto opened his mouth but no words came out for awhile.
"Um, S-sure. I-It's closer any-anyway." Naruto couldn't stop himself from stuttering. He'd never even been inside Sasuke's house. He never thought he would ever be invited either. He swallowed hard.
"Um. Well would you like to go now?" Naruto got up from Sasuke's lap quickly. That sure was one hell of an awkward moment. Naruto was about ready to slap himself..... Sasuke put his shirt back on and Naruto put his jacket coat thingy back on. {What exactly is that thing?... -_-; ... A jumper?}
They began towards Sasuke's house. As they were walking Naruto couldn't help but stare at Sasuke. And when Sasuke tried to do the same their eyes met for another awkward moment. They both turned their heads blushing. Naruto chanced a glance at Sasuke and stared at his hand. Again before he could stop himself his hand was moving over toward Sasuke's.
'NO!!!!!!!!' Naruto screamed mentally. Their hands touche, Naruto was about to run for the hills, his hand kept going. Sasuke stared at Naruto's panic ridden face.
'What should I do?' Sasuke asked himself. Naruto's fingers reached inside Sasuke's. Naruto was seriously about to run. Blushing, Sasuke slipped his fingers around Naruto's. Naruto stared at Sasuke's face, eyes wide with shock. Sasuke was also a little bit shocked Naruto did that. They walked the rest of the way in complete silence their fingers locked, both blushing like maniacs.
When they reached the house Sasuke went into his room after reluctantly letting go of Naruto's hand. Naruto went into the other bedroom. Before he entered the room he looked around at Sasuke's house. It was so clean. And, there was no sign of anyone else living there. Naruto, being as dense as he was, didn't know about the Uchiha "incident". He had never really thought about Sasuke's home life. He wandered around the room, a little restless from the awkward moments between the two genin. He blushed when he thought of their fingers being entwined. He looked to a neatly kept bookshelf. Towards the top lie a bundle of pictures, tied together with a rubber band. Naruto reached up and grabbed the tightly tied bundle. On the top was a picture of Sasuke as a child. He was dressed in a long sleeved, buttoned black shirt and long black pants. He was... He was...
Naruto POV
I was about to drop the picture. Sasuke was smiling. SMILING!!!! Not smirking, not snarling not.... He was smiling brightly. He had to have been about seven or eight. I felt my cheeks become a little warm looking at the boy in the picture. He was.... He was beyond adorable. I flipped to the next picture. A tall man and a tall woman were playing with a boy that looked sorta like Sasuke... But I know that wasn't Sasuke.... I looked at the picture really hard... In the house beyond, in the window you could just see Sasuke with a horribly sad expression on his tiny face. I felt like I wanted to cry. Sasuke....I thought silently for awhile... What happened to you, Sasuke? For the first time I began to think that Sasuke might have a reason to be the asshole he is. I began to walk towards his room, the bundle of pictures still in my hand. Before my hand reached the door knob, I looked at the next picture. It was Sasuke grinning widely and that other boy holding him.... I hesitated but opened the door anyway. I really shoulda knocked... Sasuke was lying on his bed looking like he was about to cry. I coulda sworn his eyes were red... He jumped up from the bed immediately. I guess because he didn't have a shirt on.... He was..... beautiful....
Normal POV
Sasuke's eyes widened in his shirtless state. Then widened even further when he saw what Naruto had in his hands. He lunged at Naruto grabbing the pictures.
"What the hell are you doing looking around in my stuff, DOBE?!!" Naruto looked at him. Sasuke's eyes glistened with unshed tears. And being as stubborn as he was he wouldn't let them fall.
"Sasuke..." Naruto looked at him until those tears did fall. Sasuke glared hard at Naruto. "Sasuke, what happened to you?" Naruto carefully walked towards Sasuke. Sasuke shook his head slowly.
'I can't tell him.. I can't... He wouldn't understand..' Even more tears threatened to fall from Sasuke's eyes to stain his already wet cheeks. Naruto edged closer to Sasuke.
"Sasuke." He hesitated. "Sasuke please tell me. I won't laugh or.. or anything." Sasuke just glared at the blonde. Naruto walked closer and gulped. Slightly blushing, he tightly wrapped his arms around the distressed avenger. Sasuke's mouth opened but nothing came out, only more tears fell. Naruto held Sasuke tighter. Sasuke dropped the pictures to the floor.
"Naru.." Sasuke choked back a sob. "Why... how..?" Naruto swallowed hard and gave a little chuckle.
