Author's notes: Alas, the last chapter. It's always sad to see a fiction come to an end. But all things must come to an end eventually. Well, I thank all who supported me in this fic! Enjoy the last chapter! Alas, the time has come for me to become stereotypical and unoriginal (I'll try not to be...sigh)
Note to kippie girl (I think I spelled it right): Sorry about the misunderstanding, please don't take my reaction offensively; I just kind of get touchy when it looks like someone is accusing me a plagiarism.
EDIT: Due to continuing request, I have decided to give you the link to where you can find the completely unedited version of this chapter. It will be at the bottom. Thank you.
Quiet Temptations...
Chapter seven...
Kagome sighed contently and rested her head against Inu yasha, who let out a small, relaxed sigh as well. Her hands gripped his shoulders gently as her breath tickled the tanned skin of his neck. His golden eyes surveyed her as she stared at the sky, amazed by the amount of stars that danced across the endless black.
"Ne, Inu yasha?" Kagome asked, shattering the silence in the field.
Inu yasha cocked his head to the side so he could see her, "What?"
"Have you ever thought about what its like out there?" Kagome couldn't help but smile. Her classes had covered what lied beyond...far away in space. But she had a sudden urge to know what the people of the feudal era thought of the stars, the moon...what was beyond the Earth's surface.
Inu yasha stared up in the sky, the moonlight and the light the stars produced reflected in his molten gold eyes and she found her self transfixed by the tranquility of the scene before her.
Inu yasha sighed and looked away, at the grass, "Why would I think of something as stupid as that?" He turned his body away from her, his back facing her. Kagome sighed and frowned before crawling towards him, lightly touching his shoulder.
"Inu yasha..."
"Feh," he muttered as his eyes rested on the moon, the soft light making his eyes shine brightly again. A moment of silence passed between them before Inu yasha dared to speak, "For me...the realms beyond the sky means my weakness."
Kagome bit her lip, not meaning to bring up those kinds of memories in Inu yasha, "You aren't weak." She hadn't even meant to say it, but now that she had, she was glad. Inu yasha's white dog-ear twitched as Kagome laid down in the grass, her body stretched out, a smile on her face. Her bright blue eyes stared at the sky. "To me, inu yasha, no matter what' strong. You're the strongest person I've ever met," she turned her head and stared at his tense back. "To're so powerful...and strong...and...I can't describe it...I feel safe when I'm with you, Inu yasha."
"Kagome," he murmured quietly, his voice carrying on the soft breeze that drifted through the field. The grass hummed along with the wind, bowing to the two. The white haired man turned and quietly stared at her, his golden eyes shimmering with an emotion so powerful that it didn't need to be said. Kagome smiled gently and scooted towards him, to the point where their knees touched.
"I'm safe," she said as she met his gaze...and meant it.
"Feh!" he snorted and turned away, this situation he was in was making him nervous. "How can you feel safe around me? I can kill you with a swipe of my claws," he stared at the said appendages, and cracked his knuckles as he examined the hard nails.
"Would you kill me, Inu yasha," Kagome asked calmly, cocking her head to the side and looking at him.
Inu yasha crinkled his nose and bit his lip before snorting, "Of course not, you stupid woman."
"Then I'm safe," she said and gripped his shoulders with her hands. He tensed under the contact, not used to being so touchy feely with Kagome before. But soon relaxed when he realized she was doing nothing but simply holding him.
"You put too much trust in me," he said quietly.
"I put as much faith in you as I want to," she reminded him and squeezed his shoulders. She missed the smile on his face and the warmth in his eyes when he heard this statement, his cheeks colored and he looked up towards the night sky. 'I don't know why, but when I see the stars...I see Kagome...'
A few hours later found Inu yasha sitting quietly with Kagome in his lap, snoozing. He couldn't help but feel at peace knowing that Kagome trusted him enough to sleep with herself practically on top of him. He sighed and leaned back, his weight supported by his two hands planted firmly in the ground behind him. His head stared down at Kagome with an almost loving expression on his face. It was tempting...she was right there; within his reach...all he'd have to do is wake her up and take her...
But he'd never do that to Kagome without her consent. He'd never rape her.
Besides, who would want a hanyou? True, the girl seemed to accept his freakish appearance and his crossed heritage, but he seriously doubted that the caring and loving girl would want to be tainted by a filthy half-breed.
Kagome mumbled in her sleep and twisted again, trying to get comfortable in the hanyou's lap. Her hands searched blindly for something to grasp and her legs curled closer to her, trying to keep warm. Inu yasha looked at her and slowly removed his fire rat haori, draping it over her shoulders. Kagome let out a small, content sigh before snuggling back down.
Her hands gripped the heavy material, pulling it over her shoulders and tucking it under her body, the tips of her feet poking out of the red fabric. He smiled fondly down at her; the whole scenario adorable and he wished that Kagome had that 'Ka-mu-ra' thing she always talked about…
Suddenly she shifted and her azure eyes opened, unfocused and staring around, trying to figure out where she was. She yawned and rubbed her eyes before the blue depths landed on him. He stared down at her curiously and she smiled sheepishly before sitting up, his haori balanced on her shoulders. "Hi…" she said meekly.
"Feh," he replied.
She smiled softly and stretched her arms above her head, his haori sliding down her back and pooling behind her in a messy pile of red fur. "How long have I been asleep?"
Inu yasha, no familiar with Kagome's time's telling of time, looked up at the sky and pointed at the moon. "The moon was over there when you went to sleep," he studied the stars and the amount of light. "We're either in the hour of the ox or the hour of the tiger…" he trailed off and looked back at her, shrugging.
"Oh…" Kagome thought for a moment, trying to remember all she knew about the zodiac's hours. She concluded it was after midnight and before six in the morning, according to what the hanyou had said and the amount of light. Vague, yes, but she had a faint idea of what time it was.
She smiled gently and rubbed her eyes, "Sorry…"
"For what?" he asked, genuinely confused. His eyebrows rose in question and his golden eyes stared at her, the bright irises illuminated in the light. Kagome found herself naturally drawn to the deep molten depths and she blushed profusely.
The hanyou blinked at her strange reaction and was about to voice his opinion when she spoke,
"For making you wait to wake me up," she said and smiled shyly.
Inu yasha's brows knitted together. The wench was acting strange and he wondered what was on her mind. "Feh! I could have carried you back if I had wanted too," he realized what that statement suggested and it was his turn to blush.
"Oh…" she said faintly and her eyes lowered to the ground.
He snorted and crossed his arms. His eyes examined her odd reactions to their late night conversation and finally he asked, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Kagome tensed and he realized that he'd spoken too sharply. He uncrossed his arms and lightly touched Kagome's arm, "Oi, what's wrong, wench?"
