Title: Sleeping

Author: Villemo ([email protected]) - dedicated shipper

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Wish I did. This is for entertainment purposes only; no money whatsoever is being earned (and that's the god awful truth ;p) I'm a poor student with no money so there is really no point in suing me.

Hopefully that should cover it.

Summary: Sam thinks about her life, and what might (not) be… S/J (what else!) Post Grace (season 7)

Spoilers: hmm, nope, don't think so, general S/J knowledge (aka: wishful-thinking-knowledge)



Sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night, and the thought of it never 'ever' happening strikes her.
It's not like she goes around thinking about it, she doesn't.
She doesn't spend her days pining for him, cursing fate for putting them in this situation. She truly doesn't.
But sometimes...sometimes she wakes up; from sleep, or from broad daylight; and her heart lurches at the thought of it never happening.
Of him growing tired of her before the Goa'uld grow tired of them.
And she realises that she's put her life on hold; for him.
She's content with being content, but that is truly what she is; merely content.
She's  decided not to be 'happy' until she 'gets him', until she can be with him.
And that's an awful big burden to lay on his shoulder. She realises this. And it scares her.
But then she goes back to sleep…


Reviews are adored!

(c) Villemo 2004