Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! This is just for fun, never for profit.
A/N: I know this is odd...the idea came to me when I was half asleep and I just had to run with it. Tell me what you think!
Chapter One
Inuyasha was disappointed – and Shippo was hiding. The youkai carrying a good sized shard hadn't even realized its importance, and thanks to Kagome's politeness was perfectly willing to hand it over without argument. Hence the hanyou's disappointment...he really preferred to fight.
Shippo was hiding practically in Sango's hair because Kagome was close to the youkai, and the youkai was a raven youkai, ancient enemies of the foxes. Fortunately for all concerned she was a powerful female who considered an orphaned fox kit beneath her notice. She was not very tall but exuded an aura of power, with rippling black hair and wings in her humanoid form, dusky skin and dark eyes. The raven was quite beautiful, and unfortunately Miroku thought so as well.
Both parties were preparing to take their leave of each other when the monk went up to her. Before anyone could stop him, he clasped her taloned hands in his and asked his famous question:
"Will you bear my child?"
Sango reached for her boomerang, but the youkai reacted faster. She threw him away from her. Miroku landed on his rear, looking a bit surprised.
"Is that a no, then?"
Power flared around the female as Kagome tried to apologize for her wayward companion's antics.
"Do you take me for some whore, human?" the raven demanded in outrage. Then to Kagome, "Silence child, I care not for the reason behind his rudeness! Monk, for your reprehensible behavior and temerity, I curse you. I curse you that with every display of your lechery you will lose yourself more until at last you are the vilest of creatures I know, and not a human at all. The same fate will fall on any woman silly enough to love you!" At her words Inuyasha reached for Tetsusaiga and the others went on the defensive, but she was already shimmering into her true form. The enormous raven took to the sky, avoiding an attack from Sango, and her words rang back to them, "And my death will not lift this curse!"
Then she was gone, leaving the chagrined group behind.
"You really did it this time, bouzo," growled Inuyasha a bit later as they resumed their trek. Kagome and Sango were also looking at him in mingled concern and irritation, Shippo on the first's shoulder and Kirara on the second's. Miroku was quite composed, and his response surprised them a little.
"I am already cursed, my friends," he pointed out, lifting his gloved and beaded hand. "If I happen to acquire a second in my search for an heir to take up the fight against Naraku should I fall, I will gladly deal with it." The others were sobered by mention of the evil hanyou and the vicious curse on the monk's family. Then Miroku added, cheekily, "Besides, she did not say her curse would kill me!"
BONK! Boomerang met skull.
"Stupid hentai," muttered an irate Sango. "She also said it would fall on anyone who loved you."
"Why Sango!" From his position on the ground his gloved hand reached up to caress a certain portion of a certain demon slayer's anatomy. "Are you concerned because you – Ah!"
Hand met posterior, and suddenly Miroku let out a startled cry. There was the strangest sensation in his head! He fell back, a little shaken, and the others turned sharply. Eyes widened all around as he groaned softly.
"Houshi-sama!" gasped Sango.
"That was unusual..." he muttered. "What's wrong?" The monk looked up at their shocked expressions and felt something twitch atop his head.
...Something twitched...
...On top of his head?...
Miroku reached up uncertainly and encountered two furry triangular shapes firmly attached to his skull. He gasped, and Shippo jumped from Kagome to him.
"How did you do that, Miroku? Your ears look like my daddy's did in his human form!" The kit touched one of the new appendages, making the monk flinch a bit. That tickled...
"Fox ears?" he asked, a bit dismayed. Kagome dug around in her bag and came up with a mirror. He accepted it graciously and peered at his reflection. His human ears were no longer in evidence, for starters. Since his hair mostly covered that part of his head anyway, it wasn't too noticeable. But the new ears surely were! Perched on top of his head, poking through his hair, were two handsome fox ears, somewhat larger than Inuyasha's. The fur was mostly reddish, darkening to black at the tips, and the insides were creamy white.
"Of course!" Sango figured it out. She knelt beside him and touched one of the ears curiously. "She was a raven youkai. The most disgusting thing to her would be a fox youkai because of their feud."
The monk shivered a bit...it felt different when Sango touched his ears than when Shippo did! He stood up, straightening his robes to hide his disconcertion.
"Are the ears the only thing?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha was watching with unreadable eyes, and the girl from the future was cuddling the fox kit, who was upset at being 'the most disgusting thing the raven could imagine'. "Did anything else change?"
Miroku grinned and the words slipped out as naturally as breathing.
"Why Kagome-sama, are you asking to see under my clothing?"
There was a loud ripping sound and an undignified yelp from the cursed young man as something sprouted from his lower back and tore his robes. He stared in dismay at the sleek vulpine tail that now swayed lazily behind him. It was longer and more dignified looking than Shippo's childish brush.
Inuyasha had been about to do him damage for the comment, but now burst into howls of laughter instead. The rest of the little group stared at him, actively more disturbed by the hanyou's laughter than the monk's new tail.
"It's when you act like a lech, bouzo!" the dog demon managed between laughs. "You change more when you act like the damn lecher you are!"
"He's right!" exclaimed Sango. "First was when you touched me –"
"-and then when you commented to me –"Kagome looked at Sango, and the two girls began to snicker, then to laugh helplessly. They couldn't have helped it – it was a very odd punishment for his hentai behavior that they were so often the targets of!
