Sorry it took me a little long for this chapter to come out. I've a lot of homework and other stuff was going on at home.

This is the last chappie, so don't hate me about how it ends.

Rating: PG-13 (cussing, and some yuri action)

Pairings: Ino/Saku, hints of Sasu/Naru








The air smelt fresh and clean. My heart felt light. I was happy.

Ha! That's a pun, isn't it? Nice, I'm a sappy person now. Damn you, Sakura-chan! I'm enjoying every minute... second!... of being sappy! Thank you, Big Forehead Girl.

As much as I hate love stories and stuff, this love story of my own made me like that sappy stuff.

Sakura is fine. The summer is over. School starts back up again.

During our lunch time while I was stopping by my locker for my food…..

"Hey Ino!" Sakura called when she spotted me from down the hall. I tried to hide behind my open locker, but she came up fast.

I got hugged from behind.

"Wow, Sakura…. You're a little hyper today," I commented.

She raised her eyebrows and spoke sarcastically, "Really, you think?"

I laughed, "Ok, you can let go of me now. I can't breathe as easily." She let go after playfully pulling my hair out of it ponytail.

"Sakura!" I tried not to yell too loud, "It' took me a while to put that up. Why'd you do that?"

I jumped when two warm hands brushed my neck, "Let's go eat outside. It's a nice day and I wanna braid your hair. I think you'd look good that way,"

I frowned at her.

"Hey, don't worry. I have a hair brush," She smiled. I did too. I was glad to see that Sakura had really taken a liking to me, but I was quite surprised to see how well she took it and how openly she shared it.

No, I don't mean running around the school yelling, "Me and Ino are dating!" She's not that stupid. At least, I don't think she is…. Hee. I'm so mean.


We sat outside by an old Sakura tree. The thought was funny to me: Sakura at a Sakura tree. We had brought our food with us to eat. Sharing occasionally, mostly eating our own food though.

"Hey Ino?"


"What made you fall in love with me?" Sakura had that I-really-must-know look in her eyes.

I was taken by surprise. I didn't really know why I fell in love. Or how I fell in love. Sakura was always so beautiful. I loved her attitude, she's a hard worker when she really wants something. Or she can be so sweet.

"I'm not really sure. Your looks, your attitude, your style. Heck, even that big forehead of yours." I grinned.

"Hey~! That's mean! Leave my big forehead alone! It's not like—" I finally managed to catch her off guard.

For the first time since I confessed my love, I kissed her lovely big forehead sweetly. She looked up at me. I pulled her into a big hug.

"I always feared you would not accept me. I feared you would hate me, and yell at me," Tears were coming down my cheeks and onto Sakuras' face, "But I knew I would always love you, even if you hated my guts. Sakura?" I know I'm not really one to cry, but I had to.

She was quiet. I pulled away, looking down at her. "Sakura? Are you alright?"

"Ino… I'm your best friend. Like I'd ever hate you. Think about all the times you've done thing or I have done things that most people would wanna kill each other because of." She lifted her eyes to mine.

The tears had stopped.

I scoffed, "Name some."

"Easy," She paused to think, "Hmm…. The time you stuck a french fry in my chocolate milk and I spat it at you."

I laughed.

"You kept calling me Big Forehead Girl, and I called you Ino-Pig. And the way we'd fight over Sasuke. That day you tripped me and I went flying into the teacher."

"Good times."

She continued, "Or the time we called each other 'bitch' in front of the teachers. Or how about when I didn't talk to you for a week, just because you threw a piece of candy at my eye. Or when you had an air pressure can (A/N: the cans full of air that people use to dust their keyboard off.) and blew it in my ear."

"Hey that was an accident."


"Ok, ok, Sakura I get it," I patted her head, "Talkative today, aren't we?"

She growled.

"You know, Ino?"


"I still wanna braid your hair."

I just remembered my hair was still loose and floating all around me. I thought about what to do.

I pulled her back closer to me and kissed her softly. When we let go, she pulled my hair over her head, so we were hidden from everything around us, and kissed passionately.

I felt fluffy. I Sakura did too.

Best friends forever.


But then…..

Maybe more.












I'm sooooooooooo tired. Writing this story for you peoples was exausting. I'll start working on another story soon. It will be either Ino/Saku or Sasu/Naru.

Anyway, thank you everyone for helping me through this story.

Review Corner:

nekomoongirl: I have NO clue why I made Sasuke so nice. It felt weird to do that, but I did anyway. I think maybe it's because he's happy cuz he's got Naruto now. Perhaps?

Kikirini: I never really thought I was cool or a great writer or anything, but thanx.

Tsuki Aojiroi: Yeah, I thought the Orochimaru thing was pretty good too. That actually happened to my brother. Except he ran into a wall when he thought it was a door.

Tsuki Okami: I don't know about telling my friend. I fear she'll never wanna speak to me again. I have thought about telling her, but my fear is too strong. She is a very good friend of mine. Dare I ask what happened with your Past experience, or should I just leave that alone?

hattuteline: Thank you. I'm not quite sure why I put the 'aishiteru' in there, but if felt right, even though they already said 'I love you'. Shoujo-ai in Naruto is faaarrr to rare for me, so I decided I would write my own. Thank you.

Miszy-Anne: Yup! Them cliffhangers are the best!

Bye! See you in my next story! ^_^