The Chibi Disease

LOL! MY ... 4TH FICCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooo happy! I hope you all will enjoy this!!! It's about a new disease that turns people into chibis!!! The Bladebreakers first got it and they didn't want it to spread, so they were sent to a private place. ^__^ Who will get the diesease first...? ... How about... ~BEEP~!!!! There I said it!!! Oh, did I just hear you say "WHAT?! But U didn't TELL me!!!" ??? Well, I you didn't hear it, YOU BETTER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^__^ I'm so evil... LET US BEGIN!!!

~*The Start of Chibi Hilary*~

"Yo Hil!!! Feeling Okay?" Hilary snapped her head towards Tyson. " Yeah, don't worry about me." 'Sure I feel fine. I'm just... dizzy.' Hilary thought. "Dude, I don't think she's okay." "Yeah, she seems like she got the flu or somethin' like that." "Well, maybe she's just bored?" Everyone besides Kai took a glance at Hilary. She was sweating like hell and her face paled. "Nope, defiantly sick." " YO HILARY!!!! ARE YA SURE YOU'RE ALRIGHT THERE?!?!?!" "Yeah..." Before Hilary can reply further, she was coughing heavily. Hilary ran to the bathroom and locked the door. The rest of the Bladebreakers ran after her, banging and shouting. "WHAT'S WRONG?!"

There was a high pitched scream that nearly made the Bladebreakers near deaf. The door flung open and there Hilary stood... Only 2 feet shorter, her eyes more shiny and bubbly, and she... WAS A FREAKING CHIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Bladebrakers gasped in horror, not just that Hilary turned into a chibi but the bathroom was covered in blood and Hilary's shirt. " HELLO~!" Chibi Hilary screeched. "Yo, what happened in there?" Kai asked. " I just coughed and coughed and then the red stuff came out. No biggie!" Chibi Hilary answered. Then she took a look at her shirt. " NOOO!!!!!" Chibi Hilary cried. "THAT'S MY NEW SHIRT AND NOW IT'S WET BY THE RED WATER THINGY!!!!" Her voice was so loud and high pitched, the Bladebreakers had to cover their ears. "Okay okay OKAY!!!" Max yelled, silencing Hilary. " We'll buy you a new shirt." Kenny said. " But-" Hilary started but Rei butted in. "Ten times more prettier." Chibi Hilary squealed in delight. " Yay! Shopping! I love shopping! Let's go!"

"Okay, who's going shopping and who's going to inform Mr. D?" Kenny asked. "Um... I'LL TELL MR.DICKINSON!" everyone said. "Er... How about, Kai and Rei go shopping and Max and Tyson and I go tell Mr. Dic-""I'M READYYYY~~!!!!" Chibi Hilary screeched. "Okay okay okay let's go!" Rei and Kai grabbed their jackets and took Hilary to the mall. Meanwhile, Tyson, Max and Kenny called the BBA bus and waited for it to arrive.


Well, I think that went well. If you like it and want me to continue, please review.