Disclaimer: Me no own Yugioh! I'm very pour!
Yu-Gi-Oh! © Kazuki Takahashi
Tabitha Anderson & Other non Yugioh Characters © Marik's Girl/Me
Note: Just to let people know, I really do not know how far this story is gonna go. I do know some people say that I should just quite because they think it sucks, but how would I become a good author if I didn't practice? I do need some ideas that can help me improve my writing skills, but not someone saying "You should just let it burn before you ruin yourself" that's just mean! And I write because its fun and it gives me enjoyment and since I am disabled at the moment; this is all that I can do. But I would like it if there was someone to help me improve in my writing skills and if anyone has any ideas please let me know, kay! And I'm sorry for taking so long to write this story; A lot of things been happening in my family. So just bare with me please. And thank you for all that has reviewed by stories so far, luv u!
Edited: October 22nd, 2011
Just fixed somethings.
Battle City And A New Duelist
Written by: Marik's girl
My Name is Tabitha Anderson, I'm sixteen years old. I just got the shock of my life. I'm hardly ever shocked any more, because of the fact of my family... lets just say weird is a very part of my family; so not much can shock me any more. But I will tell you today sure shock the hell out of me! I'm some chosen girl that needs to protect some 5,000 year old Pharaoh – Crazy, I know. I can hardly believe it myself, I mean come on! I'm only sixteen years old. I really haven't done much in my life yet! And then some guy is telling me "You are the chosen one" I kind of feel like Buffy, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie... Well maybe I should tell you how in the world I got into this mess in the first place? Yeah that might help...
Well it started when I was in Domino City, Japan…
Marik Ishtar, a tall teenage Egyptian walked though the streets of Domino City. His goal? Trying to find one of the friends of the Pharaoh and use it against him! You may ask why he feels this way? It was because the Pharaoh had killed his father and he wanted revenge for his death. Since he was a small boy, he studied long and hard about why he was born; he was not born because his parents loved each other, his father needed a women to give birth to a son, to continue the family line. Even so he still loved his father and cared for him, he was after all family. You may also ask what kind of line was his family? His family were tomb keepers, guarding two of the millenniums items until the Pharaoh returned. That is what angered him the most, why did he have follow in his fathers foot steps and become a tomb keeper? He always hated the thought! But now he even hated it more, ever since his father was killed. He would get the millennium puzzle and then finally get his revenge on the Pharaoh and any that followed him! He would do it!
He would!
Then the boy notice a crowed. And he knew what it was, a duel. But not just any duel. A boy was dueling a girl and the boy was winning; He was about to turn away, but he noticed her smiling at the boy and he raised his brow at this. Why was she smiling? She was about to lose. "Since I have two monsters on the filed, I'll use this card! 'Monster Reborn' To bring back back my Dark Magician from the grave yard!" She said in a American tone of voice. The boy's eyes widen as he stared in shock. "What! How in the world did you- unless you-" "Unless I sent him to the grave yard before hand?" She asked with a smirk on her pretty face. "But your monster still does not have enough life points!" He said with a laugh. She kept that smile on her face. "That is what you think, I'm not done. I use this card 'Black Pendent' giving my Dark Magician 500 more points, giving him 3000 attack points. Not only will he destroy your Buster Blader but he will take the rest of your life points as well." The boys eyes widen at this. "What, no!"
"Now Dark Magician, use black magic attack!"
"Noo! How could I lose!" She smirked. "To a girl!" She frowned and her eye twitched. "What the Hell is that suppose to mean!" She yelled with a glare, the boy at the moment looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole because of the glare that she was giving him. "U-u-uh nothing, sorry!" He said as he put his hands up in defense. She walked over to him and looked like she was about to kill the pour boy. And he shivered. She held out her hand. "Locator card, please." She said, clearly annoyed as a vain popped out on her head. "Uh, yes of course!" He said as he handed her the locator card and the rare card right away, she took it from him and he ran away and she blinked. 'What in the world? Was there something on my face?' She thought to herself as she stared.
Marik stared at the girl, if looks could kill that guy would've been dead. And what he could tell, she was not from Japan, well neither was he. Not like he could say much in the matter. And for some reason... there was something odd about that girl. He may of never met many girls, but this one was different.
He could tell. She was kind of on the boyish side, with her brown hair with blonde high-lights pinned up inside her hat. Her eyes are a very pretty but not hardly seen before eye color; they are a blue-green color; her skin is light; Her outfit is a baggy white tee shirt and baggy blue jean pants; Over top her shirt is a red vest and on her feet are red and white tennis shoes. In some sense she looked very much like a boy, but a pretty boy.
"Tabitha!" The girl now known as Tabitha blinked as a girl around her age ran up to her. Unlike Tabitha she was very feminine; Her hair was long and dark, which was the same color as her eyes; her skin is a chocolate brown color, her outfit is a sleeveless sliver-white mini dress and knee high boots to match. "Dasha!" She said with surprise at seeing her best-friend run up to her. "Tabitha that was awesome!" Her friend said with a giggle. Tabitha just rubbed the back of her head in a nervous way. "Uh, not really." She said with a slight blush. "You do now that you shouldn't scare off people because they pissed you off!" She said with a huff as she placed her hands on her hips. Marik raised his brow once again, as the Dasha girl was scolding Tabitha in front of everyone; only making Tabitha's eye twitch as she stared at the girl. "I did not scare that guy away!" She said with a glare.
"Of course you didn't, that's way he ran away so quickly, looking like a scared cat!" Tabitha groaned at this. She did have a point... but it wasn't her fault! Every time she duel against someone (Mainly guys) every time she won, they always said 'I can't believe I lost to a girl!' and that just pissed her off completely. "If you keep scaring off the boys, you will never find a boy-friend!" Both of Tabitha's eye twitched at this and she groaned, again. And Marik just looked surprised at this and he continued to watch them. "Must we always talk about this?" Tabitha asked. "Yes! Your sixteen and still single!" Her friend said with a accusing finger at her. "So?" Dasha glared at her. "Don't you want to have the warm and fuzzy feeling when you are with the boy that loves you and you love him back?" She asked with a dreamy look on her face. "No!" Tabitha said with a glare. "I don't need a boy-friend" she said with a huff. "What about that boy, Yugi Mutou? He's cute!" She said with a giggle. Tabitha only blushed a bright red. "Leave Yugi out of this!" She said as she stormed off. "But Tabitha – Wait up!" Dasha yelled out as she ran after her.
'She knows Yugi Mutou...' A smile formed on his lips. 'I could very much use her then.' He thought with evil intention in mind as he walked off and formed his plan.
End Prologue
Next Time: Chapter 1: Meeting Namu