She turned towards him and held out her hand. The hanyou cocked his head in a curious puppy like fashion and stared at her curled palm. Her fingers were covering whatever she was holding. She turned her hand so that her palm was down, hiding her curled fingers. She silently asked for him to hold his hand and he did so, holding his palm underneath Kagome's.
She dropped something into his hand then. He stared at the small glass bead and felt his heart speed up. Where had she found this? Maybe she'd just found it in the tall grass? Had he missed one when he'd collected them up? He looked at her hesitantly and saw the look in her eyes…silently pleading for an explanation…no…he must have dropped one when he'd been fighting Kouga…
He found his heart starting to raise and his breathing becoming harder and harder. What would she think of him?
"Why?" it was a simple question, actually. He understood why she was so inquisitive towards the aspect of him holding onto the small glass beads and the youkai fangs.
But to admit something so intimate that he'd kept to himself about the rosary was unsettling to Inu yasha…especially explaining it to Kagome…How was he supposed to tell her why he'd kept the rosary? Why he felt like if he kept them he'd keep their connection? How was he supposed to explain that?
"Inu yasha…" she said softly when he made no move to answer her. It wasn't a warning tone she usually had; it was a silent pleading for an explanation. Who was he to deny her a reason?
"I didn't want to let go," he mumbled to his lap, unable to meet her gaze, this was one of the single most embarrassing things he'd done with Kagome. He wasn't big on sharing feelings with her…and she knew it…so why was she so keen on finding out this?
"…Let go?" she asked tentatively, unsure of what he meant.
"Let go of our connection," he said flatly and slipped the bead into his long sleeve. The glass sphere clinked against its brothers and made a small thud as it bumped up against one of the youkai teeth, dulled by time.
Kagome grabbed his hand and held the large, rough one in between her small and tender hands. She looked up at him, her blue eyes glowing with emotion. "Oh Inu yasha," she whispered and blinked, trying to get rid of the feeling of tears. "No matter what, we'll always be connected. The rosary wasn't what kept us together…I lo—you're my best friend, you're my protector, my companion…with or without the rosary, I'll always have a connection with you…." She smiled brightly up at him and Inu yasha found himself returning the smile and running his free hand along her jaw line, stopping under her chin and holding her there, gazing deeply down at her.
"But why…would you want our connection?" Kagome asked, she knew the answer but wanted to hear it from his own lips.
Inu yasha averted his gaze and blushed brightly, but his hand stayed under her chin and he didn't make a move to pull his other hand away from her warm embrace she'd surrounded his large, brawny hand in.
"Like you said…I…you…we're…companions," his tongue stumbled over the right thing to say, trying to find a way to explain to her why he'd wanted the rosary. "When you leave for good…I…wanted to have something to remind me of you…" It pained him to admit such a thing…such a weakness…
He heard Kagome take in a giant intake of breath and closed his eyes, berating himself for saying such a thing to her.
"I…Inu yasha…" her breath came out softly and before he could react she had jumped on top of him, knocking him to the ground as she squeezed him tightly in a spontaneous hug, "Don't say stuff like that!" He felt the smell of salt fill the air and he felt a small amount of panic rise within him…she was resisting the urge to cry. "I'm so sorry!"
"Sorry…?" he asked hesitantly and pushed her up so he could look her in the eyes. Her azure depths were brimmed with tears and she bashfully wiped them away with the back of her hand. He forced a warm smile and tried to comfort her in the best way he could. "What are you sorry for?"
"For making you think I want to leave!" Kagome declared and crawled off of him, playing with the hem of her skirt. "I feel so horrible!"
"Don't," he said firmly.
"Don't," he said firmly and she nodded meekly, not meeting his gaze. "You shouldn't be sorry for my feelings or emotions, Kagome. You shouldn't be sorry about the way I think. Its just what who I am…" he trailed off.
Kagome sighed and wrapped her arms tightly around him, holding him close to her. He hesitantly placed his hands on her back and hugged her as well, enjoying the contact they shared. "I'm not going to leave…" she said it so faintly that he nearly missed it. He tensed and she could tell. She continued to mumble into her chest. "I've been thinking about it…and…I might stay here. At this point there's no way I'll be able to get into a good college…and life would seem boring after what we've been through…and I couldn't bare to leave everyone behind…" she rambled on about her reasons for staying and Inu yasha only half heard her. The only thing he really heard and paid attention to was 'I'm not going to leave…'
"I'll miss my family, I guess, but its not like I'll live with them for the rest of my life. If I had lived a normal life I would have left home anyway…" she bit her lip, and Inu yasha still kind of stared blankly at her. "I don't want to leave…I want to stay…" 'With you,' she mentally added.
"Um…uh…oh…" he couldn't find the words to express his gratitude for his…friend…for this…woman…
Her gaze captured his and for the first time he realized what the emotion was that was playing so frequently behind the misty eyed orbs: love.
He had to be imagining it; his overly reacting mind was playing tricks on him and making him see things. He had to be imagining the look of love and admiration that shone so brightly in Kagome's eyes. He had to be.
"You'd really stay?" he nearly squeaked out, trying to act like the look on her face was affecting him. Kagome's attentions were focused solely on his face and he felt uncomfortable under the gaze. She nodded. "Really?"
"Really, Really," Kagome quoted an American movie she'd seen with her friends a while ago. She smiled delicately and noticed the fearfully look on his face. Was something wrong?
"Inu yasha…?"
"Kagome…" he countered, his voice sounding similar to mine, sans the questioning tone near the end of his name.
"Don't you want me to stay?"
"More than anything!" he blurts out before he can stop himself. He blushed brightly and turned his attention away from Kagome. Inu yasha felt like his face would explode from the heat that filled his cheeks and he wondered briefly if he should make a run for it before he admitted more than he should. But he had a feeling that Kagome already knew of his feelings…
After all, he'd lost control when he'd been fighting Kouga. Claiming that he'd never touch her and that she was his…it was all absurd for him to say especially with her right there! Right THERE!
"Do you really?"
"Yes," he nodded, his golden eyes staring at her warmly.
"Because," 'I love you…' he said quietly and a small blush graced his cheeks.
Kagome frowned at his vague answer and sighed gently. Her eyes lifted to the sky and gazed at the stars' light.
"Inu yasha…I'm glad I'm here with you," she said, and Inu-yasha felt as if he'd heard her say that before, but remained silent. "Don't ever leave me?" she left the question hanging in the air.
"I wont ever leave you," he promised. And he'd hold that promise to him, never daring to break it, until the day he died. And then he'd find a way to still be with her after death.
"Inu yasha…" she whispered out again. What was with her fascination with his name? He blinked at her when she rubbed her eyes. "I'm so happy!"
"Why…?!" he asked in surprise.
"I was afraid that you'd reject me…" she whispered happily and suddenly leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much!"
His cheek burned from where she kissed him and looked at her in shock, and saw that look again. The swirling emotion he could only describe as love. That's what it was…he couldn't deny it any more…he was looking at the love in Kagome's blue orbs.