"I- I don't really know." He held Sasuke as if he were the last bit of ramen left on the Earth. A soft blush crept across the genin's faces.
"Do you really want to know, Naruto?" Naruto nodded swiftly and let Sasuke go. Sasuke sat on the bed and Naruto followed. He sat not but two inches away. He reached his hand over gently to grab Sasuke's. Once again their fingers were entwined. Sasuke gave a small sigh. He wondered where to start...
"Um..." Sasuke wracked his brain for a bit. He still couldn't think of where to start.... Naruto answered his unsaid question.
"Who is that?" Naruto said pointing to the child grinning next to Sasuke, after picking the picture up off the floor. Sasuke's eyes widened a bit.
"Aniki...." He stated barely above a whisper. Naruto cocked his head a bit. "My...... Brother." Sasuke said without emotion. Naruto's eyes widened remembering what Sasuke had said to him when he "died".
~Flashback~ (Quoted from Manga volume 3 Jump Comics!!(I don't own it!!!!))
Naruto stared at the bleeding boy before him.
"Why... Why did you...?" Naruto swallowed. "Why.... Me?" Blood dripped from the Uchiha's lips. "You should have just minded your own business!!!!" He screamed at Sasuke, not understanding why...
"How should I know? My body just.... moved.... on it's own... Dobe." Was Sasuke's reply before falling into Naruto's arms.
"I swore I wouldn't die... Until I killed him... My older brother... Thought the oath would save me....but..." With great difficulty Sasuke looked up into baby blue eyes.
"...But.... Don't you dare die..." Sasuke's eyes closed gently. Naruto could feel nothing but the tears falling from his eyes and the continuously building anger in his heart.......
~End Flashback~
"Y-Your brother..?" Naruto stared at the taller boy for a moment. "But, you look so happy with him.. I don't understand, Sasuke." Naruto stated while pointing to the picture of the two together. A laugh, no more like a sneer came from the Uchiha.
"I would seem so." Sasuke took a deep breath and looked up towards the ceiling. "It was all a lie. Everything." Sasuke's eyes seemed to be glazed over for a while. Naruto once again held the boy in his arms.
"What?" Naruto asked softly, as if he didn't want the other boy to answer. Naruto knew it was hurting Sasuke to bring up these memories, but he felt as though he needed to know. Sasuke once again sighed deeply.
"My parents loved him. He was so perfect. The great Uchiha Itachi." Sasuke said the name as though it was the worst of curse words. His voice was lined with deep hatred, held for years. "It hurt... You should know that." He turned to face the blonde. "Of all people, Naruto." Sasuke pulled himself closer to Naruto, so that he was almost on the Kyuubi's lap. Naruto gripped Sasuke's hand tighter.
"I worked so hard... I wanted...Needed my parents to see me. To see Sasuke. Wherever I went I was Itachi's little brother, the weaker one. Even now wherever I go I'm not Sasuke, I'm "the last surviving member of the tragic Uchiha clan". Sasuke said the last bit with a mocking voice, to mimic what the villagers said. And it was true, even Kakashi-Sensei saw him as thus. "But, even... even through this. He- He comforted me. He held me and told me that Mom and Dad did love me." Sasuke's eyes were full of unshed tears. "I couldn't hate him..." Naruto sighed.
"I still...I still don't understand Sasuke. Why, why do you want to do nothing but kill him?" Naruto asked slightly upset. "Why put yourself through the pain, Sasuke?" Naruto wanted to cry. Sasuke sneered again.
"It so weird Naruto. I-I've never talked to anyone about this before. Not, not even Hokage-sama knows what really happened. And yet," His sharp azure eyes turned to meet soft baby blue ones. "It is so easy to talk to you. I.... I actually want to." Naruto blushed under the intense gaze of Sasuke's eyes. He pulled Sasuke into his lap. "Dobe." Sasuke whispered. Naruto couldn't help but laugh. Sasuke, very much to Naruto's surprise, let Naruto hold him. He even, snuggled...Okay.. Okay not "snuggled", but he lied back into Naruto. Naruto blushed, Sasuke still didn't have a shirt on. Sasuke continued.
"It was all a lie." Sasuke let the tears fall from his eyes. "He.. He never loved anyone. He was truly heartless." Sasuke stopped for a moment. "He killed them." Naruto's eyes widened.
"W-What? I- What?" Naruto was absolutely dumbfounded. "Sasuke... Who did he kill?" Sasuke's hand gripped Naruto's so hard it hurt.
