Chapter 7

By Soechido Haru

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru shocked. "Hmmm… I-I Don' know what to say." Kagome replied Sesshomaru was about to say something when Rin and Shippo walked in. "Kagome-Chan, there's a wolf at the castle door for you he said that you're his women." Rin said as she looked at the two Youkia's. "O Kami-sama come on kids, you to Sesshomaru." She said dragging him out side to the gardens. When they arrived the saw a tall wolf demon leaning on a tree. "Koga-kun what are you doing here?" Kagome asked nervously. "I'm here for you. Know that mutt face is gone so I can have you to myself. You're also a demoness to now, are kids won't be hanyou's" Koga said as he took her hand in his. Kagome sighed and moved her hand away looking at the wolf leader.

"Koga I can't go with you. As I've told you before I don't love you, only as a friend." Kagome explained as she looked at Sesshomaru who nodded telling her what she was doing was right. "Kagome I claimed you first you mine. Why do you also ways go after these bone headed dog, when you can have a smart, brave, and handsome leader like me." Koga said proudly. Sesshomaru began to growl loudly as he glared at the baka wolf. Rin ran up to Koga and kick him in the knee. "Don't talk about Lord Sesshomaru or Kagome-neechan." She said as Sesshomaru picked her and told her it would be all right as he smirked. Koga glared at the child he then looked at Kagome as she spoke. (A/N He's full of himself Ne?) "Hold on a second Koga. They only bonehead is you! How dare you come here and judge me, you could have a wonderful mate with children but you insist of going after something that will never be yours. Why don't you go find Ayame (Sp?) and make up with her and move on." Kagome said angrily making her miko powers surround her. Koga stepped back and looked at the miko. "Kagome I'm sorry I did mean to upset you. Please forgive me I didn't think…." He was cute of by Kagome. "No you didn't think, Koga I'm upset with you right now leave." Kagome said as she turned to walk back to the castle.

"I'm sorry Kagome." Koga said before turning around leaving. Sesshomaru sat Rin down. "Rin take Shippo in and tell Jaken to fix lunch." Sesshomaru said as he watch the children run into the castle. "Kagome are you ok?" He as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I'm fine. Just pissed of but fine." Kagome replied as she giggled. "Here I have the perfect medicine." Sesshomaru said taking her lips in his. He licked her bottom lip asking for entrance she granted happily. There tongues danced for about 6 minutes until he parted. "You still haven't answered my question." Kagome flinched. "Umm…


(I.p) Sorry girls and boys I had to I couldn't help it. Sorry love you all review please! .