Italics denotes a foreign language
Deep in the heart of the Sierra Gordo jungles two guards are joking around as they patrol the perimeter of one of the terror domes purchased from Cobra during the reign of Serpentor.
"… And then she said 'that's no pig, that's my mother." , Said the one on the left.
"Heh, good one.", The other replied.
Rustle, snap.
"Hey did you hear something?"
Flekt. Thud.
"Huh, Carlos?"
In the jungle clearing a small group of armed men slowly emerge with their weapons covering the surrounding area.
"Good work Rawhide. Hit-n-run, keep this path clear in case we need to make a fast get away. Take Recondo & Dragoon with you. The three of you should be able to make sure that the door doesn't get slammed in our face." Falcon whispered as he crouched near the jungle entrance.
"Roger. Recondo, let's get these two back under some cover so they won't be noticed."
As they dragged the fallen soldiers back into the wooded area, Draggoon grabbed some rope to tie them up.
"All right guys, let's get in there and find out what's sending those signals that has the boys in Washington's pants in a bunch. Dial-tone, got that sig."
"Yes sir, louder than ever. It appears that we need to try to get into the center of the 'Drome, somewhere near on the second or third floor. That's just below the missile silo."
"Good work. Okay then let's move out," Falcon said as they headed towards the door of the Terrordrome.
Meanwhile at the PITT.
"So Dusty, I hear they have you testing out that new Sand Razor. How's it handling?" Clutch asked as he and Dusty were walking out of the motor pool.
"It's running fine, though who ever is in the gunner's seat better have wiper blades on their goggles and a healthy appetite for bugs if you hit any high speeds…" Dusty replied until Clutch grabbed his shoulder and pointed.
"Whoa, Dust. Check out the red head."
"Yeah, I saw her earlier I think someone said her code name is Knock-Out."
"I'll say she is, man I'll be right back, I'm gonna try to get a piece of that action."
"Wait Clutch, I need to warn you…" Dusty started to say as Clutch ignored him and walked on over to her. Dusty just slowly turned around to face the other direction.
" Hey baby, the names' Clutch. I'm what you'd call the one-man welcoming committee," He said with a slight grin as he put his arm around her shoulder.
" I have already met the base welcoming committee and you didn't seem to be amongst them, and please keep you hands off of me," Knockout said as she lifted his arm off of her shoulder.
" Well then how about I take you on a tour of the base…" Clutch said as he put his arm around her again, " we can start with the cafeteria, the gym, the motor pool, the laundry room, and then back to my room for a little…ophf"
At that point Knockdown elbowed Clutch in the gut and turned to delivered a right cross that sent him down for the count. "Pig," was all she said as she left him lying there.
" Did anyone ged de number od de twuck dat hid be," Clutch asked through his already swelling jaw as he tried to get back to his feet.
Rocknroll ran over and helped Dusty get Clutch to his feet.
" I tried to warn you, man." Dusty said though a slight smile, " I saw Shipwreck coming outta the medical office earlier with a shiner the size of one of Roadblock's hamburgers. It appears that Cover girl has been going to all the new female recruits and warning them about the two of you."
" Wad aboud ud?" Clutch said as he nearly fell back to the floor.
"Come on Dust. We'd better get him to Lifeline, man."
"She told them about how the two of you are the biggest womanizing pigs she ever knew," Dusty said with a smirk, "and then the two of you go and prove her right."
Rocknroll stifled a chuckle as he said, "She's got you dead to rights, man. You haven't been able to keep from trying to get into the pants of every woman you come into contact with. You'd think you'd have learned after Flint decked you for coming on to Lady Jaye and Jinx threw you into that bookcase that one time."
"Do you gud dink I couldn'd day wid one woban? You dink I'm jud a loud and a no good wobanider?"
"Whoa, Lance chill, man. Were not trying to get under your skin or any thing, were just telling you what it looks like." Rocknroll said defensively
Meanwhile at the infirmary
"Can you believe that sailor, pinching me on the rear while Lifeline was watching?" the nurse code-named Nightingale asked of her co-worker.
"With the way you two hide the fact that you're crazy for each other, yes I can." Her friend answered. "You've got to admit he sure had spunk though."