Hello to everyone who commented on "A Joke Gone Wrong"! See my "Atana" page for the url to my website with the illustrations for this and other stories.

JessicaKou, thanks very much for your encouragement and comments on this and the sequel, "Saving Snivellus". You're very perceptive...Albus gave trust to a dark wizard's depressed and angry child – I think that was pretty gutsy of him considering Snape could have zapped him into oblivion. Ironic, considering that they would end up lifelong friends, each helping serve as the other's salvation.

James Sharp, Severa-Lilia, assassinatorgirl, pretty-lady-serenity, and Rosaleen – thank you all ! Glad you like the art too. I try to draw what I see in my head when I write the story...sometimes it's a pretty close fit, and other scenes are just too hard for me to put on a piece of 8 ½ x11 paper. Yeah – maybe I am too hard on the Marauders – but having once been a picked-on schoolchild, I'm probably over-sensitive to it. Sometime those memories fade away, and sometimes they don't.

Hello to Noel/Talloaks – you are unbelievably insightful on a lot of levels. Your comments gave me the encouragement to even think of a sequel story. I hope it answered some of your questions. It particularly touched me that Albus chose to care for some of his most "unlovable" students (it's not easy to nurture a werewolf!) – giving Sev, at least, the power over his own out-of-control situation was like giving him a present. Sev rose to the occasion, and has found himself a true father instead of that creature who makes his life miserable. Don't worry, folks – I'll give that stinker Confutatis Maledictis Snape (thanks to my fourth-year Latin class for that nifty name) his comeuppance!

You asked why Dumbledore hadn't gone out of his way to cut Sev some slack because he knew of his abusive home situation, and that made me think. My best answer is that some teachers/administrators are in charge of thousands of children over time, and many of their names and situations are forgotten over the years. It would have been hard for Albus to nurture Sev because that kid had more emotional bristles than a porcupine. It's hard to love the unlovable. And truly, Sev would have been out of character to trust any adult right off the bat. I have high hopes for James Potter, however – and Lily – and included Remus more as a helper in the sequel "Saving Snivellus" rather than as a stereotypical Marauder because of your questions. Thanks for your support!

Certified-weirdo, Rubber dukky and Spunge head, – love the handles – HA! I appreciate the kind comments!

Special thanks to Ilmare2, Lilith11, Melissa Jooty, and Raven Dancer – you gals are my inspiration. I so enjoy what you've written! Appreciate your support always. And PLEASE KEEP WRITING – I need my SS/AD angst fix!

There were others who gave me lovely comments – unfortunately, being new to I "replaced" a story and gummed up the works. Thank you and hope you'll forgive my not mentioning you by name.

Best wishes from Atana Potinija!