Then he felt it. Like he was being magnetically attracted to Kagome and he was powerless to stop the feeling of his head drawing closer and closer to her. His ears flew back against his skull and his head tilted ever so slightly. His lips parted and he inhaled a deep breath, unsure of what he was doing, but wanting it all the same. His golden eyes drifted shut as he watched Kagome's reaction that was similar to his own.
Their lips connected and it seemed like it sparked them to life because at the moment their lips touched, they couldn't release each other. Their arms wrapped around each other and Inu yasha fell forward, taking the schoolgirl with him. They lay on the field, like they had done a few days prior, only this time it was much more intimate.
He felt every ounce of emotion he'd ever possessed pour into that kiss, he cherished and relished in the feel of Kagome's lips on his. Kikyou had only kissed him once in his life. But he hadn't returned the kiss, and it had been cold and lifeless, not like this. Kagome was so alive, so filled with compassion and love. She could love anyone she wanted to, her heart was so warm and caring…
He wondered, not for the first time, what he had done to deserve such a wonderful and beautiful woman that was lying beneath him, happily taking his kisses and returning them with his own. He felt like the world was crashing around him and all there was was Kagome…beautiful, innocent, sweet, lovely Kagome. The woman that he had come to love during their escapades across the Feudal Japan.
The temptation to love her was almost overwhelming and he felt Kagome squirm beneath him. It took him a moment to realize she was trying to pull away, no doubt for air. He hesitantly withdrew his lips from her own and he looked down at her as she licked her lips and her chest heaved, greedily taking in air.
Her lips were red and swollen, and her eyes glowed brightly, her cheeks just as red as her lips. He felt something deep within him stir. Something he'd never felt before…not like this. True, he'd often left to the tranquility of the forest to relieve himself, but this was about ten times as powerful as during those times. Perhaps it was the knowledge that Kagome had happily taken his kiss?
She smiled, "Inu…"
He blinked at the nickname, but found himself blushing and enjoying the pet name…"Kagome…"
"That was…"
"Did I do badly?" he asked, worried that he had displeased her.
"No…it was wonderful," she said breathlessly and sat up, looking at him quizzically. He felt naked under her intense gaze…
"Ok…" he said hesitantly.
She smiled and blushed softly; this whole experience was new for her. After all, she was a virgin…and that had been her first kiss…
"Can…I do it again?" she looked at the hanyou and smiled quietly and nodded. His expression was so adorable, slightly apprehensive yet craving to kiss her again. She puckered up her lips and happily greeted the hanyou's lips to her own, her hands traveling up to his head, fisting her hands in his long silver hair, the tips of her pinky fingers brushing against the base of his puppy dog ears.
The hanyou's eyes closed blissfully and he sighed in pleasure when her fingers traced the base of his furry ears and strung their way through his silky white hair. His lips devoured her, as if afraid that if he stopped she would disappear and he'd wake up and realize this was all a dream. His hands moved gently and cupped her cheeks, holding her to him and stroking the delicate skin that his coarse fingers met. She made a small noise of satisfaction and that alone gave him the courage to continue holding her so passionately.
She was slightly awkward, tilting her head to try and get a good position, and he was sure that he was doing so as well. Their lips slid from each others many times as they tried to find a way to successfully deepen their kiss and the whole experience was slightly gauche, yet so passionate. But this was to be expected, due to their inexperience in kissing one another.
Kagome's fingers continued massaging his scalp, releasing the silky strands of any snarls or tangles she encountered. His ears twitched and small appreciative growl formed in his throat as he continued to kiss her happily. His hands slid across her cheeks, the rough skin a startling contrast to her soft skin as he moved his hands to the back of her head and held her to him fervently.
Every literary piece Kagome had ever read about romance was flashing through her jumbled mind. She tried to calm her screaming nerves, her racing heart, and the overwhelming feel of extreme happiness she felt the moment she felt the inu hanyou before her kissing her back. How could such a simple gesture show such love? How could she show her hanyou how much she cared for him? Adored him? Surely this simple kiss was not enough to show the magnitude of her feelings?
Shyly, so as not to alarm the hanyou, her mouth opened gently and she slipped her tongue out, lightly tapping his bottom lip and tracing the soft lips. The reaction she received was not what she expected. The hanyou yelped in surprise and pulled away, staring at her with wide golden eyes. Blinking he tilted his head to the side, his face was bright red from either lack of air or the reaction he was developing from the recent turn of events.
"W-what was that, Kagome?" he asked in bewilderment, his ears perked and twitching and his golden eyes widened. She noticed, however, that he had yet to release her from his death grip hold.
"I…did…you not like it?" she asked sheepishly, unsure if she had insulted the hanyou in some way.
"No! It's not that!" he said quickly and blinked, his cheeks still a bright red. His face dawned with realization, "Was that your tongue?!"
Kagome's face ignited into a deeper red and she bowed her head, staring at their laps. She nodded meekly.
The hanyou blinked and leaned forward, Kagome's scent reeked of embarrassment and he had to reassure her, after all. "I've…just never done this before," he admitted sheepishly.
Kagome peered up at him through her bangs when realization hit her. Of course, not only was the hanyou lacking experience in the kissing category, French kissing wasn't really something accustomed in this time. She giggled and picked her head up so she could look at him. "I haven't either, Inu yasha, so let's learn together," she assured him. "In my time, people will kiss with their tongues if they really like someone…" not necessarily true, but she didn't feel it essential to explain casual sex to the hanyou.
Inu yasha blinked curiously and it took all in Kagome's power to not melt at his completely innocent look. Who would have thought that the rough and rude hanyou warrior was afraid to kiss a girl properly? Her hands slipped down to his shoulders and she gently pushed down so they were once again at eye level. She smiled reassuringly to the slightly shaking hanyou, even though she was nervous herself. She didn't understand why, this was Inu yasha, she'd often dreamed of this moment, having him hold her and her hold him, as they kissed romantically and confessed their deepest secrets. Now, she was nervous and shaking slightly.
Inu yasha's hands traveled down her back and he gripped his haori, which lay forgotten until now, and draped it over her shoulders tenderly. He pulled Kagome's hair from beneath the fabric and allowed the black locks to fall freely down her back. Her blue eyes stared up at him, shinning with emotion, and she was met with an identical look. They didn't have to say it to know, to know what the other was thinking, what was reflected in those eyes.
With almost a year of knowing Kagome, Inu yasha had learned how to open up to people, more specifically Kagome. He no longer found the urge to hide his emotions from her, for it was obvious she reciprocated the feelings. It was his biggest dream come true. He was alone in a field with the girl he loved…and he was kissing her.