"Mom and Dad. He killed everyone. The entire clan. Everyone." Sasuke choked a bit. "And I... I just..." He put his head down. "I just watched.... I didn't do anything... I watched them all die.." His eyes closed letting more tears fall. "I'll never forget that day. Never. Not even on my death bed." Naruto was truly beginning to worry, he dreaded what Sasuke would say.
~Flashback~ {Note he is also telling the story to Naruto} (Most quoted from Manga chapter 145 and 146. I don't own it!!)
A seven year old Sasuke ran through his house a small smile on his face. "Maybe today will be the day Aniki finally gives me my shuriken lesson!" He continued to run until he found his brother sitting on the floor in the living room reading a book.
"Aniki?" Itachi turned his head to see his younger brother giving him a sweet smile. Itachi frowned. Sasuke waited a minute looking intently at his brother. When he was absolutely certain the boy had forgotten, he spoke up.
"You were supposed to teach me Shuriken no Jutsu today." Sasuke pouted. Itachi frowned at the younger Uchiha.
"I was busy... besides father is a good teacher." Sasuke continued to pout.
"But your way of throwing them is the best." Sasuke said, pouting faced turned into a sarcastic one. "I'm just a kid, and even I know that." Itachi reached for his shoes lying on the floor next to him. He pulled his hand up and made a shooing gesture to the maddened Sasuke. Sasuke walked towards his brother. Itachi pointed two fingers at Sasuke's head. He reached up and poked Sasuke rather hard on his forehead with the two fingers.
"Forgive me Sasuke. Next time, okay?" Sasuke's eyes went up looking at the new marking on his forehead. He looked to Itachi. Itachi's eyes seemed to become completely distant for a moment, then they turned sharper then Sasuke had ever seen them. Sasuke looked to his brother with a quizzical look on his features. Itachi slipped his shoes on.
"I don't have time to take care of you today." Itachi said to Sasuke quite bluntly. A frown once again appeared on Sasuke's face. He reached his hand up and rubbed the spot on his forehead gently.
"All the time, always saying 'forgive me, Sasuke'. Then poking me on the head. Then your always saying 'today'. But I never see it." Itachi slid the door open and walked out slowly. Sasuke, still holding the tender spot on his fore head, smiled sweetly at the retreating figure.
~~~~~~ Later that day ~~~~~
Sasuke sat with his father at the dinner table, his mother at the counter chopping up vegetables.
"Why does Itachi never want to hang out with me? His younger brother...." Sasuke asked his father slightly annoyed. His father's face twisted into a face of confusion.
"..... That guy is a little strange... He's... He's not the type to make friends." Sasuke couldn't understand what his father was telling him. How could his older brother be so different from him? Sasuke gently cocked his head to the side and continued to question his father.
"Why is that?" His father's face showed no place able emotion.
"Who knows? Even as his father I try to understand him. But that guy is....--" Their conversation was quickly interrupted by Sasuke's mother. She walked up to them, bento box in hand.
"Here you go Sasuke! Your lunch. I'll see you after your shuriken lesson." She said with a bright smile. Sasuke frowned at her.
"It's not a lesson it's training." His mother giggled at him. Sasuke looked at her funny for a moment and then ran out the door. "I'm off!!" As he ran thoughts began to fill his mind.
'At age seven, Itachi graduated with top grades at the academy. At eight, he was able to use the Sharingan. At ten, he became a chuunin." Sasuke growled. "Right now I'm at the age when he graduated. We're nothing alike." Sasuke continued to run through the streets, this time with a sneer upon his face. "But I've got the same Uchiha blood running through me as he does." His smile widened. "Aniki will not defeat me!..."
~~~~~ That evening ~~~~~
Sasuke rushed home. He made a little hungry sound.
"Ah! I'm really late from training, I probably missed dinner." Sasuke continued to run as fast as he could until he was forced to stop dead in his tracks. What he saw would change everything, forever. Sharingan glittered through the darkness of the night... He looked to the tall telephone pole. Atop it sat a person. Sasuke frowned in confusion.
'What?' His nose crinkled up. 'Right now?.... What is this feeling?' His eyes widened at the horrible sight before him. Before him lied the members of his clan, members of his family, all lying dead on the street.
"...Wha...What is going on? .... T-This is...!!" He ran towards his house as fast as his legs would carry him. He ran until he came their spare room. He felt... he felt something was wrong...
"Mother!! Father!!" He screamed. From behind the door, a horrible voice rang through Sasuke's ears.
"Sasuke..... Don't come in..." Sasuke knew this voice.. him!! Sasuke tried to open the door but he could not. His entire body was shaking and his legs would not move. He growled at them.
