All right my first fic.

Here we go.

Gokan and Kakoroff are three years older than Gohan. Everything that happens on the show still happens with a few changes; these will be explained in other fics. Goku is 25 instead of 22 when the z fighters meet Gohan.

"" is talking.

is speaking through a bond.

' 'are thoughts.

{ } is telepathy

I don't own dbz.

First day of school

"Gohan wake up." Goten was mad his big brother wouldn't wake up to see him before he went to his first day of high school. Then being the little terror he was he came up with a good way to get Gohan up.

"Big brother, Trunks died your hair pink again." That got Gohan up and paying attention. As he ran to the mirror to see what the little spawn of the devil, namely Vegeta, did to the unruly jet black hair he had inherited from his saiyan father, he noticed Goten on the floor laughing so hard he could barely breathe. Gohan realized his little brother had tricked him.

"Goten has anyone ever told you you could give Gokan and Kakoroff a run for their money as the family trouble makers."

"Yep, mommy does all the time." Goten then did the Son family grin as they heard one of the four favorite phrases that all saiyans love to hear.


"BREAKFAST," the two demi-saiyans yelled.

The brothers ran down the stairs to the kitchen and inhaled there food like all saiyans. Gohan looked at the clock and realized he needed to go. He stood and said "bye mom, bye Goten I gotta go." Then he ran out the door like a bat out of heck. While flying to the city, Gohan felt base breeze. He then realized that was the bullet that was fired from the gun of a man who was robbing the bank. Gohan powered up to Super-saiyan and took out the crooks with a single punch.

He looked at his watch and realized he was late. So he leaped into the air, and flew as fast as he could to Orange Star High School. He entered the main building and found the office. There they gave him his timetable, and he went to his first period class. On the way there he ran into a raven-haired girl whom he thought was very pretty.

"Sorry story he said, I'm on my way to my first period class I'm new here." The girl scowled at him and said, "Watch where you are going next time pal, now get out of my way I'm late for class." With that she raced away leaving his stunned demi-saiyan behind her. Gohan found his first period class and walked in.

The teacher, an old man, said, "You must be Gohan." Which will Gohan replied yes, he was. The teacher then directed his next comment to the class, "This year you all lucky, lucky instead of being stuck in the school this year, you get to had three field trips. All of these field trips will prepare you for your life. The first field trip is to the 349 mountain area. Here you will undergo survival training. Next you will go to Capsule Corp. There you'll learn the science of the capsule technology. Finally you go to the planet Jerai, where you'll learn of the alien races. Here your permission slips. Oh I almost forgot to tell you, you'll be in the 349 mountain area for two weeks. Then you'll be at Capital Corp for three and on Jerai for the rest of the year.

That's it for this chapter. Read and review. Later