Miroku looked offended.
A/N: I know this is odd...the idea came to me when I was half asleep and I just had to run with it. Tell me what you think!
Chapter One
Inuyasha was disappointed – and Shippo was hiding. The youkai carrying a good sized shard hadn't even realized its importance, and thanks to Kagome's politeness was perfectly willing to hand it over without argument. Hence the hanyou's disappointment...he really preferred to fight.
Shippo was hiding practically in Sango's hair because Kagome was close to the youkai, and the youkai was a raven youkai, ancient enemies of the foxes. Fortunately for all concerned she was a powerful female who considered an orphaned fox kit beneath her notice. She was not very tall but exuded an aura of power, with rippling black hair and wings in her humanoid form, dusky skin and dark eyes. The raven was quite beautiful, and unfortunately Miroku thought so as well.
Both parties were preparing to take their leave of each other when the monk went up to her. Before anyone could stop him, he clasped her taloned hands in his and asked his famous question:
"Will you bear my child?"
Sango reached for her boomerang, but the youkai reacted faster. She threw him away from her. Miroku landed on his rear, looking a bit surprised.
"Is that a no, then?"
Power flared around the female as Kagome tried to apologize for her wayward companion's antics.
"Do you take me for some whore, human?" the raven demanded in outrage. Then to Kagome, "Silence child, I care not for the reason behind his rudeness! Monk, for your reprehensible behavior and temerity, I curse you. I curse you that with every display of your lechery you will lose yourself more until at last you are the vilest of creatures I know, and not a human at all. The same fate will fall on any woman silly enough to love you!" At her words Inuyasha reached for Tetsusaiga and the others went on the defensive, but she was already shimmering into her true form. The enormous raven took to the sky, avoiding an attack from Sango, and her words rang back to them, "And my death will not lift this curse!"
Then she was gone, leaving the chagrined group behind.
"You really did it this time, bouzo," growled Inuyasha a bit later as they resumed their trek. Kagome and Sango were also looking at him in mingled concern and irritation, Shippo on the first's shoulder and Kirara on the second's. Miroku was quite composed, and his response surprised them a little.
"I am already cursed, my friends," he pointed out, lifting his gloved and beaded hand. "If I happen to acquire a second in my search for an heir to take up the fight against Naraku should I fall, I will gladly deal with it." The others were sobered by mention of the evil hanyou and the vicious curse on the monk's family. Then Miroku added, cheekily, "Besides, she did not say her curse would kill me!"
BONK! Boomerang met skull.
"Stupid hentai," muttered an irate Sango. "She also said it would fall on anyone who loved you."
"Why Sango!" From his position on the ground his gloved hand reached up to caress a certain portion of a certain demon slayer's anatomy. "Are you concerned because you – Ah!"
Hand met posterior, and suddenly Miroku let out a startled cry. There was the strangest sensation in his head! He fell back, a little shaken, and the others turned sharply. Eyes widened all around as he groaned softly.
"Houshi-sama!" gasped Sango.
"That was unusual..." he muttered. "What's wrong?" The monk looked up at their shocked expressions and felt something twitch atop his head.
...Something twitched...
...On top of his head?...
Miroku reached up uncertainly and encountered two furry triangular shapes firmly attached to his skull. He gasped, and Shippo jumped from Kagome to him.
"How did you do that, Miroku? Your ears look like my daddy's did in his human form!" The kit touched one of the new appendages, making the monk flinch a bit. That tickled...
"Fox ears?" he asked, a bit dismayed. Kagome dug around in her bag and came up with a mirror. He accepted it graciously and peered at his reflection. His human ears were no longer in evidence, for starters. Since his hair mostly covered that part of his head anyway, it wasn't too noticeable. But the new ears surely were! Perched on top of his head, poking through his hair, were two handsome fox ears, somewhat larger than Inuyasha's. The fur was mostly reddish, darkening to black at the tips, and the insides were creamy white.
"Of course!" Sango figured it out. She knelt beside him and touched one of the ears curiously. "She was a raven youkai. The most disgusting thing to her would be a fox youkai because of their feud."
The monk shivered a bit...it felt different when Sango touched his ears than when Shippo did! He stood up, straightening his robes to hide his disconcertion.
"Are the ears the only thing?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha was watching with unreadable eyes, and the girl from the future was cuddling the fox kit, who was upset at being 'the most disgusting thing the raven could imagine'. "Did anything else change?"
Miroku grinned and the words slipped out as naturally as breathing.
"Why Kagome-sama, are you asking to see under my clothing?"
There was a loud ripping sound and an undignified yelp from the cursed young man as something sprouted from his lower back and tore his robes. He stared in dismay at the sleek vulpine tail that now swayed lazily behind him. It was longer and more dignified looking than Shippo's childish brush.
Inuyasha had been about to do him damage for the comment, but now burst into howls of laughter instead. The rest of the little group stared at him, actively more disturbed by the hanyou's laughter than the monk's new tail.
"It's when you act like a lech, bouzo!" the dog demon managed between laughs. "You change more when you act like the damn lecher you are!"
"He's right!" exclaimed Sango. "First was when you touched me –"
"-and then when you commented to me –"Kagome looked at Sango, and the two girls began to snicker, then to laugh helplessly. They couldn't have helped it – it was a very odd punishment for his hentai behavior that they were so often the targets of!
Miroku looked offended.