BLEEP! BLEEP! Kagome yawned rolling over and planting a fist into the snooze button of her alarm clock. It shut off and Kagome opened her eyes. She gazed idly at the sunbeams infiltrating her room. Birds chirped back and forth outside the window she didn't remember opening. The curtains, drawn to either side, billowed lazily in the breeze. The smell of oranges, from the tree beside her home, pervaded her room. She breathed in the scent deeply. Kagome slid her feet out from under the covers, fairly touching the soft carpet next to her bed. She stretched, sticking her arms out and then suddenly up. Her stiff joints cracked a bit under the strain.

Standing up and pushing the covers away her feet met with something warm. She looked down finding herself staring at a red and white lump of hanyou. Toying with the idea of Sitting him she instead prodded him with her toe and elicited a small growl. She crouched and prodded him firmly in the back. Inuyasha rolled over and scowled at her. Realizing his predicament he promptly hid his head,

"Lemme sleep." Kagome rolled her eyes and planted her foot in the middle of his back and shoved. He ended up sprawled on his stomach glaring up at her through his bangs.

Kagome's mother yelled up for her to get ready if she was going to school. Kagome stepped over Inuyasha's legs to her dresser pulling out her school uniform. Inuyasha watched rolling over and sitting on his haunches. Kagome ignored him walking into the bathroom. He thought of following briefly before the door slammed shut and locked. He blew his bangs out of his face in annoyance and waited.

About 10 minutes later Kagome walked out of the bathroom, her hair brushed into place, her teeth brushed, and her clean uniform on. Grabbing her pack from beside the door she shoved last night's homework into it. She then glanced at Inuyasha who was now in the window leaning on the frame. Kagome lingered, looking at him as his hair waved gently from the breeze. His face was upturned towards the sun, and his eyes were closed. His dog ears twitched and he turned to look at her, "What?"

"Nothing," Kagome said flashing him a grin and hurrying downstairs. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and sedately made his way through the window. Kagome, reaching the kitchen grabbed a piece of toast, sticking it into her mouth she grabbed a cereal bar and waved to her mom. She gobbled the toast and stepped outside into the sun gnawing on her cereal bar. Inuyasha leaped down from the roof where he was waiting for her. She smiled vaguely at him and skipped off. He jumped into the nearest tree and followed, leaping from bough to bough, branch to branch along the sidewalk. Kagome watched him out of the corner of her eye, soon enough though her three friends skipped up to her.

"Hey Kagome! I take it your arthritis isn't hurting you today?" Asked Eri, ever the leader. Several strands of Kagome's hair sprang up and she gained a large sweat drop,

"Yeah arthritis. Fine." 'Trust Grandpa to come up with something stupid' she thought to herself. Ayume looked fretful but held her silence as did Yuka. Eri nodded satisfied with Kagome's answer and turned towards the high school. The other two followed and Kagome lagged in their wake. Inuyasha's ear twitched, something was upsetting her. Kagome shot a glare into the tree beside Inuyasha and mouthed 'come here,' Inuyasha growled, they needed signs for this sort of thing. He leapt down to her and picked her up.

When Eri turned around to tell Kagome to hurry up but she was gone, all that was there were a few leaves rustling past. She turned completely and stopped hands on her hips. Her friends turned too and they gazed back for a bit. They shrugged and turned back heading off for school, Kagome disappeared too much.

Inuyasha was leaping from tree to tree towards the high school with a very happy Kagome on his back. "Mmm I love this," she whispered snuggling into his shirt. Inuyasha blushed lightly.

"What do you love?" He glanced at her, still running smoothly through the leaves.

"You." She paused and Inuyasha nearly missed the next tree branch, "Carrying me. The cold wind wakes me up and the warm Hanyou keeps me comfy." Kagome smiled gently laying her cheek against the soft, yet textured, cloth Inuyasha wore. The Hanyou in question stopped at the last tree and waited for the few students milling around to not be looking. When they did he jumped down and set Kagome on her feet. She gave him a squeeze and hurried off. Inuyasha jumped back into the tree and watched her make her way though the double doors. The bell rang and most of the students had left, then someone yelled.

"Look! There's a boy in that tree!"

"Looks more like a girl to me."

"Shut up, We gotta get whatever it is down before they get detention!" Inuyasha blinked and watched as a pair of boys made toward his tree. He rolled his eyes and started to dart away when he was struck by an idea. He climbed down the 'human' way and dropped onto the ground on two legs. Unused to this his legs tried to buckle on him but he stood firmly.

"Wow," one of the boys said adjusting his thick glasses. He had black hair and If you looked at the right angle you could tell he had brown eyes. The other boy snorted and pushed a few strands of his own chestnut brown with golden highlighted hair, back away from his face.

"I coulda done it. If I wanted to." He said flashing a grin which reached his ice blue eyes and made them sparkle. Inuyasha snorted, he didn't think an average human could climb down that tree without claws. The second boy put out a hand, "Name's Kirihara Himoshi, and four eyes is Nobunaga Tsu." Inuyasha stared at the hand before looking up with a grin.

"I'm Inuyasha."

Next Chapter: Inuyasha's at school, sounds boring eh? Who are these boys and why haven't they noticed Inuyasha's ears? Someone's a Nobunaga? And how does Inuyasha know English? These answers and more answered next time on "____"! (Ugh I need to get a title)