Their lips met again, this time prepared for the deepening of their already passionate kiss. Kagome's lips parted and Inu yasha sucked gently on her bottom lip, his tongue tracing over the swollen lip. Kagome's eyes closed and she moaned softly, her hands gripping his shoulders. He tilted his head and allowed Kagome's tongue to shyly enter his mouth. Still unsure about how to kiss like this, he allowed Kagome to dominate him…just this once…Her tongue traced across his teeth, spending extra time over her sharp canines, then her soft tongue touched the insides of his mouth softly, almost as unsure as he. He moaned softly and another growl of satisfaction rose from his throat, vibrating through his mouth and into Kagome's mouth.
Finally, Kagome's tongue timidly touched his own, dormant tongue. Inu yasha couldn't help it; he opened his eyes and peered at her curiously. The girl's eyes were closed in bliss and her cheeks flushed a beet red, but she looked so…happy wasn't the word. He couldn't describe what he saw there, and he wasn't going to try. He was kissing Kagome, and she was showing him a kiss 'with their tongues when people really like each other.' Kagome really liked him…he even dared to say she loved him, and for that he was grateful that she was here with him.
Kagome continued stroking his tongue with her own and he wondered if she wanted him to respond? He wasn't sure, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Closing his eyes again and tightening his grip on Kagome, he moved his tongue so that it touched hers. He felt Kagome smile against his lips and knew that he had thought correctly. Together they continued to assault one another with their tongues, fighting each other with the muscle.
Finally his dominating nature began to overpower him and he pushed Kagome's tongue back into her mouth followed quickly by his own.
After some time, Kagome began to squirm and he knew that she needed air. Pulling away, he opened his golden eyes and gazed into her oceanic ones. Her gaze never left his as she smiled widely and tucked some hair behind her ear, her lips were red and swollen, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes glowed with pure happiness.
Kagome found her voice after a long moment of panting. "Wow…" she murmured and hesitantly reached out her hands gripping him. He didn't push her away and he saw the relief flood into her eyes.
"Wow…" he agreed and they sat in a comfortable silence for a long moment.
"Inu yasha…I…" her blush deepened, if possible. Whatever was on her mind, she was scared or too embarrassed to say.
Inu yasha smiled gently and tucked the same strand of hair behind her ear. "Kagome…" 'I love you…' he cleared his throat, and felt his chest tighten up. No, he had to tell her, he might as well. "I love you…" it came out easier then he had expected, but still, the fear of rejected was heavily reflected in his eyes, he tensed up, unsure of how Kagome would react.
Her eyes widened and her face broke into a large grin. Kagome felt like her insides would explode and they continued to flip and turn. It felt like her stomach had lost the bottom of it and was squirming deep within her. She felt her chest tighten and she felt like she would cry. A stray tear ran down her cheek and she watched as Inu yasha's eyes widened in guilt.
Before he could make any assumptions, she dove at him and knocked him to the ground underneath her, "I love you too!" she hugged him tightly to her and cried in his chest, her relief overpowering her will to remain tearless.
"You do?" his eyes were wide as he looked at her bowed head, which kept nodding.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she whispered quietly and tightened her hold on him. "So much…so long…inu yasha…gods…inu yasha," he murmured to herself.
"Oh Kagome…" he whispered and tightened his hold on her as well, enjoying the feel of Kagome cuddling up next to him. He tenderly kissed her forehead. With his confession now known to her, he felt a strange sense of peace rush over him. He loved her and she returned the feelings, he felt like the sun had finally risen on his shadowy, dark life. And he smiled…
A couple of hours later found the couple still in the position they'd been in for hours. Kagome lying on his chest delicately and her tears had long since dried. Inu yasha's even breathing soothed her and her scent soothed him. They both basked in the knowledge of knowing the other's feelings and were perfectly content with remaining where they lay.
"Kagome?" he asked softly, unsure whether the human girl was sleeping on his chest.
"Hm?" Kagome's reply came as she lifted her head and looked at him, her lips resting against his chin as she peered at him.
He gazed at her, once again wondering what he'd done to deserve such a beautiful and loving woman that was now laying on top of him. "The sun will be rising soon; shouldn't we go back so you can sleep?"
"I'm fine here…unless you want to leave," her breath tickled his chin and her lips moved over the heated skin like a shadow on the wall. He felt his heartbeat start to pick up and wondered briefly if Kagome could feel his pounding heart.
"I'm fine, too. But the others may worry," he snorted.
Kagome smiled and kissed his chin, her lips lingering on the bottom side of his chin. "Let them worry…" she murmured and rested against him, her head falling to his shoulder, her lips resting on his neck now.
He smirked at her answer and rolled so that she was lying next to his side. He turned so that he was turned towards her and tightened the fire rat haori around her shoulders. She held them gratefully and looked up at him with sparkling eyes. And then the temptation returned. The quiet temptation that told him to love her completely, to make her his mate. The only real problem was that he wasn't entirely sure of the mating part of the mating ceremony. True, he knew how to make her his mate, but he didn't know how to do the mating part, he was never taught that. The only reason he knew the ceremony was that brief time he lived with Sesshoumaru, who had explained it to him.
Kagome noticed the hanyou tense use and she turned her gaze to him, her eyes staring at him with a curious expression. Inu yasha felt a part of him stir and he willed it to cease this ridiculous reaction to Kagome's beautiful body—He cut himself off before the started thinking about the schoolgirl in less than pure ways.
"Inu yasha…is something wrong?" she whispered out, though she wasn't sure why she had the sudden urge to lower her voice.
Inu yasha gazed at her. He gazed up at Kagome. He couldn't deny that he wanted her, but his fear remained and he was afraid that if he did take that step…would she allow him? And if she did, what if he displeased her?
"Inu yasha?" her hand went out and cupped his cheek, trying to get some kind of response from the man below her.
"Kagome…" he shifted his gaze to the sky, the stars twinkled high above him. "Do you really love me?"
Kagome's brows knitted in frustration and she nodded, "Of course I love you! What kind of question is that?"
"Will you…" he stopped and bit his lip, he was unsure as to how to approach this situation. Who couldn't come right out and say 'Kagome, you need to mate with me because I'm a demon.' He had to find some way to explain this to her.
"Will I what, Inu yasha?" Kagome was worried over the hanyou next to her, what was he holding back from her?
"Do you remember what Kouga said?" he hated to mention the pathetic wolf who'd run away with his tail between his legs. He'd wanted to kill him…he'd wanted to get rid of the competition for Kagome's affections. But now that Kagome had admitted to him she loved him, it wasn't so bad, but he couldn't help but feel bile rise in his throat at the mere mention of the wolf youkai's name.
"Yes…somewhat…" Kagome said softly, she too didn't want to think of the wolf.
"He used to call him his woman," it wasn't a question, it was a statement. "That is customary for a youkai to call his bitch when courting her. However, the fucking bastard disregarded the rules of youkai courtship…"
"Rules…youkai courtship?" Kagome was confused and Inu yasha knew it.