'Move!!! move!!! MOVE!!!' He screamed mentally. He finally managed to open the door. As soon as he did he had regretted it. From the setting sun, light shone brightly into the room, illuminating one spot on the floor. Their lie his mother covered in blood, his father on top of her in the same situation. Sasuke could say nothing. Hovering over the two dead bodies stood the Anbu captain, Uchiha Itachi.
"Mother!! FATHER!!!" Sasuke screamed at the lifeless bodies, hoping one would move. Itachi developed a troubled look on his face. He shook his head and looked at Sasuke, with almost concern. Sasuke was overwhelmed.
"Aniki!" He ran to his brother, finally realizing. "Aniki!! Aniki!!! Mother and father!!!!! How come... WHY!!!?!! Why did you do this?!" Sasuke screamed demanding an answer from the older boy. A shuriken flew past his face, just barely missing.
"That was foolish of you little brother." Was Itachi's cold reply. Sasuke eye's furrowed into a look of fear, anger, hate, and confusion. Itachi's eyebrows furrowed as well. He looked.... regretting.. not towards his parents but towards the small boy before him.
"Mange Sharingan no Jitsu" He muttered. Sasuke's eye's widened then the he let out a pain filled scream, falling to the floor. Images, moments flooded his mind. Blood, screams, sneers. He watched his brother kill his clan, he watched the blood pour form each of their mouths as they fell to his wrath. He watched his father die in front of his mother. He heard his mother's screams. He heard the thud. He heard, he watched over and over again in Itachi's illusion of the truth.
"AHHHHHHHH!!! STOP IT ANIKI!!!! I'M NOT SEEING THIS!!!" His screams filled Itachi's ears. "AHH!!! STOP IT ANIKI!!! STOP!!! MOTHER!!! FATHER!!! AHHHHH!!!" Tears fell freely from Sasuke's eyes. He held his head tight, anything to make it stop. Itachi turned sharp eyes to the boy screaming on the floor. Finally the illusions stopped. Sasuke fell to the floor his eyes completely empty, drool and tears mingling on the floor beneath him. His fingers slowly reached out... for something, anything...He found something wet. Blood was on the floor, a trail from his parents dead bodies. The light returned to his eyes slowly. Sasuke pulled his head up from the ground.
"Why did you do it, Aniki?" His eyes were dark with anger. Itachi looked down to the figure on the floor.
"They were just a measuring stick to test myself." Sasuke's eyes widened first in shook then quickly changing to anger.
"That's why.... that's why.. You killed everyone for that?!" Itachi closed his eyes and responded slowly.
"It was very important for me to do so." Sasuke began to pull himself up off the floor.
"What for... That is..." Itachi was completely silent. Sasuke jumped from the floor and lunged at his brother.
"JUST BULLSHIT!!!!" He didn't make it long, as soon as he got near Itachi he received a swift punch to the stomach. Sasuke crippled over in pain. He opened his eyes to see his father's dead face only a few inches from his own. Blood still seeped from the two holes in his head, which at one time had shuriken embedded in them. Blood poured out from his mouth, just as Sasuke had seen. His mother's face was looking towards the ceiling, her eyes still wide open. She was also covered in the thick red substance. He felt tears pour from his own eyes.
'I'm..... I'm scared.....' He jumped up from the floor. 'I'm scared!!!' He ran towards the door and Itachi followed.
"AHHHHH!! Don't kill me!!!" Sasuke screamed. as he ran through the door. Itachi just looked at him.
"Your not even worth killing........ foolish little brother." Sasuke ran out into the street amongst the dead bodies and ruble. Itachi once again stared at him with intense eyes.
"IF you want to kill me, live miserably! Hate me! Survive through the ugliness. Run.......... Run....... learn to survive."
~End Flashback~
Sasuke's eyes returned to the ceiling. "And I ran... I am still running. And I will run and run until the day he dies. That is why I must kill him, Naruto." Naruto never knew about any of this. It hurt him to see Sasuke this way. Never, not once had he seen Sasuke even cry, and now he was..... emotional... Soft blue eyes bore into saddened azure ones.......
Hay whoooooo!!!! I finished I finished!!!! This took me about two weeks!!!! AH!!! It was hard!!!! I like it though.... So if you know... If looks weird from one place to another that's because that's when I decided to go to bed and that I'd finish it later!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! R&R Please!!
***Yes I stayed up late on school nights ::cough:: not doing homework ::cough:: just to do this wonderful thing for people! Yes, I hope you enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the revised edition of Remember! ***