Author's note: THIS, IS MY FINAL CHAPTER! The days of squeezing my brains for ideas is over! (Well, almost-some people here are just insatiable!) However, all is not the end as school starts in this part of the world. Ideas may be rejuvenated at this key period, so in the meanwhile, enjoy.

Also, Rugrats and All Grown Up are properties of Nickelodeon and Klasky-Csupo, while "Wave" is the property of Antonio Carlos Jobim. (So I like Brazilian jazz.) Also, there may be inacurracies in the description of parade formations, which are held...ah, to hell with that.

Rugrats Midlife: Reunion

Chapter Fifteen: Parade Ground

I eyed my left, then my right. Steve Gibbons and Lambert Kanarian were where I wanted them. So were the rest of my men, split into units led by Gibbons and Kanarian respectively. Both men approached me, and as in training, I gave them hand signals, which they relayed to their respective companies. Silence is everything in this thing.

And then the band played Stars and Stripes Forever.

With that as their cue, Gibbons' company faced towards my left, while the one with Kanarian faced right, and at the silent command, marched on to wherever they were faced. Their neatly-pressed dress blues from awhile ago where now blotched with a little perspiration, but at least they know the inspection's over.

When the community leadership and the top brass decided to begin a Public Inspection Day for the Marine Corps Base near the town (where I, in spite of my status as reservist, still get to work in), I was put in charge of preparations for PID ceremonies, due to my ability to organize and stage events, whether they be parades, parties, or fake scenarios for training-I haven't left my directing talents, you know.

Now, as the two companies went their separate ways, I took to the one at the right, with the flag-bearers going to Kanarian's, and at my signal the boys from both turned along the audience bleachers. At my side of the bleachers, was of course, Kimi, waving at me, dressed more casually in a sleeveless pink blouse and jeans, hair let down. I acknowledged her wave with a tipping of my hat and a two-finger right hand salute. The response was immediate as she pointed my location out to Dad, Kira and my daughter Clementine, the latter in my mother-in-law's arms. Clemmie (as I call her) also pointed at my direction, with Kira, also pointing, obviously telling her that fellow in a white cap and blue suit and pants is no other than Daddy. Chuckie, meanwhile, was carrying Mel in his arms, Carl hiding behind him and Madie. Like father, like son. The rest, meanwhile, were on other benches, enjoying the exit.

Soon, both reached the porch of the command barracks building, and so, they turned again, this time facing each other, later coming together as one unit, four rows each, with the company commanders, the flagbearers and myself up front. At my order the units were to face the flagpole in the middle of the parade ground, and saluted as four F-35's performed a fly-by, with red, white and blue condensation streaming from the jetplanes. The crowd was ecstatic in applause. Then came the announcer.

"And there you have it, the proud men and women of the United States Marine Corps' 507th Battalion, under the leadership of Major Thomas Louis Pickles. On behalf of the city government and Decatur MCB, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for attending the Public Inspection Day Opening Ceremonies. Have a nice day, and Semper Fi!" Indeed.

At that cue, the leathernecks turned 180 degrees, Gibbon's company to the right, Kanarian's to the left. They then marched into the building, with the three of us last. I turned to address the maggots.

"Ten hut! At ease, fellas. I want to tell you that it's been a great day for all of us here, but it's only beginning. PID means public inspection, and I expect you Marines treat each other well, because this will reflect on you and many of your families are here. Most, no, all of you I can commend for having shown yourselves fit and patient during the hours and practice, even if it was led by a reserve major like me, and I thank you for that."

"Nothing to it, sir," Kanarian replied. "Once a Marine, no matter where he ends up, always a Marine." The rest joined him in cheering.

"OK, Lt. Kanarian, cut that out, but thanks. And remember, file out the way you came in-orderly and peacefully. Once you reach the flagpole you can go gaga with yourselves, but only until then. I'll be staying for awhile, maybe until 1100 hours. Do I make myself clear, maggots?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" answered the boys. I then walked myself into the cavernous corridors and into a flight of stairs leading to Major General Manfred Patterson's office, where I was told to go after the ceremony.