"A youkai society is much more complex then humans give us credit for," Inu yasha growled. "We establish a foundation of which our relationships can stand. This foundation is the first stage of demon mating. Courtship. We protect our bitch; we provide for our bitch, we do everything in our power to show the female the male can be a good mate. Once the bitch accepts the male, they mate and are bound together through all eternity, or until one of them dies," he paused to look at Kagome, making sure she had absorbed all this information. She nodded, still unsure as to what he was getting at.
"Occasionally, a female will be desired by more than one male. Usually the male who first laid the claim of courtship has the right to continue courting the bitch," Inu yasha said quietly, as he approached what he was going to say. "But, if the second male wants the woman, he will lay a challenge to the other male and they'll fight for the right to continue the courtship. The female is not allowed to interfere with such a battle…" Kagome noticed the hidden malice in this remark, and realized that he was referring to the situation between him self and Kouga. She felt a certain amount of guilt fill her as she realized this.
"Once one of the males wins the battle, he is allowed the right to continue the courtship of the female and the other male does not get another chance to lay a claim on the female and must go on to find another potential mate…" he took a deep breath. "A long time ago I laid the foundation for courtship and was planning to court you, Kagome." He hated admitting this. "But that stupid, mangy wolf interfered and tried to take you away from me, completely disregarding the youkai laws. When we tried to fight, you interfered, and caused the wolf to have hopes that you would love him."
Kagome grumbled softly, not liking the fact he was pinning the blame on her, but did not interrupt.
His golden eyes turned to her and captured her azure eyes for the umpteenth time that night. "What I'm trying to say is…you've accepted me…and I must make you my mate now," he mumbled out, his cheeks burning red.
Kagome cocked her head to the side, her angry emotions blown out the window. "Ok." She smiled, "How?"
Inu yasha sighed, she didn't understand the mating ritual, but he couldn't blame her. She wasn't youkai, after all.
"A mating ritual," he grumbled. Kagome beamed.
"Like a wedding ceremony?" she asked and clasped her hands.
Inu yasha stared at her in surprise and blinked, staring at the starry eyed Kagome, a smile on her face and her face radiating happiness. "A what?"
Kagome smiled and grabbed his hands and held them in her own. "Is a mating ceremony equivalent to a human wedding, Inu yasha?" she looked so hopeful, so happy, so…beautiful.
"What's a wedding ceremony?" Kagome smiled and began to explain her human tradition. She explained the traditional Shinto wedding that wouldn't be created until long after this era, but she found great joy in explaining the significance of the wedding and what it meant for the male and female. After she explained a Shinto wedding she went into how the Westerners married each other. Inu yasha wasn't sure who the 'Westerners' were, but didn't bother asking.
"So is it, is it like a human wedding?" she peered at him almost childlike and he couldn't help but smile at her and tilt his head.
He thought about it. He thought about what Kagome's people did in a wedding and then what you did in a youkai ceremony. It was similar yet had its contrasts, but they both represented the same thing: To love your mate…or spouse (as Kagome pointed out)…unconditionally.
"Yes," he nodded and Kagome's smile widened. She looked so innocent.
Kagome hugged him tightly then. Though he hadn't said it in the most orthodox way, he had asked her to marry him, and that was good enough for her. How many nights had she laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling, imagining marrying Inu yasha, wondering what their children would look like, silly schoolgirl fantasies? Now, she knew they would come true…
Inu yasha returned her hug and stared at the sky. She seemed so happy now, but she still didn't understand the mating ritual. He blushed softly, but he had to explain it to her.
"Yes?" her voice was so soft and content. He smiled and ran his fingers through her long black hair.
"About the mating ceremony…" he pulled her away so he could look her in the eye. "Its crucial that I explain it to you."
"Explain away," she said breezily, her eyes wide and sparkling happily.
"It starts with the female on the ground," he pushed her gently and rolled her to her back, flat on the ground. She looked up at him expectantly. "Then I have to bless us and our union…like that minister person in the human wedding. Then I make seven promises, each representing the seven different charkas, each promise in correspondence to each charka. Afterwards," he thought for a long moment. It had been many years since the custom had been explained to him. "We must promise each other our loyalty. That's like the vows…" he thought again and felt his nervousness grow within him. "Then we have to seal our union," he bit his lip and blushed. Kagome noticed this.
"I have to…" how was he to explain it?
Kagome looked up at him expectantly.
Inu yasha gulped and swallowed the lump that was growing in his throat. "I have to take your…innocence…" He bowed his head and his face ignited into a large blush. His ears twitched and drooped.
Kagome stared at him with wide eyes. She felt her nervousness build within her as well, and she licked her lips. Inu yasha wasn't looking at her. Hesitantly she reached out her hand and tenderly touched one of his ears. It twitched under her touchy and she smoothed the ruffled fur there. He slowly lifted his head and met her gaze. She was blushing as well and it was at that moment they both knew they were nervous.
"Then what?" Kagome said and smiled reassuringly at him.
His ears perked and he cleared his throat. "Then I have to mark you as mine…" he said simply. "Then we are mates, bound together for all of eternity…um…that's ok…right?"
Kagome smiled softly, her eyes tenderly stared at him, and she nodded. "Yes…of course its ok."
Inu yasha took the haori that was still draped over her shoulders and pulled it off of her, simply fluttering it out below her, to serve as a blanket for her lie on. She felt a little cool without the warmth of the fire rat fur but said nothing, she simply awaited the mating ceremony, the ceremony that would take away her virginity and tie her to a hanyou for the rest of her days. She gazed up at the uncertain hanyou and smiled quietly. He was powerful, strong, smart and beautiful, she loved him…she'd do anything for him, and she wanted to be tied to him. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, the crisp night air fluttering into her nose accompanied by the scent of inu yasha. It had taken her a long time, but she had linked Inu yasha's unique scent as the smell of the forest after a rain, sweat after a battle, the crisp wind flashing through the leaves of a forest, a beautiful spring flowing from the mountains. It all combined into a scent that was simply Inu yasha. True, a majority of the things she listed didn't have a scent, but it was what she thought off when she smelled her hanyou, her tall and powerful hanyou…the hanyou she was about to make love with.
"I'll do it now," he said quietly and peered at her. She looked at him, he seemed so uncertain, so lost.
"Right now…right here?"
"If you want me to wait…" he seemed scared. Kagome shook her head.
"No, do it now, please," Kagome whispered out and stared up at her male.
Inu yasha's large hands came out and held her at the shoulders. He bowed his head and Kagome watched as his long silver hair spilled from his relaxed shoulders and made a curtain around them. He breathed in slow steady breaths. She stared at him and held her breath. After a moment the hanyou cracked open a golden eye and smiled shyly, "You need to take deep breaths, Kagome. Breath in when I breathe out, ok?" She nodded and he closed his eyes again, breathing deeply.
