Okay, I know ya'll have been waiting for this chapter for quite a long time, but... um... sorry I guess...? I could have sworn I have typed it... oh well, ya'll get over it! (Gets hit with a potato) OW! DISCLAIMER! DISCLAIMER!

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade. If I did, Lee would be dead for real... actually, there wouldn't be a Lee because I would have never have drawn such a crappy ass character.

Final Chapter- The Verdict

The security started to silence the courtroom as a jury of eighteen walked slowly to their seats. The case of Kai's murders has been going on for a good nine weeks. During that time, police worldwide hunted down and captured Kai's father and Voltaire and sentenced them to the trial along with Kai. Many evidence was for and against Kai at the same time, which made the juror's decision even harder and more confusing as it goes along.

Kai sat in the courtroom with his friend and lawyer, Tala. Tala then sat in the seat next to the blue-haired man and waited for the final verdict.

"What do you think of my chances?" Kai leaned over and whispered to his friend.

"I honestly do not know. Everything is for you and against you in this case," Tala replied admittedly. Kai covered his face with his hands in frustration. He turned around and saw in the courtroom was Tyson, Max, and Kenny sitting a couple of rows behind him. Further back was Mariah, her family, and Rei. Kai turned back around not wanting to stare into Mariah's disappointed eyes. He began to growl as he noticed that Rei has his arm wrapped protectively around Mariah.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Granger," the bailiff said as Tyson's grandpa entered the courtroom. Everyone stood up and sat back down at Judge Granger's order.

"Jury," Grandpa faced the eighteen people, "have you reached a verdict for both trials?"

"The defendant, Kai Hiwatari, is found," one juror said as everyone was at the edge of their seats, "guilty of the murder of the eleven families." Everyone screamed out in protest and the judge was forced to silence the courtroom. "Voltaire and Viktor Hiwatari are found guilty of all charges."

"Kai Hiwatari, you're facing 3 ½ years of isolation with possible parole. Voltaire Hiwatari will be facing 12 years on death role. Viktor Hiwatari will be facing life without parole. Case dismissed." The hammer slammed onto the pounding… thing. (Man, did that ruin a serious moment or what?)

As the cops began to handcuff the Hiwataris and take them to prison, Mariah jumped the wooden gate and ran towards Kai. The police held her back, but she pleaded that she needed to speak to Kai. They gave her 3 minutes.

"I'm sorry, Mariah. I should have never left you," Kai spoke softly as a policeman restrained his hands in handcuffs. "I understand if you would never want to even look at me again."

"I'm not mad at you," Mariah spoke just as softly. "I know for a fact that it wasn't your fault. Although you have done all of these things, I have and always will love you, Kai Hiwatari." Tears began to stream down the neko-jin's face as she embraced Kai in a hug. Kai then pressed his lips against hers and the guard yanked them apart.

"Goodbye, Kai." Mariah continued to cry as she watched the Russian leave the courtroom.

"I hate goodbyes, Mariah. It'll never be goodbye," Kai called out as he tried his best to stay in the courtroom longer.

"I'll write every month, I promise!" Mariah tried to get closer, but another guard was holding her back. But before the door closed, Kai called back to Mariah and said three little words.

"Wait for me."

Aw… I'm finished… I feel sad now… Ah well, that just leaves room for a super sequel! Go sequel! YAY! Thanks to all that read this story from beginning to end. And leave a review so that I can know if I should make a sequel or not. Remember this quote:

Everything that has a beginning, will sure as hell have a sequel.

Later Dayz!