Title: Something Unexpected

Summary: Vash and Meryl are falling for each other. This is good, right? But there's a problem..... Legato is his name. Legato Bluesummers. Vash-Meryl-Legato

Author: Akane Hibiki

AN: There's not much to say except..... enjoy the fic! And no flaming plz! My feelings are hurt easily.

Chapter 1: Close Encounters

----------------Leggy's POV-------------------

I gazed at Knives and wondered what my encounter of the day was going to be. I could tell it was going to be a tough one by the demented look in his eyes. To tell the truth, Knives worried me when he looked like that. Well, there's no reason to put off the inevitable. Besides, with Knives looking this way, I think it will be wise of me to give him my full attention.

"Anyways, Legato it's time to get Monev the Gale. I found a use for him. No need to waste a good resource, right? It's time to cause Vash eternal pain and suffering.."

"Yes, Master." It seems like Master is finally going to take action after all these years of recovery. One thing I've learned about Knives, he may be slow sometimes, but damn if he isn't predictable.

-----------------Meryl-chan's POV-------------------- -

"Vash, you BAKA!"

Okay! So I have a temper, but give me a break. Thanks to Vash, there's mountains of paper work, not to mention the countless explanations as to why he destroys so much property. And believe me, it isn't easy. Plus, I can never get him out of my mind. I'm not sure why, but I can't help but think of him and picture his antics, and secretly smile.

"Isn't it wonderful Meryl?"

"Huh?" I replied absentmindedly.

"That the Vash we know and love is back!"

Gazing at Milly, I hear myself snort indignantly. Normally, I would have responded with, "Have you gone insane?! What are you talking about?!" But at the moment I just don't have the energy to tap into that whole scene. It seems all my energy is concentrated on Vash. Just admtting that to myself is so hard. I just want to put my head down on my arms and let the tears of misery andconfusion gush out. It gets so hard to hold it all in. If only I could get a handle on my feelings. One minute I want to smile with tenderness, and the next minute I'm angry and confused. It must be all this work..No one could be expected to hold up under this kind of pressure.

"Vash is so cute when he's acting silly! Don't you think so Meryl? Don't you, don't you?"

Why am I so irritated by that look on Milly's face? After all, it is nice to see Vash being happy. It's just that look on Milly's face bugging me...

"Meryl, Meryl! What's wrong? Don't you feel well? Why do you look like that? Your face! Are you in pain?!"

Of course I'm in pain you nitwit. "Milly, calm down! I'm fine! I guess I'm just a little tired...." Oh, this is ridiculous, Milly thinks about Vash and looks goofy, and I think about Vash and look like I'm in pain. I have got to come to terms with this!

"Well, Meryl I just wanted to know if you were happy that we have the old Vash back. I didn't mean to upset you...."

"Milly, I'm sorry if I'm being grumpy. Of course I'm glad. Don't let me bad mood upset you."

"Oh good Meryl... I mean..... I do know how you feel about Vash... I mean the way you... Oh! Maybe I better stop. Your getting that look on your face again.. Are you sure your not in pain?"

Oh god.... I must be so obvious.. Even Milly can read my mind. ....Does Vash know?

"Meryl, Meryl come here!"

Vash is calling me. "Yes Vash?"

"We need ice cream! Can you get us some?" He whined.

Yep, he's the biggest kid in the bunch. He's so cute plying with those kids.... I just wanna sit here and watch him and let myself enjoy it.

I see Milly spring to life. "I'll go Vash! I'll go! I want ice cream too!"

Oh good. Now maybe, I can sit and watch Vash in peace. It's nice seeing him so happy. Maybe now he can forget about his problems...... Ya know...I could really enjoy this quite peaceful moment... Oh no.....he's getting that pensive look again.... Why can't he just stay happy? I don't think I can watch this. "Vash, I'm gonna go take a walk."

"Sure Meryl no problem..."

Damn, he doesn't even look at me when I'm talking. He's looking at.... Who is that guy?

-------------------Leggy's POV--------------------

I think the time has come. Dear old Vash needs a visit. He's been looking entirely too happy, playing with those stupid kids... Doesn't he know that if he's not careful he'll completely lose his edge? Kids and happiness never do anyone any good. Not even dear old Vash... It's just so boring. Ah well, Vash is boring. He always has been. However, that little dark haired girl over there...hmmm...she doesn't look boring or predictable at all. It might be interesting to delve into her mind...but...I don't think I like what I'm picking up. I can feel my face forming into a frown. Vash. Apparently, this girl spends a lot of time thinking about him. Now why would anyone spend time thinking about boring old Vash? I find myself wondering how she would react to the excitement I could so easily provide for her. Very pleasant to contemplate. However...

Deciding to get back to business, I stride over to a nearby bench and sit down. "I found you, Vash the Stampede. Ah...I find telepathy is such an efficient way to communicate. Especially with boring people like you, Stampede. Now that moniker does make me chuckle!"

"What? Who are you?" Vash asked belligerently, as he slipped on his trademark glasses, trying hard to look cool.

"Legato. Legato Bluesummers." I drawled.

"What do you want from me?"

"Just a message dear Vash..... Your brother wants you to know that your life is about to end. Pitiful life that it has been. You do understand? And if you don't, well..... I would hate for anything to happen to your dark haired friend......."

Vash froze. "Meryl........"

"Oh, is that her name? Thank you for the information, Vash. I'll be talking to you later."

-------------------Vashie's POV---------------------

I feel frozen with dread. Legato is strolling slowly and seductively towards Meryl. If I interfere Meryl is sure to get caught in the crossfire. But if I do nothing I may go crazy from helplessness. I have to protect Meryl. She's so good and sweet. Will this nightmare never end? Why must everyone around me get hurt?

"Legato, Legato, leave her alone! She doesn't deserve to be hurt. She has nothing to do with this."

I'm standing here screaming at Legato in my mind, and I know he hears me. But you would never know it by looking at him. He doesn't even bat an eyelash. No...he's too busy using those evil eyes to look at Meryl. I feel sick. I don't think I can stand this. What should I do? Perhaps if I act like I don't really mind, he won't be tempted to use her to hurt me. I'll take a walk, a little walk, and watch them from a distance. If I see him hurt her, I may not be able to remember Rem's advice. I may lose it this time.

"Mr. Vash, here's our ice cream. I got you two scoops. Oh, how I love ice cream. When I was a kid we didn't have an ice cream stand in our little town because I guess it was just too little, you know? So.I guess I'll just have to make up for it now I hope you don't mind that I got myself three whole scoops.."

Milly's prattling actually makes me feel a little better, and gives me something else to focus on. Maybe I'll be able to keep my cool after all.

"Hey! Thanks Milly. It looks great. Do all the kids have some?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Vash, I made sure of that."

"Good girl, Milly. Hey, let's round them all up and sit over here in the shade. Come on kids...it's time for an ice cream break."

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Legato leering at Meryl, and there's nothing I can do. Come on Vash...keep it together.

"Who is that guy over there with Meryl, Mr. Vash?" Milly is looking puzzled.

"Oh, just some guy she's taking to, I guess. Let's eat up before we're all covered with melted ice cream, okay?'

This ice cream tastes like crap. Everything about my life, except for Meryl is crap. I've got to get ahold of myself. I wonder if Meryl knows how much I care about her? I wonder if she cares about me? Most of the time I just get the feeling I annoy her. Oh Rem, what should I do?