When his chest began to decrease in size Kagome took a deep breath in, her chest rising up as his chest was sucked in. They continued this for ten deep breaths until Inu yasha's hand came to her chest, just below the undersides of her breasts. "You can stop," he said tenderly. Then he took another breath and he looked at her. "I'm going to recite the blessing now, so don't be afraid." Kagome was confused.
But then the hanyou began to growl deeply, his chest vibrating and his fangs bared as he closed his eyes. The growls ranged from high to low to quiet and to loud. Small yips accompanied the growls every so often along with whimpers and whines. Kagome stared at him in surprise, unsure of what he was doing.
He ceased his dog like growls and looked at her. Noticing her perplexed expression he explained, "It's the language of the inu youkai. When reciting the blessing you must do it in your youkai tongue." He shrugged, "I don't know why. The language of the youkai comes as an instinct for youkai males. Females never learn it unless they make an effort to. It's only used for the ritual."
"Do I have to say anything?" Kagome squeaked out and Inu yasha chuckled.
"No, it is the male's duty. The female does nothing, it is the male's job to provide, after all," his golden eyes softened as he gazed at her. "I'll tell you if you need to do something. For this part you just have to lay still and close your eyes," he leaned back and sat on his haunches. Kagome missed the warmth of his body over hers.
Inu yasha looked down at the still Kagome. She was so vulnerable right now. If he wanted to, he could kill her and she wouldn't be able to protect herself. She had willing accepted his proposal to mate with her. She had willingly accepted the fact she'll no longer be pure after this. She was allowing herself to be tainted by the hanyou. He gently shook his head to release himself of such thoughts. Kagome accepted him, that's all that mattered. He'd do everything in his power to love and protect her.
He gazed at her tenderly and came to a decision. The rule to speak in the youkai tongue was ridiculous and not critical to the ceremony. For his Kagome's sake, he wanted her to hear what he was promising her. He cleared his throat. "Kagome," he whispered the girl tilted her head towards him. "I'm going to say it all in youkai tongue and then in human tongue, so you will understand, ok? I'm going to say our blessing, and then I'll say my promises in youkai and human." Kagome nodded and said nothing.
Inu yasha gazed down at her again, relishing in her beauty. "I, Inu yasha, the son of the youkai lord honorably request the blessing between my self and Kagome Higurashi, human and daughter of the shrine keeper," he wasn't sure if that was true nor did he know Kagome's father's name, so he had gone with that, he hoped Kagome didn't mind. "May our union be blessed by the gods and the deceased youkai lords of the past. I humbly request the protection of the youkai gods in our ceremony and prevent any harm coming to my mate or myself." He took a breath as he recited the ancient blessing.
He leaned down and kissed her forehead, his body's weight supported by his two arms held on either side of her. His hair made a cage around her again and he collected his thoughts. Now he had to prove that he would be a good mate.
His sat up again, only slightly, and placed his palm on the crown of her head, near the crown charka. Kagome, surprised at the touch, opened her eyes and stared up at him with her clear blue eyes. He smiled reassuringly at her and growled something out, followed moments later by the human translation. "I promise to my mate that all those divine will be enlightened of our joining and thus bless us," as he pulled his hand away a small flash of white light surrounded Kagome's crown charka and produced a simple kanji: sanctified.
Moving his hand he placed his palm on her forehead, holding it there lightly so as not to alarm Kagome. Once again, the hanyou growled before speaking to Kagome. "I promise to my mate that I will show her my love for her whenever deemed necessary and to not hide the love that we share," he pulled his hand away and once again there was a flash of indigo light and the kanji for vision appeared.
Inu yasha's hand moved to her throat charka and he growled. Kagome looked at him with her eyes glowing happily, the two kanji still hovered slightly above her skin and were slightly faded, yet they still remained. Inu yasha looked up and noticed her trying to stare at the kanji on her forehead. He smiled, "They will remain until I have fulfilled all my promises, Kagome." She looked back at him and blushed slightly before smiling and nodding.
Inu yasha closed his eyes and breathed out deeply, "I promise to my mate the ability to speak freely of our love, to never make her feel the need to hide our feelings from others. May our love be vocalized freely." Not surprisingly a bright blue flash came from her throat and the kanji voice hovered where Inu yasha's hand had been moments before.
This continued for four more charkas. At the heart charka Inu yasha promised to do all in his power to love Kagome unconditionally and for all eternity, accepting her for her faults and loving her for her for her. He promised to never use her love for anything except just that. After that, there was a bright flash of green and the kanji symbol for unconditional love appeared hovering over her heart.
At the solar plexus charka Inu yasha, after getting over the shock of having to place his palm in between Kagome's breasts, promised to never judge his mate, to support her in every way possible and to protect her from anyone or anything that prevented her happiness. There was yet another flash, this time yellow, and the kanji acceptance hovered near the heart's kanji.
At the sacral charka, the hanyou promised his human mate that no matter how time would change her, he'd still love her and support her. The bright flash of orange and the kanji change went unnoticed by the couple as they stared into each other's eyes, his golden orbs reflecting the flashes her charkas produced.
Finally, the seventh charka was reached, the root charka. Inu yasha, with a blush staining his cheeks, pressed his palm just above her pubic bone, pressed close to one of her more intimate spots. "To my mate I promise that I will relieve all sexual pleasures she may processes," he blushed brightly at that. "I will help her feel loved, contentment and satisfaction and never allow her to feel neglected or betrayed. I will remain loyal to my mate and never leave her under any circumstances." He pulled his hand away and a bright red light flashed before the kanji loyalty hovered.
The seven kanji quivered in their spots before floating away from Kagome's body and huddling together above her naval. With a bright flash of multiple colors, the seven kanji morphed into one large, black lettered kanji. Mate.
Inu yasha grabbed Kagome's shirt, and pulled it up, ignoring the yelp of surprise from Kagome. The black symbol fell to her stomach, shrinking as it went and landed in her belly button, barely noticeable, and anyone who wasn't looking for it wouldn't be able to find it. Kagome stared at it for a long moment before looking to the blushing hanyou for an explanation.
"It's the traditional mark the youkai lords have bestowed upon us. They do this for every ceremony, I believe." He sat awkwardly for a long moment before looking at her. "It didn't hurt did it?"
She smiled up at him and shook her head, "No. I'm fine."
"Good," he said and his concerned expression melted into one of love and ease. "Are you ready to continue, then?"
Kagome smiled and nodded. "What do I have to say?"
"You say what you want. All you have to remember is to start it with 'I promise to my mate' and end it with 'please bless our union.' It's very simple. Just say what you want to say to me…I suppose, I'm not entirely sure…" He blushed again and looked slightly ashamed of the fact he didn't know his own tradition.
