Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. I do own Ambrosine and the plot.

Pairings: Squall/Yuffie, Riku/Ambrosine, Sora/Kairi, Cloud/Aerith.

The rain hit her as she rocked herself back and fourth. She was cold and she felt alone. The scene replayed itself in her head over and over. The screaming, the yelling, the tearing… all of it. She heard a voice and backed more into the corner that she was in. She cowered as she heard the voice getting louder. As it got nearer though, she recognized it and wanted desperately to yell back but her voice was lost. She tried to stand but her body, all bruised, wouldn't let her. The voice was real close now but all she could do was put her head on her knees that she was hugging. She heard the trashcans in front of her move and looked up to see a shocked face.

"Yuffie…" Leon said with sadness and put his jacket on her.

Leon bent on one knee before her. He held out his hands and the ninja stared at them. She let go of her legs then lunged into Leon's arms and started crying. Leon didn't move. He just held the young crying ninja in his arms. Yuffie backed away slowly and sniffled. She looked around and noticed something was missing. She tried to get up but fell into Leon's arms. Leon picked her up but had a hard time because she struggled. As soon as she calmed down a bit, Leon picked her up all the way and started toward the castle. Yuffie laid her head against his chest and fell asleep. Leon looked down at her and sadly smiled. She looked so helpless. Leon looked up again and saw the figure of the castle. When he reached the castle, he put Yuffie in her bed then went to get antibiotics for her scratches. As he walked, he tried to figure out how this would happen to Yuffie.

The wind was blowing and the rain was hitting harder. She awoke to find herself surrounded by trashcans. Her body felt sore but she didn't know why. She closed her eyes to see if she could remember anything but when she did, tears filled her eyes and mixed with the rain. She looked at the sky and cursed at herself. She reached to her side and noticed her weapons were gone. She lifted her head and slammed it back down. She sat up and hugged her legs. She put her head on her knees and started crying. She heard footsteps and looked up. A man with spiked up blonde hair stood before her along with a woman with brown hair. The man picked her up and she tensed up then whimpered. The woman looked at the girl's arm and legs. Both had bruises. She took her own coat off and put it on the girl. The woman shook her head and looked at the man.

"She has bruises on her arms and legs. Her weapons are gone… she was…" she said.

"Aerith, calm down. Let's get her to the castle and out of the rain. We'll deal with the rest when we're inside okay?"

They started walking toward the castle. As they walked, they didn't notice anything in the shadows. A lone figure was following them as they headed to the castle. Ambrosine lifted her head and looked toward the alleyway. Something wasn't right. She looked up then cuddled more into the male.

"Cloud, take her to her room. I'm going to go get Leon okay?" Aerith said as they entered the castle.

Cloud walked off toward Ambrosine's room and as he did, he passed Yuffie's room. She seemed to be whimpering but Cloud just thought she was having a bad dream. They finally reached Ambrosine's room and Cloud carefully laid her on her bed. He then went to the doorway to see if Aerith was coming.

Leon was already in Yuffie's room when Aerith found him. He was putting some medicine on her cuts. Aerith entered the room and looked at Yuffie.

"Oh my." She said.

Leon looked up at Aerith and saw worry in her eyes. She walked over to the bed and touched Yuffie's forehead.

"Leon, we have a problem." She said as she stroked the ninja's hair.

"Yeah. Yuffie was…"

"She isn't the only one."

Leon now had worry on his face. Aerith told Leon about the cuts and bruises on Ambrosine and she didn't know if there was any under the clothing. Leon shook his head and looked Yuffie.

"Leon, go check on Ambrosine and Cloud. They are in her room. Take some of the medicine with you for her. I'm gonna stay here and wait to see if Yuffie wakes up."

Leon nodded and walked over to Ambrosine's room. In the doorway stood Cloud. His eyes seemed more mad then usual. Leon's was probably the same now. He walked into the room and Cloud followed him to the bed. Ambrosine lay still on her covers. Aerith was right. She had cuts and bruises all over her. Leon looked at Cloud and shook his head.

"Riku's not gonna like this. His girlfriend was raped while he was at Destiny Islands with Sora and Kairi." Leon said.

"He comes back in two weeks. Most of the scars should be gone by then, right?" Cloud asked.

"Maybe the ones on her flesh, but her and Yuffie will probably be scarred for the rest of their lives."

"Wait, it happened to Yuffie too? What the hell is going on?" Cloud yelled.

Ambrosine opened her eyes and looked at the two males before her. She opened her mouth but closed it again and fell back asleep.

A/N: This is just the first chappie, I'm probably going to be flamed for what happens to Yuffie right? Just tell me what ya think ok? Remember, if ya do flame, say why it sucks and what I can do to fix it. Anyways, later days. See ya next chappie!