"You called for me, sir?" I said when I entered, saluting the 51-year-old uniformed man inside.

"Ah, yes, Major Pickles. At ease lad," he replied, and I lowered my hand to my back. He was silent for the meanwhile, pacing back and forth, then spoke again.

"How's your life doing?"

"Splendid, sir. My consultancy service is doing fine, with Gunnery Sergeant Cruz and my wife Kimi being with me in the business. Getting better and worse at the same time, what with fourteen clients every two days, but we manage."

"No outside help yet?"

"My mother-in-law's driver helps in errands, but mostly it's been us who's been running the show for most of the time."


"She's been good to me, which is more than I coud say for myself," and then I laughed. This time I got the general to laugh with me. "No, seriously, life with Kimi has been fulfilling, and the fact we're in this business together means we share dreams. Funny, hunh?" We laughed again.

"Kids? How 'bout 'em?"

"Clemmie's been a good girl for both of us. I could hardly believe it's been more than a year..." Patterson cut me off.

"19 months, to be exact. That's why you're here." He parted the venetian blinds behind his office window, facing the parade grounds. "To be brutally frank with you, Pickles, we've seen that life's been good to you these past year. That's why I'm now offering you three choices." He now faced me in a calm manner. I knew where this was going to."You can either choose to leave your military career for good, to return to active service, or to remain as you are until you're fifty-six. Choose." The room was silent.

Do I resign from the Corps, something I had wished to do earlier, now that life's fine for me? Do I return to active service, and put away my consultancy? Or do I retain the status quo? I've made up my mind, just not the words to go with my decision.

"Uhhm, General, my life has turned for the better, ever since Kimi and I were hitched, and now I have a consultancy up and running, uhmm..." My posture was weakening. "...But I say that this shouldn't end my military career immediately, sir. I favor the status quo, sir." Patterson just smiled.

"Good choice, Major Pickles. I'm sure that'll be a workable compromise. Anyway, I'm stationing you to the 14th Marine Reserve Brigade under the command of Colonel Hastert. Starting next Sunday, 0000 hours PST, you will report to him, not to me, but if things go bad and that unit is activated, it's under my operational control. Keep your ears on the ground for details, capiche?"

"Yes, sir!" I replied, saluting him again.

"By the way, Pickles, why don't you come to the party slated for tomorrow? Try to invite your family, 'kay?"

"Sure thing, sir!" I answered, saluting him yet again.

"Dismissed!" he barked, and then I left his presence.


The sun was sizzling that Saturday morn, but hundreds, if not thousands, didn't mind. Can you imagine how hard it is to find fifteen folks in a sea of that amount of people? For me, it was easy.

Dil was persuading some of the boys from the other battalion in a courtyard to take Pickles Technologies' new invention-the self-destruct tape and accompanying bombproof trashcan. At least one of them worked-by the time I passed by, the trash can's lid leapt a perfect 360 degrees into the air. Fortunately, the explosion was limited to the radius immediate to the trash can-said radius marked by a shallow crater on the ground.

"Umm, so, er, which do you pick?" was all my brother could say. So much for being Dil being CEO of the family company. I left before he could call me by name.

The first thing I noticed when I got out into the parade ground, now filled with interested citizens (read: tourists) was, among them, Phil and Lil, arguing yet again ("Lilian mi hermana, I am telling you I haven't kissed a woman since Delia Muradi in third year high!" "Yeah sure, His Hotliness..."), but then, why should I care? Fred was with his children inside, giving them a guided tour, and looks like Lilian wasn't interested. Meanwhile, I spotted the older DeVilles taking pictures of the place (in particular Betty giving a nutcracker of a grip with one of the Marines in an arm wrestling match, Howard taking pictures) while Malcolm and Susie were talking with Madie about raising children, Melinda and Jamal being close to their respective mothers.