Kagome reached out her hand and lightly touched his cheeks, drawing his attention back to him. "I promise my mate that I will always love him. I will do all in my power to protect him and support him, I will help him through any problems he may have. I will stay by his side forever more, I'll help him enjoy life, enjoying living, and I'll help him feel like nothing bad could ever happen to him. Please bless our union…"
Inu yasha's hands traveled up and covered her hands with his own, his golden eyes staring at her lovingly. "I promise my mate that I will lover her unconditionally, I'll love her with my whole being and never leave her alone. I'll support her, even when she doesn't want it, I'll provide for her, I'll remain loyal to her, I'll protect her against anything that dares to hurt her. Please bless our union…"
As they finished they basked in a silence, the only evidence that they were alive was the rapid beating of their hearts and the warm look in their eyes as they stared at each other. A sudden awkwardness overtook the male hanyou and he blushed crimson. Kagome saw her hanyou's reaction and soon joined him, a blush painted across her cheeks.
Her hands delicately stroked his cheeks and the pads of her fingers traced the long strands of silver hair that hung over his shoulder. "I'm ready…when you are…" she whispered out quietly, scared.
They both sat up, surrounded by the long grass, Kagome's belly tingling from the mark that now rested in her belly button and because of the butterflies that seemed to come to life at the thought of being 'married' to Inu yasha. The said hanyou was slightly nervous with the fact he'd have to mate with Kagome…how was he to know how to pleasure a woman? He'd only seen Kagome naked once or twice, and that's about how far his knowledge of the female body went…
She moved her hands so that her fingers intertwined with his own, linked together softly. Her large, innocent blue eyes stared at him softly, though it was obvious she was nervous, it was also obvious how much she trusted the hanyou…her hanyou…
He lowered his eyes and didn't dare face her. Kagome felt a small ping grow in her heart and she released one of his hands to grab his chin, forcing him to look at her. Though she was certain he could have easily broken from her grasp. "Inu…talk to me…please…"
"Kagome…" his face was red and his voice was small and embarrassed. "I don't know how…"
"Don't know how to do what?" Kagome asked gently, always understanding.
He glanced at her before looking off towards the towering trees that were located near the edge of the field. He hated to admit he didn't know how to do something, especially to Kagome when he needed to do it. When he needed to pleasure her and seal their union. How was he supposed to do that if he didn't know how to mate with Kagome or how to make her like being mated. He wasn't completely sure how it worked, but he'd heard Miroku say once that it hurt the first time. He didn't want to hurt Kagome…
"Inu yasha…" there was concern in her voice accompanied by the undertone of a warning, a warning that Kagome was becoming annoyed with his silence.
Gulping down his pride he looked at the grass they sat in. "I don't know how to have sex," he said bluntly to the green blades. Kagome made a small squeak of surprise from his bluntness and her face turned redder.
"Inu yasha," she said with a slight quiver in her voice, still kind of coping with his choice of words. "Its ok," he snapped his head up and looked at her. She smiled angelically at him and tilted her head to the side, observing him in a bird like manner. "We can learn together…I'll help you and you'll help me…ok?"
"I…um…" he didn't finish his sentence, however, because Kagome grabbed his hands and placed them over her breasts, holding them there. Inu yasha's eyes snapped open, "Kagome!"
Kagome pressed her breasts into his hands while pressing her hands against the back of Inu yasha's. "I'm hoping that you know the difference between a female body and a male body?" she asked with a smile.
Inu yasha sputtered. "Of course I do, I have seen you naked, haven't I?" He growled softly and his ears twitched wildly as Kagome giggled.
"Ok, good," she said. In her mind she was flashing back to her sexual education classes back in middle school and the last year of her elementary school. She never thought she'd have to teach these kind of things, especially to the rough hanyou who not only was a warrior, but refused to be dominated by anyone. Here she was teaching him how to have sex…did that make her a dominatrix? She blushed at that thought and looked back up at him. "Well, first, we have to undress each other." She released Inu yasha's hands and moved to his shoulders, brushing his hair aside.
Inu yasha blinked as she removed her hands, though his hands still remained on top of her round breasts. This was slightly embarrassing. She was talking to him like he was a little whelp or something. He sighed and let it go, grabbing the small red ribbon of her high school uniform and taking it off, having watched Kagome remove her school uniform many times before.
Kagome pushed aside the white of his under haori, revealing softly formed skin, the muscles rippled beneath her fingertips and she slid the white fabric down the hanyou's arms so that they lay in the crock of his bent elbows. The hanyou made quick work of her shirt and hesitantly slipped it over her head.
Kagome lifted her arms and allowed the shirt to leave her body and she was met with the cool night air and the hot gaze of her hanyou lover.
They made quick work of their clothing and soon Kagome sat with only her undergarments and Inu yasha in his hakama. They sat awkwardly for a moment before glancing at one another.
Kagome smiled reassuringly and lightly touched his chest; he shivered from the soft touch. Her hands traveled down the firm muscles and tanned skin, tracing the fading glimpses of battle scars, the only one really evident on his stomach, where he'd been impaled numerous times. Her hand stopped at the scar on his stomach, tracing a small circle around his naval. Inu yasha looked at her hand quietly, saying nothing. Words didn't need to be said, each knew what the other was thinking…
'How long we've come since that time…' Kagome thought as her hand moved on, heading back up and stopping over his heart. She looked up at him and smiled gently, everything in the world dissolved away and all she could see was the strong and handsome hanyou who now sat before her. 'At that time...I would have never guessed something so beautiful would have happened between us. I…I would never had imagined all the hardships we went through, all the people we met, the places we saw…where we sit right now…never would I have dreamed that I would be teaching the arrogant hanyou how to have sex…' She giggled quietly. She felt the hanyou's heart start to race and knew that he was anxious as well as nervous.
'Actually, earlier today I would never have thought of having to teach Inu yasha how to have sex…' She laughed again.
"What's so damn funny?" she looked back at the hanyou, who seemed embarrassed. Kagome realized that he thought she was laughing at him.
"Inu yasha…I'm laughing because…I'm happy," she sat up and kisses his nose. "I'm happy because I'm here with you…because I'm loved by you…"
"Feh!" he blushed, "Don't get all sentimental on me, woman."
"Inu yasha," the seriousness in her voice made him focus on her. "I'm not very good at explaining sex, me having no first hand experience. But…as I'm sure you probably know," it was her turn to blush, "lovers are supposed to pleasure each other…"
"How?" her curious puppy asked.
She blinked, "I…well…we find parts of the body that make us feel good…"
The hanyou looked as lost as she sounded.
"Maybe I should show you?" she pushed him back by his shoulders and he soon was lying amid the long blades of green grass, the breeze blew around them and she leaned down, capturing his lips delicately.
