

Date of Issue: 4th April 2004

Author: Hayley (Hailz)

Editor: Cora Linn (Coraz)

Chapter 2: Beautiful Lies!

Inspirational Credits: J. K. Rowling

A/N: Hi I got some opinions on the last chapter and you guys seen to Like the Idea of the story Lines so far, so heres Chapter Two. Please Please PLEASE Review and tell me what you think about the 2nd chapter and tell me If it is any Good Thanx!


Hermione woke up the next morning feeling rarther different than usual. She still held up her emptiness inside of her, but she did not feel sad or hurt like the night before. Istead of siging she held her head high in the air and smiled. With her cheeks rosie and her past fueds forgotten she clammbered out of bed and into her robes that lay neatly beside her bed. As always. Hermione glanced into the mirror before she left and gave her self a sympathetic face and walked down to the great Hall for Breackfast.

Hermione was Late into breackfast and as she came through the heavy doors all eyes where on her as she strolled happily down to the Griffindor Table. As Hermione walked past the Slytherin table Draco dragged his head to the floor but Hermione walked past him confidently not even giving him a second glance. (which was Hard for her to resist!) Hermione sat down inbeetween Harry and Ron Interupting their conversation, which they stopped Talking about when Hermione came near. "Hi Guys!" Hermione said Cheerfuly.

"Hey Mione" Harry replied, Then nudging Ron. Harry Gave Ron an encouraging glare and Ron looked at Hermione.

"Err-" Ron spilt, Hermione looked at Ron, raising an eyebrow.

"what?" She said

"I was just... well you know wondering err... If you would ever want to go-"

"Oh shit! I have to go ask Dr- I mean Malfoy about something, Bye everyone!" Hermione said as she raised from her seat and headed over to the Slytherin Table, looking Draco in the Eye she bent over and leant towards him wispering *cough* Anouncing to the world *cough* into his Ear "Hi Sexy, Last Night was Wonderful! We have to do that Five hour long Ritual again Some time!!!" Pansys (Who was sitting next to Draco with her hand on his lap) jaw dropped and she just stared at Hermione in utter disbelief, then her eyes wondered over to Draco. Draco sat there gob smacked staring at Hermione. Hermione took her lipgloss out of her pocket and refreshed her Passion Pink glittery lipgloss. "What the Fu-" Draco tried to make out, but Hermione placed her soft finger firmly over his Lips. "Shh, It's Ok we can discuss our plans tonight" Hermione Winked, turned on her heels and strutted out of the Great Hall. Everyone had heard Hermione's sceen. Even Ron and Harry.

Sixth Lesson came all too soon, and Hermione was enjoying all the attention she was getting form the other students but she hadn't seen draco since her little Fiasco at breackfast. Hermione sat in her seat next to Harry and she glanced up from her posions book to see Andrew Airwreth staring at her. Hermione looked away but then had a marvolace Idea. With her dazzaling eyes she looked back up at Andrew and winked at him inocently, He smiled and glanced back down at his Book.

At the end of Their posions class Hermione waited for Andrew at the door, He was one of the last to come out of the class but when he saw her waiting for him he smiled evily and walked over to Hermione. Andrew Airwreth wasn't the type of Person you would expect to be in Ravenclaw, He was more michevious but was very much like Draco Malfoy and if they wern't enemies they would make very good friends. The only thing was Andrew was far more preppy and Loved himself more than Pansy Loved Draco, (not that he loved her back) And even more than Ron loved Hermione (not that Hermione even noticed Ron was alive)

"Hi Andy-Pandy" Hermione said with a care-to-dare? Smile on her new Bad girl face. Andrew Looked her up and down and Smiled.

"So... you fucking Malfoy these days?" Andrew said to her leaning against the door way.

"No, well not since I noticed you around" Andrew looked down at her.

"Not surprising, so you wanna ditch Malfoy and sail my way tommoro?" Hermione leant forward and kissed Andrew sweetly on the lips "See you In the morning" She wispered.

Hermione walked back to her room, she was about half way there when she heard her name being called out. Hermione turnied to find Draco Malfoy with his hands placed firmly on her sholders.

"What the fuck are you playing at?!" He screamed in her face.

"what ever are you on about?" Hermione snarled Inoceltly


"It is RUDE to shout in peoples faces, and say it... Don't spray it!"

"You are fucking going to get what you deserve!"

"Am I? and what would that be may I dare to question?!"

"This" Draco leant forward and kissed Hermione deeply, gently, like she had never been kissed before. She could not resist the Bitter sweet Temptation which she had longed for all this time. Draco gently pulled back to see her reaction. Her reaction was the old Hermione smile. She put her arms around his neck and he wraped his hands around her waist and the began to kiss again, this time Hermione couldn't wait.