As for my Dad and in-laws, they took refuge in an ice cream cart's umbrella, Carl asking for ice cream. My mother-in-law was fumbling in her purse.

"Heavens, I forgot my wallet in the car," Kira said, then turned to Dad. "How 'bout you, Stu?"

"Forgot mine at home." Both then turned to Chuckie, who was giving them a deadpan glare.

"Fine then! Vanilla, strawberry and mango please, no sprinkles." He turned at them coldly. "Happy?"

"Geez, Charles, he's your son," she reminded him. "I don't think your deceased parents would be happy about this."

And so I went on, until I finally found her. Kimi was waiting in the Cresta, baby inside the passenger seat at the back, the door slightly ajar. She got out of it, obviously expecting me. Besides the sloped-down hair, she looks astonishingly like the gangly twelve-year-old tomboy I've come to know.

"So what took you so long?" she asked me.

"Patterson placed me formally under the reserves," I replied. "Means more time for work, family, and ehem, play." I eyed at her seductively. She just sighed.

"Being the pervert that you are, I know what you mean." She then approached and kissed me. "And being the pervert that I am, I'm happy for that." A moment of silence was broken by convulsive laughing.

"Come, let's go," I said, still gasping from that laugh. I then got into the driver's seat, got out the keys, but before I turned the ignition, I had to wonder.

"Where's Angelica?"

Kimi looked nonplussed. "Still in Montreal with Cal, doing some story about Canadian lifestyles. From what I assume, she's getting along fine, what with her, ahem, flawless Français." We laughed yet again. "The weather's killing me, let's go home!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I replied, and yet another bout of laughter convulsed us before we got going. I opened the radio, and save for Jobim's Wave playing, the Cresta was mostly silent, both ladies, Kimi and Clem, mother and daughter, sleeping.

Solitude. All I ever wanted.

So close your eyes, for that's a lovely way to be

Aware of the things your heart alone was meant to see

The fundamental loneliness goes when two can dream a dream together

You can't deny, don't try to fight the rising sea

Don't fight the moon, the stars above, and don't fight me

The fundamental loneliness goes when two can dream a dream together

When I saw you first the time was half past three,

When your eyes met mine it was eternity...

By now we know the wave is on its way to be

Just catch the wave, don,t be afraid of losing me

The fundamental loneliness goes when two can dream a dream together

The End

P.S: As promised, I will thank the following folks for their reviews:

TK-421 and CrazyLake42: Both of you have been the most, umm, generous in terms of reviews. Esp. TK-421, who I credit with writing two of the finest stories in this site.

Tom greens big toe: One of the first to review this fic, his fics inspired me to write my own. Thanks to you, bud!

Nintendo Maximus:Thanks for the invite, pal, I'm accepted! I'll be visiting once in a while, due to the fact that classes are about to arrive and studies are hard here, but I'll have time.

Digital Damita: There, there. If it makes you feel any better, a C/A fic is in the works.

Mcfische: Thanks for the commendation! I never thought of that as such.

Starlightv: As the babies would say, the firstest! Thanks!

Krimsonkiller: Thanks for the pretzels. (looks at bowl) Rats! No cinnamon? Hell, thanks anyhow. (munches on the treats)

Reggaeshiko-tama: How's Jamaica doing? And I can commend you for your, umm, well-written fics, but I think I'll skip Rugrats No More-too scary for me to handle, sorry.

Among the Roses: Thanks for coming on here! You're not the only one whose computer was on the fritz-mine was on the same level a month ago.

And thanks too to the following folks:

Lil Kimi: Your fics are superb! Never have I seen such drama!

Plasticphoenix: Another inspiration for this fic, though I think he's better than me.

Staredcraft: True Love rocks! I just hope though this is just the beginning.

And finally, to all readers: Thanks for not killing me for making Phil a priest!