Her hands traveled up the back of his head and touched the back of his puppy dog ears, which twitched into her fingers. She rubbed them soothingly, stroking the silver fur in a circular pattern. She rubbed circles around the base, lightly grazed the tips and just allowed a shadow of a touch in the pink underside. She felt his heart speed up from where her chest was pressed against his and his breathing coming out in pants against her exposed neck.
"How do you feel, Inu yasha?" she breathed into his ear, causing it to spasm.
"…good…" he panted out, "better…than good…I can't…explain…"
"That's how we're supposed to feel when making love," she kissed his soft fur before pulling away, causing a small whimper to come from the man's throat below her.
Quickly he spun over so she was on the ground, catching Kagome off guard. She gasped in surprise and looked up at the hanyou, who looked down at her with a hungry look flashing in his molten eyes, his dog ears twitching.
"My turn," he smirked and kissed her passionately. Kagome moaned into his mouth and her hands found his dog ears again as he traveled from her lips. "Tell me if I do something wrong…" he whispered quietly, his breath passing over her parted lips.
Kagome could only nod dumbly.
His lips made their way down her body, touching skin to his lips and allowing his tongue to trace along the skin. He took her moans of gratitude a sign to continue and attacked the base of her neck gently, not daring to bite down in fear of hurting her. If at any time he bit his mate during the mating ceremony, he would be rejected by the god's blessing and would be unable to touch the female for the rest of eternity. He would never hurt Kagome under any circumstances, especially if the penalty was the failure to feel her soft skin, or her beautiful lips, or even a tender hug…
((2,342 words have been edited because they contain NC-17 situations…gomen))
They lay in the afterglow comfortably holding each other, Inu yasha still not breaking the connection and content with staying within her."Inu yasha…" she murmured against his chest.
"Shh…you must regain your strength so I can mark you," he whispered quietly, stroking her silky black hair. Kagome nodded.
After several minutes of simple cuddling, Inu yasha regretfully removed himself from Kagome. They both moaned at the loss, Kagome missing the completeness she'd accomplished with Inu yasha within her and Inu yasha missing the warmth that surrounded him so delicately.
They both sat up and pulled on their clothes. Well, Inu yasha slipped on his hakama and Kagome stuck her arms through Inu yasha's long haori sleeves. "Now what?" she asked. Surprisingly, she felt comfortable now that their act of sex was over, a simple peacefulness having filled her. She felt content for the first time in her life.
Inu yasha absently scratched his cheek and smiled at her. "I must give you my mark."
"What's your mark?" she asked, curious. "is it like the mate mark in my belly button?"
"No, I'm not sure what it is. It varies from mates to mates. It takes its on original symbol. It won't hurt you," he reassured. He always reassured her that it wouldn't hurt. Though Kagome felt numbness between her legs, she knew that in the worst case scenario, Inu yasha would take care of her, always.
"So, what do you do? Bite me or something? I heard that dogs do that to their mates," Kagome said innocently.
Inu yasha shot her a glare and she giggled.
"Three things." Inu yasha held up three fingers. "Number one: I do not bite you. If I were to so much as nick your skin and draw any blood, the youkai lords will reject me and prevent me from touching you ever again. I'd lose you. Secondly, dogs do not bite each other; they too would never hurt their partner. And lastly, I create the mark with my blood."
"Let me get this straight, you can't hurt me but you can hurt yourself?" Kagome said dryly.
Inu yasha shrugged, "I do it all the time, don't' I?"
Kagome smiled and nodded. It was true, the hanyou always threw himself in front of any attack in order to protect her, leading to many unnecessary injuries on his part.
"Well…mark away," she said and smiled happily.
"Turn around," he said and smiled gently. Kagome turned and Inu yasha slipped his haori around her shoulders, exposing her bare back to him.
With a small growl he muttered something in Inu youkai.
Kagome tilted her head curiously, looking at him over her shoulder.
He cleared his throat and spoke in human. "I, Inu yasha, hanyou son of the Lord Inutaisho hereby allow the human, Kagome Higurashi, to bare the mark of my family and thus signify her as my mate and life partner for the rest of eternity." He exposed his fangs and bit his palm. Kagome gasped in surprise as the hanyou seemed to write something on his hand.
"I'll press it against your back and the Inu youkai spirits will write a blessing on your back, if they accept our union. If they don't, my hand will start to burn…you'll be unharmed of course." Kagome rolled her eyes that went without saying; he wouldn't be doing it if it meant she got hurt…
After he was done ripping his skin with his teeth, he showed Kagome his palm. On it he wrote in sloppy, nearly unintelligible writing, koishii wa Kagome. He pressed his bloody palm against her back, just under her shoulder blades and on her spinal cord. She gasped as the hot blood pressed against her sweaty body. They both held still, holding their breaths for a long moment.
Finally Kagome felt warmth spread throughout her and Inu yasha sighed in satisfaction. He pulled his hand away and revealed it was completely healed, not even a hint of blood was left. She felt his gaze on her backside and waited expectantly.
"Trust…" he whispered.
"That's what it says, trust…" he smiled and leaned down, licking the fading mark. Kagome sighed blissfully and closed her eyes.
He sat back up and pulled the haori back down over her back, grabbing the access material and wrapping it around her. He left his arms resting around her, his body pressed against her back. He lightly kissed her neck.
"I love you," Kagome said happily. 'It's like we're married…'
"I love you, too," he whispered quietly and nibbled her ear. "Should we head back now? The sun will rise soon…" He looked towards the horizon and Kagome saw the distant glow of the sun peaking over the tree line.
She quickly shook her head, "No. I want to stay here with you…if you don't mind…"
"I never mind," he said and fell to the ground, spooning up against her. He lifted her head gently and moved his arm under it. She rested her head against his arm. "Sleep now, I'll wake you once I get hungry."
Kagome sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ever the romantic, I see."
Kagome smiled and closed her eyes, bathing herself in the warmth of Inu yasha. His soft breathing against her neck, the gentle beating of his heart against her back, the subtle touch of their legs, his arm wrapped around her, his thumb pressed against her belly button where the miniature mark was…
She was completely at peace. She was in love, her hanyou returned the affections and she was mated to him.
She couldn't ask for a better ending.
(stares) Wow…I'm sorry I took so long. And yes, the mating ritual was something I had floating around for a while…
Well, since it took so long, I decided I'd grace you with a longer chapter. Oo hope you all liked the 37 page long chapter…and the ending! please reiew!
Charkas: Not Japanese, but a spiritual belief that there are certain energy points in your body that control different things
Gomen: Sorry
Koishii wa Kagome: Lover is Kagome
Owari: The end
Kanji: Japanese writing, with the really complex characters. Kagome's name is written in hiragana, a simpler writing system. There's also something called katakana, which is used to write foreign words that weren't originally in the Chinese characters.
Anyways, until next time, bye!!!
Link to, the unedited version, remove spaces: adultfan. nexcess. net/ aff/ story.php?no=23839&chapter=7