Meant for One Another

A/N: Hey there! I was listening to a music video by DigitalGod called "Everything you Want" and was inspired to write this fic, so first of all I must congratulate him on making a good Music Video. Now enjoy.

(A/N: The pictures for this story can be found at my hompage, which you can acess from my author profile page.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing, if I do I'll let you know.

Asuka stared at the cable that was all that kept her Eva from sinking into the abyss of lava below. The Angel had been vanquished but it had tore her line in the process. Her Eva's D-type armor suit was beginning to crumple and rupture, if the pressure didn't get her before the line broke then she had a long ways down towards the bottom. As line was slowly stretching and breaking apart, she thought.

'Is this truly the end?'

It snapped and her Type-D Eva began to sink. As she watched the surface of the volcano get farther and farther her Eva shook. She looked up to see Eva-01, one hand gripping the side of the volcano mouth, another holding on to her Eva. Unit-01's eyes narrowed, it was not wearing any protecting equipment like her Eva was and Asuka could see that the lava was really hurting Shinji. She smiled, not the arrogant one she usually wore but one of genuine friendship.

"Baka, he actually cares…"

Shinji Ikari was right on the edge of the mouth to the volcano just having thrown Asuka a spare progressive knife. He had seen the angel destroyed with Asuka's little thermal expansion plan. But he noticed that Asuka's cable was damaged.

"Misato! Eva-02's lifeline has been torn in half! Pull her up now!" he yelled in the com-link.

"Shinji, we can't! The line can't handle the weight in its current condition!" the major responded.

The line snapped and Eva-02 started to drift farther and farther from the entrance.

"Asuka!" Shinji gasped and plunged into the lava pit without much regard for himself.

"Shinji! What the hell are you doing!?" Misato yelled.

Ritsuko groaned at the thought of replacing Eva-01's armor when they got back.

"You gonna roast him?" Akagi asked the major.

"Likely." She replied.

"I will for sure…" the Doctor said.

Afterwards Misato Katsurigi, their commanding officer and guardian treated them to a vacation in the hot springs. In the end she had only scolded Shinji a little but congratulated him on saving Asuka and Unit-02. The three Nerv members went inside the old-fashioned two-story building. Shinji was the last one in but before he could close the front door a package arrived from Kaji.

"What would he send?" Shinji wondered.

Out of the box came a penguin eager for some time in the springs.

As Asuka came out into a central area from the girl's side of the locker she bumped into Shinji coming from the boy's. Luckily, they both had towels wrapped around them so Shinji was spared a nosebleed from the sight and a kick to the crotch from Asuka.

"Gomen!" Shinji said as he realized what happened.

Asuka glared at him but her face twitched as if she was fighting a war inside herself. After a moment she seemed to have settle on something and took a breath.

"Shinji, about today. Thank you." She said finally.

Shinji stared at her, then put a hand on her forehead.

"No fever…are you ok Asuka?"

Asuka smacked him on the back of the head.

"Baka! The great Asuka Langley Sorhyu just thanked you! But don't expect it too often!" with that she stormed away past the bamboo divider to join Misato in the girl's spring.

Shinji looked at the way she went for a second before deciding that he didn't want to be accused of being a peeking hentai and went to his side with Pen-Pen. He soaked in the warm water and watched the warm water penguin swim around the pool. He heard Misato and Asuka's voices and looked at the wall of bamboo. As he thought about his encounter earlier with Asuka it brought a smile to his lips.

A/N: As always, authors love reviews. Next chapter should be up in a few days, check back often. Also available is my other story "Evangelion, Children of Humanity: Guardian Angel". Just check out my profile to find it. Later. -