Title: We
Author: Villemo ([email protected])
Disclaimer: I haven't really mentioned 'anything' that says 'Stargate' in
here, so I can't image how they could sue...but (*sighs*) as you know:
they're not mine. (This 'story' is though!)
Summary: Thoughts of 'the team': "We are like shades of a colour, nuances
of that shade, and then some. But we are one." Please read and review! *big
AN: Inspired by 'The Lost City', IMHO one of the best team episodes in a
long time. No spoilers though.
(Oh, and a sequel to Avio Amakos will 'hopefully' be up soon;)



It's the little things, that makes us who we are, that makes us good
Our small, yet huge differences that makes the picture complete.
We are like shades of a colour, nuances of that shade, and then some.
But we are one.
We make up for each other.
Our weaknesses and strengths combine, and create a sum greater than the
We are there for each other.
If one is weak, three others are strong.
If three looses hope, one brings it back.
We all have our roles in the play, our gifts to contribute.
A part of us leads; a part is our strength; a part is our conscience; a
part is our mind.
All parts are specific, and lead us through danger.
But we keep who we are, as we mould into one.
Because while we are 'we', we are also me. and you. and him. and he.
And this; is the way it was meant to be.

Hope you liked:)