Wow... I never thought I would be writing a Kai/Mariah Dramay Actiony Romancey fic o.O

Kai: Then how about quitting while you're ahead...

Uh... no? Just do the disclaimer before I kill you.

Kai: Hn... you ain't gonna touch me...

No.. but the bullet in this gun WILL! ::pulls out pistol::

Kai: O_O Lil Bre doesn't own anything but the plot, some fishes, and some socks!

Damn straight...

Chapter 1: Prologue

Outside the busy city of Tokyo, two 15-year-olds were laying under a tree gazing at the sunset and sometimes at each other.

"Isn't the sunset beautiful, Kai?" a pink-haired female neko-jin asked a blue-haired Russian, Kai.

"Yeah," he answered back," but Mariah, there is something more beautiful than the sunset and everything else in the world."

"What's that?"

"You." Mariah smiled and gave Kai a kiss on the lips.

"And I have some bad news," Kai said ending the kiss. "My parents and I are leaving Japan to live near my grandfather in Russia."

"What? How long will you be gone?" she asks disappointed.

"I don't know. A long time I think. We're leaving sometime tomorrow. And I have something to give you." Kai pulled out a small red velvet box out of his pocket and gave it to Mariah. She gasped, taking the box. She opened it and to her surprise there was a golden locket with writing engraved into it. On the outside says:

'I hope this locket will help you remember about me. You understood me like no one else. I'm gonna miss you. I will love you always.


She opened the locket to reveal pictures of the two at a photographer on one side and inside a photo booth on another. Her eyes swelled up in tears as she gave Kai one last hug.

"I will never forget you Kai. Never."

~*~10 Years Later~*~

In an unknown building outside the country of Russia, an extremely rich business man (Will be unknown cuz I dun feel like naming him.) and his family were all tied up trying to pry free from the ropes and chains.

"Please, let us go. I'll give you anything," the man begged. On a table against a wall, there as a young man sitting on the table holding a pistol in one hand and a remote in the other. That 25-year-old... was Kai Hiwatari.

"What more can we get from you anyways?" Kai asks coldly. "We already got your bank account and all of your worldly possessions. If we let you go, then you would just go to the police."

"You won't get away with this," the business man's son growled. "If you kill us then the police will find you in a heartbeat!"

"And why would they want to find a dead man?" Kai grinned holding up the remote. "Just pressing this button will send all of us to a hellhole."

"No damn you! You wouldn't dare!" the man exclaimed. Kai grinned and pressed the button...

...Nothing happened.

"Dammit!" Kai cursed throwing the remote against a wall. "Now I gotta find the stupide bomb!" Kai then left the room, leaving his cell phone.

"Look Daddy," the man's daughter exclaimed, "that man left his cell phone!" The family beamed as the man started heading to the phone. As soon as the man took the phone and turned it on, the bomb was set off and the whole building collapsed to the ground.

Outside, Kai was out in an open field grinning as the building disappeared into rubble. He pulled out a real cell phone and dialed a number. "Mission completed. I told you they would try to reach for the cell phone."

"Excellent, return to base," a voice over the phone commanded.

When Kai returned to an old mansion, he walked down the hallway and into a room where an old man and an even older man were sitting near a window. When they heard Kai closing the door, they turned and gave Kai an evil grin.

"Congratulations my boy," the old man said. "That's the 10th assassination you've completed without getting caught."

"Thanks Dad," Kai said leaning against the wall.

"We have only one more for you to kill before you're free to go," the older man, Voltaire, said getting out of his chair and walked to grandson with a cane. "I want you to kill this last family." He showed the picture to the blue-haired man. It was a picture of the famous Chinese family the Wongs. Lee and Mariah were in the front and their mother and father were in the back.

Kai took the picture and said, "When's the deadline?"

"By the end of this month," Voltaire said giving Kai a ticket and a passport to Hong Kong, China.

"Consider them already dead," Kai grinned taking the tickets and leaving the residence.


I finished a Dramay Actiony soon-to-be Romancey chapter of this story! GO ME!

Kai: You're going to make me kill somebody?

Of course ^_^

Kai: ::sigh:: whatever... Please review and all of that junk....