I wish I could have changed the way my life went, the path my life chose for me. If I could, I would change it, in a heartbeat no less. It wasn't like I was some depressed, angsty sixteen year old girl. No, I was quite fine mentally...but physically and emotionally is another story.

For as long as I can remember, I'd never been able to see. I remember growing up seeing hazy outlines and faint objects, but that was it. No color, no detail, no nothing. I didn't understand it at first—I'd always that it was normal. I thought everyone saw like I did. But when I was old enough to understand, and my mom told me that I was blind and wouldn't be able to see like other people, ever, I remember being angry. I remember I was eight and I remember not crying, but being angry and locking myself in my room. I didn't eat for days and I refused to go to church. I figured God hated me, why else would I be punished so?

It didn't bother me that I couldn't see. It was normal; I was used to not seeing. I didn't feel handy-capped, I wasn't angry because I was blind. No, I was angry that I was the only one I knew who was blind. I didn't think it was fair. As I got older, however, my immature state of mind went away and I learned to accept the fact that I would never see, and that was that.

I wasn't picked on in school, mainly because I had an older brother who would beat the living shit out of anyone who bothered me. The doctors told me that it was a possibility I could regain my sight back—but they doubted it would happen. It was a one out of a hundred chance. I didn't care though, being blind wasn't so bad. While I wasn't able to see all the beautiful things my sisters and brothers said they could see, I also didn't see all the ugly things in the world, which I felt very grateful for.

I suppose being blind made me appreciate everything growing up. I'd use a cane to get me places, but I never had a Seeing Eye dog. I didn't like the muts—they kind of scared me. So my cane was like my best friend, guiding me everywhere.

So how had my life taken such a horrible path? What had I ever done? I was far from perfect, that was obvious, but how did I end up leaving behind the life I had once so greatly loved and enjoyed, and now on my way to hell. I suppose I was 'framed', that's what my mother had called it. The judge said that it didn't matter that I was blind or not, I was still held guilty for having the gun in my locker, and no matter what I would be punished. I remember hearing my mother cry and my dad yelling and cursing. The judge said there was a vacancy at this Camp GreenLake place, and that I would be sent there. But the funny thing was, I didn't really mind it. I was always up for new things—I didn't care that my 'best friend' had stuffed her suicide weapon in my locker. I didn't care that my mother and father were ashamed of me. I didn't care. I just knew I would be getting away for a while, and that excited me.

Of course, I didn't know I would be spending the next fourteen months in a hellhole.


"We're almost there."

I jerked my head towards the voice that had spoken and nodded. The driver of the old vacant bus had a gruff voice, and after four hours of driving through the hottest place of nothing I had ever known, I was grateful he had finally announced we would be arriving shortly. I was eager to get out of the stuffy bus, it was so incredibly hot. My long hair which my mother had always told me was a dark, rich color was pulled up out of my face. It was hot, and my hair was thick, so keeping it off of my neck was always a plus.

My mind began to wonder after twenty minutes passed since the driver spoke. I began to think of the one thing I often found myself thinking about...I always wondered what I looked like. My mother had told me thousands of times that I was beautiful, but come on, it's my mom. She's supposed to say things like that. But I didn't know what beautiful was. My older sister Kayla once told me that my eyes were like the sounds of water trickling down a stream. My hair was like the smell of hot brownies being made on Christmas morning. I used to laugh at all the things she would tell me—how ridicules I thought it all. But I laughed nonetheless, it always made me feel better.

I began to feel homesick as I thought of the months I would spend away from my family. If I had one thing in this world that kept me going—it was my family. I loved them and missed them and I couldn't imagine a year and two months without them. They were my foundation, my base in life.

Suddenly the bus stopped with a forceful lurch and I went flying into the seat in front of me. I quickly grabbed my cane and held tightly to it. It was like my lifeline, I needed it so very much. I felt around my seat until I reached my bag, then stood up and quickly walked out of the bus. I sooner I got off the bus, the better. The bus driver already kept shooting me odd glances. I heard the guard call for me to come down and follow him, and so I did. I could sense where he was walking and used my cane to help me walk around.

I could hear whispers and felt all eyes bearing down upon me as the guard and I continued to walk to wherever we were going. I knew these people here would at first glance think I was strange, and they would most likely feel uncomfortable. But that didn't bother me, I was used to funny stares and whatnot. After several minutes of walking, I felt the guard stop in front of me and open a door. I used my cane to help me walk through the door and I was greeted with cool air. Ahh, thank you whoever invented air conditioning! They should be made a saint.

I heard someone stand up and he said in a gruff voice,

"Lucy Dodgers."

I turned my head up to my name and grinned. "Yep, that's me."

"Well, Lucy. This is Camp Greenlake. I'm Mr. Sir," the man said. He had a voice that seemed like he needed to clear it, and I heard a spitting noise which made me shiver. Gross! "Let's see...D-Tent. Lovely...What's the cane for kid?"

I felt anger prick at me and sighed. Did he not realize that I was blind? Honestly, the nerve of people these days. But I was never offended by my state, and honestly I really didn't mind.

"I need it to help me walk around," I said. I felt Mr. Sir tense up as realization hit him and on and he cleared his throat.

"Right...er...come here, let me see you're bag," he said. I held out my bag for him and he snatched it away, looked through it, and returned it. "Well follow me; we need to get you some clothes."

I nodded and followed him to wherever he led me next. He stuffed some clothes that smelled disgustingly of soap into my hands, and then left me to another man called Mr. Pendanski. I sighed as Mr. Pendsanski walked me throughout the camp, lecturing me on how he was my counselor and even though I made some mistakes, he still respected me. I really didn't need to hear that shit, I mean, I was here for something I didn't do, but I figured it was just all part of the first day.

Oddly enough, Mr. Pendanski didn't comment on me being blind. After several minutes of walking and talking, we came to a halt and he turned towards me.

"Well here we are, D-Tent," he said fondly. "Let me round up the boys, I'm sure they'll want to meet their new bunk mate."

I arched and eyebrow and my heart stopped. "B-boys?"

Mr. Pendanski chuckled. "Boys! They're a little whacked, but overall I guess they're good kids. 'Cept for that Zero character, never really talks."

I felt like crying. Boys? This was a boy camp? That was one minor detail the judge had seemed to forget...


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Well I haven't written a Holes fic for quite awhile, and I don't know why I got the sudden urge to write one. This idea just came to me. So if I get some feedback, I might continue it, if not, ahh well, what can you do? So review! Man, I haven't written about holes in sooo long.

ZigZag: *sobs* You don't love us anymore!!

Noo, not that's not it. *grins evilly* Well, actually...

Squid: She hates us! Let's get her!

Ahhhhh! *hides under computer desk and bears teeth* I kick, I pinch, I scratch, I lick!!!

Zero: You lick?

Yes! My tongue is my strongest weapon! MWHAHAHA!

Magnet: Eww! She's doing it again.

Doing what?

X-Ray: She's being all weird again...

Armpit: Maybe if we walk away slowly she won't notice...

MWHAHA! I am the ruler of all, bow down to me! MWHAHAHA!!!

ZigZag: ohhh my...